μas VLBI Astrometry
Over the past decade, we have developed and tested the techniques needed to achieve better than 30 micro-arcseconds relative positional accuracy between maser sources and background QSOs at each epoch. Before beginning this project, we determined trigonometric parallaxes to 11 star forming regions with accuracies of order 10 micro-arcseconds. We also measured absolute proper motions with accuracies of order 1 km/s. These results have been published in a series of papers in the Astrophyscial Journal in 2009.
Galactic Structure, Fundamental Parameters, and Noncircular MotionsWith the current data, we already locate the Perseus spiral arm and the local arm. Combining positions, distances, proper motions, and radial velocities yields complete three-dimensional kinematic information. We find that star-forming regions on average are orbiting the Galaxy ~15 km/s slower than expected for circular orbits. By fitting the measurements to a model of the Galaxy, we estimate the distance to the Galactic center and a circular rotation speed:
Θo = 254 ± 16 km/s.
(Published in Reid et al. 2009 ApJ 700, 137; see also NRAO or CfA press releases) |
![]() Milky Way (Illustration Credit: Robert Hurt, IPAC; Mark Reid, CfA, NRAO/AUI/NSF)