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Millimeter & Submillimeter Astronomy Group at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie

APEX Fact Sheets

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Fact sheets describing APEX and related science are listed below. For further questions you may wish to refer to the APEX home page.


Find out about the basic specifications of APEX and why we take the trouble to observe in the submillimeter windows.

Site and Telescope

Constructing and erecting one of the most precisely manufactured radio telescopes on Earth is far from being easy. Not to mention running the telescope at a site with an altitude of 5000 meters.


A telescope is only as good as its receivers. The APEX consortium are constructing an impressive suite of instruments to exploit all the telescopes possibilities.

First scientific Results

The first few days of scientific observations already yielded new insights in several fields of astronomy. However, these results only give a flavour of what is still to come.

Future scientific Projects:

Several large-scale projects of several hundred hours of observing time will be carried out using APEX. They all have the potential to significantly improve our understanding of the Universe.

01 August 2005