
This test investigates the dependency of the reconstruction error on the spectra of the target and calibrator. For this test, the PSFs are generated using several (10) monochromatic PSFs. For the target and calbrator a linear spectrum was assumed. The simple case of a constant target and calibrator spectrum was used as a comparison to the monochromatic case (see section Dependency on the strehl deviation). In addition, a very red target (0.5 mag brighter in the red) and a few slightly red calibrators (0.1 mag and 0.2 mag brighter in the red) were used.

The setup of the simulation is described in table 1. The input data for the test uses a strehl value of 0.30 for target and calibrator. The psf star has a magnitude of 14. In addition, the target and psf star PSF are generated by using 10 monochromatic PSFs.

The multi-monochromatic PSFs are created by generating a monochromatic OPD screen for the shortest wavelength λ0. The OPD values are rescaled for a given wavelength λ (we used 10 discrete wavelength to sample a spectral band) by λ0/λ. The result was put into an array which was enlarged by λ/λ0. A PSF for a specific wavelength was then calculated by |FFT-1|2, weighted by the spectral intensity and all summed up to the final multi-monochromatic PSF.

Atmosphere/AOThe AO delivers a strehl of about 30 percent for the target and the psf star. The psfs are separately simulated and therefore not equal!
SpectraThe target and calibrator show a linear spectra which was sampled at 10 equally spaced wavelength over the J-Band (1.1 - 1.3 μm) and K-Band (2.0 - 2.4 μm). The spectrum of the target was 0.0 or 0.5 mag brighter in the red and for the calibrator, a spectra 0.0, 0.1, and 0.2 mag brighter in the red was used.
ObservationThe observation target is NGC4151 with an overlayed dust tori (simulated) at 10.1mag integral brightness. The brightness of the psf-star is set to 14mag. For each position angle (108, 144, 180, 216, 252 degree) an image equivalent to 60s exposure time was created. The central wavelength was 1.2 micron (whole J-Band) and 2.2 micron (whole K-band).
Table 1: Setup for the simulation in J-Band and K-Band, for the common test setup see table 1.

The raw data were generated according to the common scheme described in section Overview. In addition, the target and psf star PSF are generated by using 10 monochromatic PSFs.

All simulated input data for the LN DRS pipeline are available as a tar-file (ex6_j_input.tar.gz (3.9MB) and ex6_k_input.tar.gz (4.3MB)). The corresponding results are also available as tar files (ex6_j_results.tar.gz (552KB) and ex6_k_results.tar.gz (546KB)).

The generated calibrator raw images are shown in section Calibrator. The raw images and deconvolution results are shown in section Raw Frames and Results for an AGN for the AGN and section Raw Frames and Results for a Star Cluster for the star cluster.


The simulated raw LBT interferograms used for the deconvolution are ideal images, they are not influenced by detector effects like different pixel gain or bad pixels. In figure 1 the raw calibrator for different spectra are shown.

J-Band, calibrator, constant spectrumJ-Band, calibrator, 0.1 mag brighter in the redJ-Band, calibrator, 0.2 mag brighter in the red
K-Band, calibrator, constant spectrumK-Band, calibrator, 0.1 mag brighter in the redK-Band, calibrator, 0.2 mag brighter in the red
Figure 1: Central 128x128 pixels of the generated J-Band (top row) and K-Band (bottom row) images of a calibrator with constant spectrum (left column), 0.1 mag brighter in the red (middle column), and 0.2 mag brighter in the red (right column).

Raw Frames and Results for an AGN

The basis of the simulation is an image of NGC4151 with an overlayed dust torus (see figure 1. The simulated raw images for a position angle of 108 degree are shown in figure 2.

J-Band raw image, constant spectraJ-Band raw image, 0.5 mag brighter in the red
K-Band raw image, constant spectraK-Band raw image, 0.5 mag brighter in the red
Figure 2: The simulated J-Band (top row) ad K-Band (bottom row) raw images for a position angle of 108 degree of NGC4151 at 10.1mag including sky background. In the left column, a constant spectrum was used, in the right panel, the target was 0.5 mag brighter in the red.

