cooled and uncooled receiver frontends up to 96 GHz for the Effelsberg 100m-telescope

(21cm receiver)

receiver box

All primary focus receivers are mounted into standardized receiver boxes.
This allows for a fast change to other receivers in the primary focus cabin of the Effelsberg 100m-telescope.


(3mm Receiver)

9 mm secondary focus receiver

The second module of the 9mm secondary focus receiver is specified as correlation receiver. Individual circular extractions are combined as follows:

  • LHC Beam 4 with RHC Beam 6
  • RHC Beam 6 with LHC Beam 5
  • RHC Beam 5 with RHC Beam 4

The signals are multiplied phase dependent over three independent mixer and amplifier setups.

Beam distances:
  • Horn1 ⇔ Horn2: 486,3 mm
  • Horn2 ⇔ Horn3: 225,1 mm

Beam angles:
  • Beam1: λ = 1,04°
  • Beam2: λ = 0°
  • Beam3: λ = 0,48° flexible; Δλ = 0,5°



The refrigerator is used to cool down radioastronomical receivers.
It is a multi-staged unit which can achieve a temperature of about 15 Kelvin (-258°C).

(picture of the 5cm receiver)

(waveguide setup of the
9mm receiver's correlation module)