Star and planet formation in massive young clusters
Popular Physics
Presentations to the General Public
May 2013 |
DLR Astro Colloquium |
April 2013 |
Sternwarte Recklinghausen |
October 2012 |
Teacher Training Initiative of the University Cologne |
3. Februar 2010 |
Kosmisches Seminar der Verbände der VDI und VDE (Bonn) |
10. Mai 2010 |
Förderverein für das Gasthörer- und Seniorenstudium (Uni Köln) |
Public Outreach/Media
June 2013 |
Article in „Inside“, Magazine of the Gauß Center of Supercomputing |
January 2013 |
Article in „Intern“, Magazin of the Research Center Jülich |
September 2012 |
Scientific American 09/2012: Double stars
succumb to fatal attraction |
September 2012 |
Nature News 09/2012: Double stars succumb to fatal
attraction |
June 2012 |
Der Ursprung der Sonne, Lead article in „Sterne und Weltraum“ |
March 2012 |
Radio 2 Slovenia 03/2012, Interview about „Early history of the solar system“ |
Press Releases
Didaktisches Material
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