A comparison of the reconstructions depending on the spectra is presented in figure 3 (J-Band) in figure 4 (K-Band).

NGC4151, J-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumNGC4151, J-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumNGC4151, J-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the redNGC4151, J-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red
NGC4151, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redNGC4151, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
NGC4151, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redNGC4151, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
Figure 3: NGC4151: In the first row, the coadded raw J-Band images are shown. For the reconstructions in the second row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used and for the third row the Building-Block method was used. the target in the first two columns shows a constant spectrum, whereas for the last two columns, the target is 0.5 mag brighter in the red. In the first and third column, the calibrator shows a constant spectrum and in the second and fourth column, the calibrator is 0.2 mag brighter in the red.
NGC4151, K-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumNGC4151, K-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumNGC4151, K-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the redNGC4151, K-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red
NGC4151, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redNGC4151, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
NGC4151, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redNGC4151, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumNGC4151, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
Figure 4: NGC4151: In the first row, the coadded raw K-Band images are shown. For the reconstructions in the second row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used and for the third row the Building-Block method was used. the target in the first two columns shows a constant spectrum, whereas for the last two columns, the target is 0.5 mag brighter in the red. In the first and third column, the calibrator shows a constant spectrum and in the second and fourth column, the calibrator is 0.2 mag brighter in the red.

In figure 5 the image error describing the difference between the reconstruction and the reference image is shown for each iteration (in steps of 100 iterations). The effect of the target and calibrator spectrum on the reconstruction error and the optimal iteration number is clearly visible.

Richardson-Lucy reconstruction error (J-Band)Richardson-Lucy reconstruction error (K-Band)
Building-Block reconstruction error (J-Band)Building-Block reconstruction error (K-Band)
Figure 5: Reconstruction error depending on the iteration number for the J-Band (left side) and K-Band (right side). For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.

In figure 6 (J-Band) and figure 7 (K-Band) a horizontal cut slightly above the intensity maximum of the reconstructions of NHC4151 compared with the ideal reference image is shown.

Richardson-Lucy: Profile through the reconstructed galaxy (J-Band)Richardson-Lucy: Central part of the profile through the reconstructed galaxy (J-Band)
Building-Block: Profile through the reconstructed galaxy (J-Band)Building-Block: Central part of the profile through the reconstructed galaxy (J-Band)
Figure 6: Horizontal profile through the center of the reconstructed galaxy compared to the ideal image (J-Band). On the right side only the central part is shown. For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.
Richardson-Lucy: Profile through the reconstructed galaxy (K-Band)Richardson-Lucy: Central part of the profile through the reconstructed galaxy (K-Band)
Building-Block: Profile through the reconstructed galaxy (K-Band)Building-Block: Central part of the profile through the reconstructed galaxy (K-Band)
Figure 7: Horizontal profile through the center of the reconstructed galaxy compared to the ideal image (K-Band). On the right side only the central part is shown. For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.

In table 2 (J-Band) and table 3 (K-Band) the errors for the star cluster depending on the target and calibrator spectrum are presented.

Spectrum (T)Spectrum (C)Image ErrorImage Error
0.0 0.00.0 0.00.014 (0.014)0.007 (0.007)
0.0 0.00.0 0.10.012 (0.012)0.008 (0.008)
0.0 0.00.0 0.20.013 (0.013)0.012 (0.012)
0.0 0.50.0 0.00.023 (0.023)0.019 (0.019)
0.0 0.50.0 0.10.020 (0.020)0.015 (0.015)
0.0 0.50.0 0.20.015 (0.015)0.010 (0.010)
Table 2: AGN: Errors depending on the target and calibrator spectrum (J-Band).
Spectrum (T)Spectrum (C)Image ErrorImage Error
0.0 0.00.0 0.00.021 (0.021)0.016 (0.016)
0.0 0.00.0 0.10.017 (0.017)0.014 (0.014)
0.0 0.00.0 0.20.023 (0.023)0.022 (0.022)
0.0 0.50.0 0.00.035 (0.035)0.027 (0.027)
0.0 0.50.0 0.10.030 (0.030)0.022 (0.022)
0.0 0.50.0 0.20.023 (0.023)0.014 (0.014)
Table 3: AGN: Errors depending on the target and calibrator spectrum (K-Band).

