Ierapetra, Crete    4-6 June 2008

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Conference Program: PDF format
 RadioNet Science Workshop
The Central Kiloparsec:
Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Hosts

4. June
SESSION 1: A synthetic picture of active galactic nuclei  Chair: 
09:00 - 09:10
Opening remarks
09:10 - 09:50 Julian Krolik Central regions in AGN
09:50 - 10:30 Thierry Courvoisier A synthetic picture of AGN
10:30 - 10:50 Sara Buttiglione A spectroscopic study of the 3CR sample of radio galaxies
10:50 - 11:10 Tigran Arshakian Jet-BLR connection in 3C390.3
11:10 - 11:30
Coffee break

SESSION 2: Vicinity of supermassive black holes  Chair: 
11:30 - 12:10 Max Camenzind Vicinity of SMBH
12:10 - 12:30 Mohammad Zamaninasab NIR and X-ray flare emission from Sgr A*
12:30 - 12:50 Markos Georganopoulos How close to the black hole does most of the jet energy dissipation  happens?
12:50 - 13:10 Andrei Lobanov Vicinity of SMBH probed by high-resolution radio observations
13:10 - 14:30

SESSION 3: Accretion: disks and inflows  Chair: 
14:30 - 15:10 Andrew King Accretion disks in AGN
15:10 - 15:30 Ladislav Subr SMBH feeding and star formation in massive accretion disks.
15:30 - 15:50 Isabelle Gavignaud Eddington ratios of faint AGN at intermediate redshift…
15:50 - 16:10 Almudena Prieto The  central few  parsecs region  of AGN in the IR
16:10 - 16:40
Coffee break

SESSION 4: Stars and gas in the nuclear region  Chair: 
16:40 - 17:20 Hagai Netzer Gas, dust and starburst in the central kpc
17:20 - 17:40 Martin Gaskell Dust and gas in the inner regions of AGN
17:40 - 18:00 Christian Struve Centaurus A: Neutral Hydrogen close to the nucleus
18:00 - 18:20 Hagai Perets The origin and dynamical evolution of the young stars in the central of the Galaxy
5. June
SESSION 5: Disk-outflow connection and molecular dusty torus
09:00 - 09:40 Moshe Elitzur Disk-outflow connection and molecular dusty torus
09:40 - 10:00 Marc Schartmann Turbulent AGN tori
10:00 - 10:20 Frank Israel Physical conditions of central molecular gas concentrations
10:20 - 10:40 Catherine Buchanan Unveiling the nature of Seyfert galaxies with 1-100 micron SED
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break

SESSION 6: Relativistic jets and the nuclear region  Chair: A. Lobanov
11:10 - 11:50 Nektarios Vlahakis Relativistic jets and nuclear regions
11:50 - 12:10 Yuri Kovalev Physics of central several parsecs in the quasar 0850+581
12:10 - 12:30 Iván Agudo Jet in 3C120
12:30 - 12:50 Martin Krause Jets and multi-phase turbulence
12:50 - 14:30

SESSION 7: AGN feedback  Chair: 
14:30 - 15:10 Fabrizio Nicastro AGN feedback
15:10 - 15:30 Koulouridis Elias The local environment of low-z Seyfert and BIRG galaxies
15:30 - 15:50 Paramita Barai Anisotropic AGN Outflows Filling The Cosmological Volume
15:50 - 16:10 Masatoshi Imanishi Luminous buried AGNs in luminous IR galaxies and the origin of galaxy downsizing

Social event (tbd.)

Conference dinner
6. June
SESSION 8: Sub-relativistic outflows and extended regions  Chair: 
09:00 - 09:40 Clive Tadhunter Sub-relativistic outflows in AGN
09:40 - 10:00 David Axon Winds and disks - a new understanding from spectropolatimetry
10:00 - 10:20 David Rosario Radio-jet driven outflows in Seyfert galaxies
10:20 - 10:40 Francisco Montenegro-Montes Compact radio-loud broad absroption line quasars
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break

