Reports to the TOG – Metsähovi, June 21st 2010

  1. Hartebeesthoek Station Report

  2. Medicina Station Report

  3. Westerbork Station Report

  4. Yebes Station Report

  5. Wettzell Station Report

  6. Onsala Station Report

  7. Robledo Station Report

  8. Link to the EVN disk inventory

  9. Effelsberg Station Report

  10. EVN Correlator Report

  11. Noto Station Report

  12. Jodrell Bank Station Report

  13. MPIfR Correlator Report

  14. Jodrell Bank Station Report-2

  15. Ampcal S3/09 Report

  16. Reliability S3/09 Report

  17. DBBC Report

  18. Torun Station Report

  19. Metsähovi Station Report

      Missing reports:

  1. Urumqi Station Report

  2. Seshan Station Report

  3. Arecibo Station Report

Presentations given at the TOG meeting

(see: )