3. Scientific
Stellar Coronae
Physical mechanisms of
the radio continuum emission from
Theory of the
very-long-baseline-radio-interferometry data
"Steady Jets and Transient Jets"
Personal record
Name: Maria Massi
Nationality: Italian
Marital status: Married, 2 Children
in Physics
University of Rome, Italy.
D. in Astronomy
University of Bonn, Germany.
Dozentin (Habilitation) in Astronomy University of
2001 - date
Teacher at the University of Bonn. Course I : Astrophysics of
Microquasars. Course II : Stellar Coronae
- date Researcher at the Max Planck Institut
Radioastronomie (MPIfR , Bonn, Germany)
JIVE Support Scientist (Joint Institut for VLBI in Europe, Dwingeloo,
The Netherlands) at the MPIfR
Researcher at the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri
(Florence, Italy)
CNR Fellowship (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) at the
MPIfR, Bonn
NATO Fellowship, University of Washington (Seattle,USA)
- Member
of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the Conference "Radio emission from
the Stars and the Sun." (Barcelona, 1995).
Member of the Technical and
Operations Group (TOG) for
the European VLBI Network (EVN): subgroup Operations(1998-1999).
Proposed for the"Marie
Curie Excellence Award" 2003-2004
of the European Union from Prof. G. Tofani (Director of the
di Radio Astronomia, Bologna) and Prof. K. Menten (Director at
Max-Planck-Institut für
Radioastronomie, Bonn).
- Chair of the Scientific
Organizing Committee for the
Conference "Coronae of Stars and Accretion Disks" (Bonn, 2006).
Microquasars are stellar binaries, where a
collapsed object (black hole or neutron star) accretes material from a
normal star. As compared with a quasar (with black holes up to
10^9 solar masses) the microquasar's
black hole (of a few solar masses) is surrounded by a smaller (of 9
order of magnitude) accretion disk and produces a smaller jet,
yet relativistic. Several phenomena relative to the accretion
process in quasars, occur as well in a microquasar, but at much shorter
time scale (hours/days instead of years).
That explains the big interest attributed recently to these objects.
The microquasars are a selected
class of the X-ray binaries.That are systems well
known since the 1960s: the X-ray emission originates from the
very hot accretion disk surrounding the compact object.
However, it took a long time to discover that some of these
systems also have relativistic radio jets. For several
years, after its discovery on 1979, SS 433 with its
spectacular jets was thought to be a unique case.
After the discovery of a second source ( Cyg X-3)
several groups (including us) in the 1990s started to search for new
X-ray binaries with radio emitting jets.
LS I +61
Fig. 1
LS I +61303 is one of the most observed
binary systems because, peculiarly, it has periodical radio
and X-ray emission together with strong, variable gamma-ray
The binary stellar system has an orbital period of 26.496 days and a
rather eccentric orbit
(e=0.7). The visible
companion is an early type, rapidly rotating B0Ve
star. Be stars have a dense and slow disk-like wind with a wind
density distribution following a power law. Through this dense,
structured and variable envelope the compact object (black dot on
the orbit in Fig. 1)
travels and
The accretion rate in an eccentric orbit has two peaks: One
corresponds to the periastron passage because of the highest density;
the second peak occurs around apastron where the drop in
the relative velocity of the compact object compensates the
decrease in density. For supercritical accretion, theory predicts
matter be ejected outwards in two jets perpendicular to the
accretion disk plane. However, near periastron the ejected
relativistic electrons are embedded in such a strong UV-radiation
field that they loose completely their energy by inverse
Compton process (gamma-ray emission is observed but
no radio emission). During the second accretion peak, the compact
object is much farther away from the Be star and both, inverse
Compton losses and wind opacity, are lower: The electrons can propagate
out of the orbital plane and radio outbursts are
observed.The radio emission has been resolved with VLBI, EVN and MERLIN
observations and in agreement with the theoretical predictions the
image shows bipolar jets emerging from a central core (see
articles 18,21,24,27,32,36,37,39; conf. proc.