SESSION 9: SMBH and their galactic hosts  Chair: 
11:10 - 11:50 Marta Volonteri SMBH and their galactic hosts
11:50 - 12:10 Dan Batcheldor The Mbh-sigma project
12:10 - 12:30 Alessandro Marconi Estimating BH masses from 0 to high redshift 
12:30 - 12:50 Nicola Bennert Fueling QSOs: The relevance of mergers
12:50 - 14:30

SESSION 10: Binary supermassive black holes in AGN  Chair: 
14:30 - 15:10 David Merritt Binary black holes in galactic nuclei
15:10 - 15:30 Stelios Kazantzidis Formation of SMBH binaris in hydrodynamical galaxy mergers
15:30 - 15:50 Lucio Mayer Orbital decay of SMBH in dissipational minor and major mergers
15:50 - 16:10 Massimo Dotti Dynamical evolution of binary black holes
16:10 - 16:40
Coffee break

SESSION 11: Co-evolution of SMBH and AGN  Chair: 
16:40 - 17:20 Andrea Merloni Co-evolution of SMBH and AGN
17:20 - 17:40 Alejo Martinez-Sansigre Using SMGs to test the unified scheme for high-redshift quasars
17:40 - 18:00 Andreas Schulze The mass function of local active black holes
18:00 - 18:20 Giuseppe Lodato Formation and evolution of massive black hole seeds at high redshift
18:20 - 18:40 Thierry Courvoisier Conference Summary

Poster Session  Presenting Author Title
No.   No.    

1 Mercedes Filho Interferometric imaging of nearby AGN
1 Cristina Ramos Almeida Spectral Energy Distributions of a Hard X-ray Selected AGN Sample in the Extended
1 Emmanouil Angelakis Radio spectra of Intermidiate luminosity broad line radio galaxies
3 Serhij Silich The impact of young stellar clusters on spherically-symmetric accretion flows
4 Dragana Ilic The Broad Line Region in Mrk 668 and NGC 4151: An Outflow Model
4 Stefan Harfst Stars in the Central Parsec
4 Stephen Curran Where is Cold Neutral Gas in the Hosts of High Redshift AGN?
4 Natasha Maddox Investigating Broad Absorption Line Quasars with SDSS and UKIDSS
4 Carlos Rodriguez-Rico H53alpha line observations of the SSC in NGC5253
5 Konrad Tristram Resolving the dusty cores of nearby AGN with mid infrared interferometry
6 Jonathan Leon-Tavares Radio-optical Study of Double-Peaked AGNs. I. 3C 390.3
6 Manuel Perucho Pla The origin of a major flare/ejection in a broad-line radio galaxy
6 Alexander Pushkarev Testing adiabatic expansion of shocks in parsec-scale jets…
6 Mar Roca-Sogorb Helical magnetic field effects in relativistic jets
7 Jose Ramirez Physics and kinematics of the X-ray absorber in the BAL QSO APM 08279+5255
7 César Caretta Galaxy Activity Influenced by the Environment in the Cluster of Galaxies A85
8 Andrea Ruff Quasar wind models
8 Bernd Husemann Integral field spectroscopy of low-z quasars and Seyfert galaxies
9 Yannick Letawe Understanding the relations between QSOs and their host galaxies…
9 Nina Nowak Supermassive black holes in low-mass bulges and pseudobulges
9 Seungyoup Chi AGNs and starbursts in the HDF-N and HFF : deep, global VLBI observations
9 Francesca Panessa The X-ray and radio connection in nearby Seyfert galaxies
9 Angela Bongiorno Type II AGN in the zCOSMOS sample
9 David Floyd Probing the emission region with anomalous flux QSO's.
9 Jong-Hak Woo Cosmic evolution of black holes and spheroids in the last 6 billion years
9 Silvia Tommasin Seyfert Galaxies in the Local Universe
10 Dharam Vir Lal Nature of X-shaped sources
10 Simone Callegari Pairing of SMBH in unequal mass mergers
10 Andrei Lobanov Nuclear activity driven by binary SMBH
11 Deborah Dultzin Activity Induced by interaction in mixed morphology  (E+S) pairs

Frederico Marulli
Modelling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies


Lars Fuhrmann
GAMMA: GLAST AGN Multi-frequency Monitoring Alliance