A star-disc encounter
The close fly-by of a star induces mass and angular momentum loss in protoplanetary discs. This is shown here for the case of a 1 M⊙ star surrounded by a 100 AU disc encountered by another star with 1 M⊙ and an encounter periastron of 100 AU.
Simulation of a star cluster
Young stellar clusters are highly dynamical systems. We model this dynamics for massive clusters like the ONC but as well very dense clusters like the Arches cluster. Here a model of the dynamics of an ONC like cluster is shown.
Effect of encounters in cluster on mass of protoplanetary disc
We combine our knowledge of the cluster dynamics with that of the effect of encounters to determine the fate of discs in star clusters. This movie shows two characteristic situations - disc destruction and binary dynamics.
In the centre of the movie on the right, two stars are orbiting each other. Later, another smaller star approaches and removes disc material from one of the stars, shown by a size and color change of the disc.
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Another movie showing the effect of encounters on the masses of the protoplanetary discs (here denoted by color: yellow stars have full discs, blue ones have lost their discs) in an ONC-like star cluster simulated with nbody6++. The size of the stars shows the stellar masses.
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This movie shows the development of volumes with specific properties as shown in the legend in a cluster. The data are obtained with above described method. The x-axis is scaled in pc.
Form cluster converting gas to stars
In collaboration with Genevieve Parmentier a simple analytical model was developed that describes the star formation of massive clusters based on the approach of a density-dependent star formation efficiency.
This movie shows the temporal development of the stellar density and gas density within the clusters. It was assumed that the gas clump had an initial mass of 10 000 M⊙ and extended over 6 pc.