LS 5039
Most of the known microquasars were discovered after a noticeable X-ray outburst (observed by satellites) that triggered the detection of the radio-jet with ground based telescopes. Our procedure, led by Paredes of the University of Barcelona,was different. We performed high resolution radio observations (VLBA) of a selected sample of sources determined by a systematic cross-correlation between public archives of data in the X-ray, radio and optical domains under restrictive selection criteria.
map of the resulting candidate LS 5039 proves that the
structure is that of bipolar jets
from a central core. The presence of radio jets in this X-ray
is the main evidence of an accretion process resulting in the ejection
of relativistic particles. The
length of the source is about 18 AU. The stronger jet is interpreted as
an approaching Doppler-boosted jet of a symmetric pair. Almost
simultaneously with that observation, the
publication of the third EGRET catalog (Hartman et al. 1999) allowed us
to search for a possible counterpart at
higher energies: As a result we found a coincidence of LS5039 with the
gamma-ray source 3EGJ1824-1514. (articles 31, 34, 35; conf. proc.
20,21,22,23,25,26,28, 29,30,34)
Magnetic configuration and mechanisms of stellar flares
The dynamo theory (Parker 1955) explains how differential rotation generates a toroidal field in the interior of a star from an initial stellar dipole field, and how convection, bringing up this field to the surface, creates the coronal magnetic arc-like structures called loops. Whereas the Sun's global dipolar field is of only a few gauss the loops are "islands" of enhanced magnetic fields reaching at their photospheric footpoints (sunspots) thousands of gauss.
There exists a close relationship between magnetic loops and flares. In fact, as observed on the Sun, flares are triggered by interactions between new and older emergences of magnetic flux in the same area (Nishio et al. 1997). The released magnetic energy accelerates a part of the thermal electrons trapped in the loops to high energies causing the flare (Priest & Forbes 2002).
CVn and T Tauri systems are characterized by
intense (orders of
magnitude higher than the Sun) coronal activity at X-rays, UV and radio
wavelengths. Long time
monitorings of the radio
density of RS CVn and
systems, performed with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope, have shown the presence of periodicities in the flaring
activity of UX
Arietis and
Tauri (articles 19,
25, 33,38).
observational finding has opened the question if the
could be due to an inter
binary collision (therefore depending on the
nature of UX Arietis and V773 Tauri) or instead due to an
mechanism originating in the stellar interior (and therefore
to other stars).
UX Arietis
The process causing the emerging of the loops is the dynamo working in the star's interior. However, Rossby-type waves might modulate the emergence of magnetic flux (Lou 2000). In this respect , periodic emergence of magnetic flux through the photosphere may operate in two different ways, either forming spots within already established active regions (and therefore inducing periodic flares by magnetic reconnection) or by forming new spots away from active regions(Ballester et al. 1999) .
The Rieger periods are solar
cycles with a time
scale of
which are present in
both flaring activity and
sunspot occurrence.
These short-term periodicities are considered a peculiar and
not yet
fully understood solar phenomenon (Ballester, Oliver
Carbonell 2002).
We performed a timing analysis
of two 9-year datasets of radio and optical observations of UX
Arietis (art. 38). The analysis
reveals a 294-day cycle. When the two 9-year datasets are
folded with this period, synchronization of the peak of the optical
light curve (i.e., the minimum spot coverage) with the
minimum radio flaring activity is observed (Fig. 2). This
close relationship between two completly independent curves makes
it very likely that the 294-day cycle is real. We conclude
that the process invoked for the Sun of a periodical emergence
of magnetic flux may also be applied to UX Arietis and can
explain the cyclic flaring activity triggered by interactions
between successive cyclic emergences of magnetic flux in the same
Fig 2. UX Arietis
Folding of the radio and
photometric V
data with a period of 294 days.