Raw Frames and Results for a Star Cluster

The basis of the simulation is an image of a starcluster (see figure 2. The simulated raw images for a position angle of 108 degree are shown in figure 2.

J-Band raw image, constant spectraJ-Band raw image, 0.5 mag brighter in the red
K-Band raw image, constant spectraK-Band raw image, 0.5 mag brighter in the red
Figure 8: The simulated J-Band (top row) ad K-Band (bottom row) raw images for a position angle of 108 degree of a starcluster at 10.1mag including sky background. In the left column, a constant spectrum was used, in the right panel, the target was 0.5 mag brighter in the red.

A comparison of the reconstructions depending on the spectra is presented in figure 9 (J-Band) in figure 10 (K-Band).

Star cluster, J-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumStar cluster, J-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumStar cluster, J-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the redStar cluster, J-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red
Star cluster, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redStar cluster, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, J-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
Star cluster, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redStar cluster, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, J-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
Figure 9: Star cluster: In the first row, the coadded raw J-Band images are shown. For the reconstructions in the second row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used and for the third row the Building-Block method was used. the target in the first two columns shows a constant spectrum, whereas for the last two columns, the target is 0.5 mag brighter in the red. In the first and third column, the calibrator shows a constant spectrum and in the second and fourth column, the calibrator is 0.2 mag brighter in the red.
Star cluster, K-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumStar cluster, K-Band coadded raw image, constant target spectrumStar cluster, K-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the redStar cluster, K-Band coadded raw image, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red
Star cluster, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redStar cluster, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, K-Band Richardson-Lucy reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
Star cluster, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the redStar cluster, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrumStar cluster, K-Band Building-Block reconstruction, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red
Figure 10: Star cluster: In the first row, the coadded raw K-Band images are shown. For the reconstructions in the second row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used and for the third row the Building-Block method was used. the target in the first two columns shows a constant spectrum, whereas for the last two columns, the target is 0.5 mag brighter in the red. In the first and third column, the calibrator shows a constant spectrum and in the second and fourth column, the calibrator is 0.2 mag brighter in the red.

In figure 11 the image error describing the difference between the reconstruction and the reference image is shown for each iteration (in steps of 100 iterations). The effect of the target and calibrator spectrum on the reconstruction error and the optimal iteration number is clearly visible.

Richardson-Lucy reconstruction error (J-Band)Richardson-Lucy reconstruction error (K-Band)
Building-Block reconstruction error (J-Band)Building-Block reconstruction error (K-Band)
Figure 11: Reconstruction error depending on the iteration number for the J-Band (left side) and K-Band (right side). For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.

In the figures figure 12, figure 13, figure 14, and figure 15 the image and photometric errors depending on the spectra and the iteration number is shown.

Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrum)Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrum)
Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrum)Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, constant target spectrum, constant calibrator spectrum)
Figure 12: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number in the J-Band (left side) and K-Band (right side). Target and calibrator have a constant spectrum. For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.
Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)
Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, constant target spectrum, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)
Figure 13: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number in the J-Band (left side) and K-Band (right side). The Target has a constant spectrum and the calibrator is 0.2 mag brighter in the red. For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.
Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrum)Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrum)
Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrum)Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, constant calibrator spectrum)
Figure 14: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number in the J-Band (left side) and K-Band (right side). The target is 0.5 mag brighter in the red and the calibrator has a constant spectrum. For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.
Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)Richardson-Lucy: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)
Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (J-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)Building-Block: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number (K-Band, target 0.5 mag brighter in the red, calibrator 0.2 mag brighter in the red)
Figure 15: Image and photometric errors depending on the iteration number in the J-Band (left side) and K-Band (right side). The Target is 0.5 mag brighter in the red and the calibrator is 0.2 mag brighter in the red. For the first row, the Richardson-Lucy algorithm was used for the reconstruction. In the second row, the Building-Block method was used.