Bottom: Folding of the radio data with a
of 294 days.The phase interval 0--1 is repeated twice.There is a clear
lack of energetic flares at phase 0.4. Top: Folding of the photometric
V data with the same period of 294 days, as the radio data. The data
are averaged over phase bins of 0.01. The peak for V at phase
0.4 corresponds to a minimum in spot coverage and is well
synchronized with the ``hole'' of radio flaring activity.
Fig. 3.
V773 Tauri
Top: Flare observed at
periastron passage with the PdBI.
Bottom: sketch
of the binary system.
A periodicity in the radio flaring activity, evident during the Effelsberg 100-m telescope monitoring, was confirmed by a dominant peak at 52 \pm 5 days in the Fourier power spectrum. Folding the data with the orbital period of 51.075 days the flares cluster at the periastron passage. The detailed monitoring around one periastron passage with the VLA and with the Effelsberg telescope reveals a modulation of the radio emission in agreement with the 3.4 days rotational period of the star spots, observed in the optical range. A possible scenario explains the 52 days periodicity and the 3.4 days modulation with recurrent interactions of giant magnetic structures, anchored on the two rotating stars of the system, consecutively colliding for two or three rotations during each periastron passage (art. 33).
We have observed such a flare at a wavelength of 3 mm (art. 40). We rule out that the fast fading of the emission can be due to energetic losses (i.e. synchrotron, collisional and inverse Compton losses) of the emitting electrons and propose that it is due to the leakage of the emitting electrons themselves at each reflection between the two mirror points of the magnetic structure partially trapping them. The magnetic structure compatible with the leakage model is that of an helmet streamer that, as in the solar case, may occur at the top of X-ray emitting stellar-sized coronal loops of one of the stars. Interpreting the rising time of the flare of Fig. 3 in terms of propagation towards the low corona of a shock due to a magnetic reconnection event occurring at large height, we have determined a height compatible with periastron distance.III. Physical mechanisms of the radio continuum emission from stars
Investigations on the conditions which produce continuum radio emission from the stars, and on the characteristics of the emission (thermal and non thermal) have been performed. The study includes not only "normal" stars (i.e. appearing in the classical Hertzsprung - Russel diagram) of early and late type, but also pre-main sequence stars and compact objects (as neutron stars and black holes).
Ionized envelopes around stars of early spectral types, winds and ultra compact HII regions, have been investigated, and the specific differences of the two types of emission (i.e. different spectral index, different density distributions, etc.) have been analysed (see articles 2,3,4). In the star forming region M17 beside winds and ultra compact HII regions other sources have been identified, which suggest to be neutral clumps surrounded by ionized (from external stars) envelopes (art. 5). This suggestion has been proved by a later observation in the (1,1) ammonia line (art. 8). Other sources in the core of the Orion nebula having thermal spectra as well but not fitting any of the above models are explained as protostellar disks, of optically visible low mass stars, ionized by external stars (art. 7). In conclusion the basis of the radio continuum emission of all these type of sources, beside specific differences, is the same physical mechanism: The radio emission is due to electrons with a Maxwellian velocity distribution, deflected in the coulomb fields of ions (i.e. free free).
Depending on the presence and strength of a magnetic field, accelerations due to encounters of electrons with ions can become negligible in comparison with those due to gyration around the field lines. Trapped in the magnetic loops of stellar systems, electrons with Maxwellian distributions are able to produce gyro synchrotron radiation. However, often the characteristics of the spectra cannot be fitted with a Maxwellian distribution because this would imply too strong magnetic fields (papers 11, 17). For realistic values of B this corresponds to the case of enough high energetic electrons with rare collisions; in this case a non-Maxwellian tail is dominant and the distribution is described by a power law (art. 9, 26). In the case of mildly relativistic particles we observe gyro synchrotron radiation, while for high relativistic particles the observed emission is synchrotron.
Which physical processes are able to accelerate the electrons to high energy ?
Electrons can be accelerated to quasi
energies by magnetic reconnection in binary
of RS CVn type; this occurs if two fields of opposite directions
are pushed one against the other as in the case of emerging loops
intruding from below the stellar surface into other loops already
In one of the most active RS CVn systems, UX Arietis, high
radio measurements (by VLBI techniques) have been fitted with
of intruding loops (art. 28, 29; conf. proc. 32). The process causing
the emerging of the loops is the dynamo working in the star's interior.
At the best this can be studied by long time monitoring of the
density; that is the reason for the monitoring program of RS CVn and
stars with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope art. 19, 25, 33). We
note that the first
include late type stars, while the TTauri are pre-main
stars. The common characteristic of the two classes of stellar
is the presence of a deep convective zone in both: the main ingredient
for the dynamo to work. Periodicities have been
in UX Arietis and the TTauri system V773 Tau (art. 25,33 and 38).
This observational finding has opened the question if the
could be due to an inter binary collision (therefore depending on the
nature of UX Arietis and V773 Tau) or instead due to an
mechanism originating in the stellar interior (and therefore also
to other stars).
Other mechanisms of electron acceleration
are by means of
collisions between the winds of the components
of a binary system, as proposed for the WR star HD 193793
(art. 15, 16; conf. proc. 8) or by means of super
accretion processes around
compact objects as neutron stars or black holes, accreting from a
companion. In this last class of objects, called microquasars,
the morphology of the radio emission is that of a double relativistic
(orthogonal to the accretion disk of the compact object) as
in LS I 61303 and LS 5039 (see sec. I).
IV. Theory of the Very-Long-Baseline-Interferometry data analysis.
The lack of phase information had prevented VLBI from being a true imaging technique until Rogers and his co-workers (1974) applied a phase closure relationship. The introduction of the closure phase concept marks the beginning of a new era in VLBI. Many authors developed methods, reviewed by Pearson and Readhead (1984), which explicitly or implicitly use this quantity. In paper 10 I show how the methods explicitly using the closure phase can be unified in one equation. In one attempt to unify all methods together we have found that all methods turn out to be particular cases of the method proposed by Schwab (1980) depending on a proper scheme of baseline weighing (art. 12).
By using Schwab's method, called self-calibration,a map of the radio source can be obtained by using an algorithm which includes fourier transform and CLEAN, following an iterative procedure first indicated by Readhead and Wilkinson (1978) and called Hybrid mapping. That this procedure can converge on wrong solutions has been pointed out by many authors in the past: Walker (1986) indicated the bias in the resultant data due to the use of a point source as starting model. Baath (1989) suggested the use of the original data set in each iteration of self calibration. Linfield (1986) analysed the role of the (u-v) coverage and lack of intermediate spacing. Generally, the full procedure to avoid false features is not clear and only experience with imaging helps the user to avoid them.
In paper 30 we have demonstrated that the problem is connected with the non-linear nature of self calibration which leaves initial wrong assumptions frozen in the final solution. We demonstrated that the general precondition to avoid false structures in the map is that the errors (or more precisely their cube) of the model should be smaller than the observed closure phases. This condition, generally satisfied for a standard earth based array, is violated if one telescope of the array is very displaced from the others, as it is for an array including one telescope mounted on a satellite.
Using self calibration it is assumed
the baseline based errors are negligible. In spite of the fact that
baseline errors are quite small their effect on the map's quality is
serious. Tests were performed to determine at which level errors
the obtainable dynamic range with the VLA (Perley 1986)
with the VLBA (Briggs et al. 1994).
For the European VLBI Network (EVN)
such an analysis has been developed by myself and my
(art. 22, 23; conf. proc. 6,7; tech. reports 10, 11, 14).
The result of our analysis was that the cause of the low
range of the EVN maps was the large instrumental
("D" terms) at many European telescopes. The correction of
D terms has been always disregarded in the past because
were assumed to be negligible and because they affect
the data at the second order only. On the contrary, our analysis
and monitoring have shown that: 1) the instrumental polarization is
large (up to 20%) and presents an unexpected strong frequency
dependence (see Fig. 1),
2) its removal led to an improvement in the dynamical range of
images up to a factor 7.