In table 4 (J-Band) and table 5 (K-Band) the errors for the star cluster depending on the target and calibrator spectrum are presented.

Spectrum (T)Spectrum (C)Image ErrorMagnitude ErrorPosition ErrorImage ErrorMagnitude ErrorPosition Error
0.0 0.00.0 0.00.019 (0.019)0.02, 0.01, -0.00, 0.06, 0.130.01, 0.01, 0.13, 0.07, 0.530.014 (0.014)0.01, 0.00, 0.04, 0.09, 0.340.00, 0.01, 0.05, 0.03, 0.17
0.0 0.00.0 0.10.015 (0.015)0.02, 0.01, 0.00, 0.06, 0.160.01, 0.00, 0.09, 0.06, 0.590.012 (0.012)0.01, 0.00, 0.05, 0.12, 0.440.00, 0.00, 0.04, 0.01, 0.15
0.0 0.00.0 0.20.013 (0.013)0.01, 0.00, 0.02, 0.07, 0.170.01, 0.00, 0.03, 0.04, 0.550.014 (0.014)0.01, -0.00, 0.14, 0.22, 0.880.00, 0.00, 0.07, 0.01, 0.11
0.0 0.50.0 0.00.032 (0.032)0.02, 0.01, -0.03, 0.10, 0.090.01, 0.01, 0.04, 0.33, 0.370.026 (0.026)0.01, 0.01, -0.00, 0.15, 0.300.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.22, 0.17
0.0 0.50.0 0.10.027 (0.027)0.02, 0.01, -0.03, 0.11, 0.120.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.31, 0.280.022 (0.022)0.01, 0.01, -0.00, 0.16, 0.350.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.19, 0.09
0.0 0.50.0 0.20.018 (0.018)0.01, 0.00, -0.02, 0.12, 0.150.01, 0.01, 0.06, 0.28, 0.230.014 (0.014)0.01, 0.00, 0.05, 0.25, 0.560.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.06, 0.06
Table 4: Star cluster: Errors depending on the target and calibrator spectrum (J-Band).
Spectrum (T)Spectrum (C)Image ErrorMagnitude ErrorPosition ErrorImage ErrorMagnitude ErrorPosition Error
0.0 0.00.0 0.00.050 (0.050)0.03, -0.02, 0.43, 0.46, 1.880.05, 0.03, 1.19, 1.62, 0.500.038 (0.038)0.04, -0.02, 0.47, 0.56, 1.880.03, 0.03, 1.00, 1.54, 0.33
0.0 0.00.0 0.10.048 (0.048)0.03, -0.02, 0.37, 0.47, 1.970.04, 0.03, 1.17, 1.56, 0.120.035 (0.035)0.04, -0.02, 0.41, 0.57, 1.900.01, 0.03, 1.00, 1.43, 0.45
0.0 0.00.0 0.20.047 (0.047)0.03, -0.03, 0.42, 0.53, 2.070.04, 0.03, 1.37, 1.60, 0.410.037 (0.037)0.03, -0.03, 0.49, 0.69, 1.910.01, 0.03, 1.15, 1.46, 0.44
0.0 0.50.0 0.00.073 (0.073)0.03, 0.05, 0.64, 0.15, 1.140.05, 0.05, 2.14, 1.04, 2.300.061 (0.061)0.04, 0.06, 0.72, 0.21, 1.220.03, 0.05, 2.08, 0.99, 2.35
0.0 0.50.0 0.10.072 (0.072)0.03, 0.05, 0.60, 0.16, 1.050.06, 0.06, 1.97, 1.02, 2.360.059 (0.059)0.04, 0.05, 0.67, 0.22, 1.190.04, 0.06, 1.87, 0.98, 2.79
0.0 0.50.0 0.20.064 (0.064)0.02, 0.03, 0.63, 0.18, 1.310.05, 0.07, 1.79, 1.04, 1.940.050 (0.049)0.03, 0.04, 0.70, 0.24, 1.390.03, 0.06, 1.68, 0.98, 2.09
Table 5: Star cluster: Errors depending on the target and calibrator spectrum (K-Band).