As a result of this work the international software
released at Socorro (USA) has been changed to apply this
The updated versions of AIPS to use are those with release 15OCT96 and
Fig. 1: Plots of the left D-term amplitude (1=100%) for various EVN
telescopes (6cm network monitoring experiment C-1997-C1A) as a
function of frequency. The symbols are described in
the plot legend (see Massi & Aaron EVN-Doc 77)
Astronomiche e Osservazione col Telescopio
Conferenza (ore
Osservazione astronomica (ore
Il sistema solare (29
Dicembre 2002)
La nostra Galassia (6 Settembre 2003)
Il Big-Bang (12 Aprile 2004)
Buchi neri e Quasar (17
Aprile 2006)
Come nascono le stelle ?
(Agosto 2007)
Stelle cadenti (11 Agosto 2010)
9. Dal sistema solare ai confini dell'Universo (
24 Luglio 2011)
from the T Tauri binary system V773 Tau A"
M. Massi, J. Forbrich,K. M. Menten, G.
Torricelli-Ciamponi , J. Neidhöfer,S. Leurini and F. Bertoldi
2006, AA,
39)"Introduction to
Astrophysics of Microquasars"
M. Massi.
Habilitation Thesis, June 2005,
University of Bonn, Germany 2005, astro-ph/0506731
38)"Discovery of Solar Rieger periodicities in another
M. Massi, J.
Neidhöfer, Y.
Carpentier and E. Ros
2005, AA, 435, L1
37)"LS I +61°303 in the context of microquasars"
Massi, M.
2004, AA, 422, 267
36)"Hints for a fast precessing relativistic radio jet in LS I
Massi, M., Ribó, M.,
Paredes, J. M., Garrington, S. T., Peracaula, M. and Martí, J.
2004, AA, 414, L1
35)" EVN and MERLIN observations of microquasar candidates at
low galactic latitudes "
M. Ribó, E. Ros, M. Paredes,
M. Massi, J. Martí
A&A, 394, 983 (2002)
34)"Confirmation of persistent radio jets in the microquasar
LS 5039"
J. M. Paredes, M. Ribó, E. Ros, J.
M. Massi
A&A Letter, 393, 99 (2002)
33)"Periodic radio flaring on the T Tauri star V773 Tauri"
M. Massi, K. Menten, J. Neidhöfer
A&A, 382, 152 (2002)
32)"One-sided jet at milliarcsecond scales in LS I +61303"
M. Massi, M. Ribo, J. M. Paredes, M. Peracaula, R. Estalella
A&A , 376, 217 (2001)
31)"Discovery of a high-energy gamma-ray-emitting persistent
J. M. Paredes, J. Martí, M. Ribó, M. Massi
Science, 288, 2340 (2000)
30)"Space VLBI and Spurious Symmetrization"
M. Massi, S. Aaron
A&A Suppl. Ser., 136, 211 (1999)
29)"Flaring loop structures at VLBI scale in UX Arietis"
E. Franciosini, M. Massi, J.M. Paredes, R. Estalella
A&A, 341, 595 (1999 )
28)"Investigation of stellar loop structures using VLBI"
M. Massi, E. Franciosini, J.M. Paredes, R. Estalella
New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 539 (1999)
27)"Milliarcsecond radio structure of LSI+61 303"
J. M. Paredes, M. Massi, Estalella R., M. Peracaula
A&A, 329, 951 (1998)
26)"Radio flares from the active binary system UX Arietis"
G. Torricelli, E. Franciosini, M. Massi, J. Neidhöfer
A&A, 333, 970 (1998)
25)"Activity Cycles in UX Arietis"
M. Massi, J. Neidhöfer, G. Torricelli-Ciamponi, F.
A&A, 332,14 (1998)
24)"Deep VLA images of LSI+61303: a search for associated extended
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J. Marti , M. Peracaula ,J.M. Paredes , M. Massi ,R. Estalella
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23)"Baseline errors in European VLBI Network measurements III.
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21)"A search for near-infrared variability in LSI+61303"
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Articles in Conference Proceedings
38)"The gamma-ray emitting
microquasar LS I +61 303"
Massi, M., Ribó, M., Paredes,
J. M., Garrington, S. T.,
Peracaula, M. and Martí, J.
2005, AIPC, 745,311
37)"The Massive Young Stellar Triple
Theta1 Orionis A"
Petr-Gotzens, M. G.
and Massi, M.
2005, Protostars and Planets V, Proceedings, p.8173
36)"The periodic microquasar LS I
+61°303 in the radio and gamma-ray
Massi, M., Ribó, M., Paredes,
J. M., Garrington, S. T.,
Peracaula, M. and Martí, J.
2005, MmSAI, 76, 96
35)"Radio-loud and radio-quiet X-ray binaries:
LSI+61 303"
Massi, M.
2004, evn conf, 215 (arXiv:astro-ph/0410502)
34)"Results of a search for new
microquasars in the Galaxy"
Ribó, M.; Paredes, J. M.; Martí, J.; Casares, J.; Bloom,
J. S.; Falco, E. E.; Ros, E.; Massi, M
2004, RMxAC, 20, 23
33)"Sub-arcsecond radio structure of
LSI +61 303"
Massi, M., Ribo`, M.; Paredes, J. M.,
Peracaula, M.,
Marti, Garrington, S. T.
2002, Fourth Microquasars Workshop,Cargèse,
2002. Ed. Ph. Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs, and J. Rodriguez. Pub. Center for
Space Physics: Kolkata (India), p. 230.
of magnetic loop structures in
the corona of UX
Massi, M. & Ros, E.
2002, 6th European VLBI Network
Symposium, eds. E. Ros,
R. Porcas, A. Lobanov, A. Zensus 275-276
31)"Radio jets in the
high mass X-ray binary LSI
+61 303"
Massi, M., Ribo`, M., Paredes, J. M.,
Peracaula, M.,Marti, Garrington, S. T.
2002, 6th European VLBI Network
Symposium, eds. E. Ros,
R. Porcas, A. Lobanov, A. Zensus 271-272
30)"EVN and
MERLIN confirmation of the LS 5039 jets"
Paredes, J. M., Ribo,` M., Ros, E.,
2002 6th European VLBI Network
Symposium, eds. E. Ros, R. Porcas,
A. Lobanov, A. Zensus
29)"EVN and
MERLIN observations of microquasar candidates"
Ribo`, M., Ros, E., Paredes,
J., Massi, M.
2002, 6th European VLBI Network
Symposium, eds. E. Ros,
R. Porcas, A. Lobanov, A. Zensus 279-280
28)"Microquasars as possible
counterparts of unidentified EGRET sources"
Paredes, J. M.,
Marti, J., Ribo, M., Massi, M.
2002 MmSAI 73, 900
27)"One-sided elongated feature in LSI 61303"
M. Massi, M. Ribo´, J. Paredes, M. Peracaula, R. Estalella
2001,Astrophysiscs and Space Science Suppl. , vol. 276, 125
26)"Identification of 3EG J1824-1514 as a radio jet X-ray binary"
J. Paredes, J. Martí, M. Ribó, M. Massi
2001, Astrophysiscs and Space Science Suppl. , vol. 276, 79
25)"Microquasars and unidentified -
EGRET sources: the case of LS 5039"
J. M. Paredes, J. Martí, M. Ribó, M. Massi
2001 Nugh. Conf. 263
24)"Coordinated BeppoSAX and VLA observations
of UX Arietis "
Franciosini, E.;
Pallavicini, R.; Bastian, T.; Chiuderi-Drago, F.;
Randich, S.; Tagliaferri, G.; Massi, M.;
Neidhöfer, J.
2001 ASPC, 223, 930
Jets in LS 5039"
J. M. Paredes, J. Martí, M. Ribó, M. Massi
2001, ApSSS, 276,79
22)"Discovery of a Microquasar with High-Energy Gamma-ray
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