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- "The Distance to the Orion Nebula"
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- "The nature of the methanol maser ring G23.657-00.127: I. The distance
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Bartkiewicz A., Brunthaler A., Szymczak M., van Langevelde H.J., Reid M.J., 2008, A&A 490, 787
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions I:
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions II:
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Moscadelli L., Reid M.J., Menten K.M., Brunthaler A., Zheng X.W., Xu Y., 2009, ApJ 639, 406
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions III:
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions IV:
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions V:
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- "The distance to a star forming region in the Outer arm of the Galaxy"
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions VI:
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Reid M.J., Menten K.M., Zheng X.W., Brunthaler A., Moscadelli L., Xu Y., Zhang B., Sato M., Honma M., Hirota T., Hachisuka K., Choi Y.K., Moellenbrock G.A., Bartkiewicz A. 2009, ApJ 700, 137
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers"
Rygl K.L.J, Brunthaler A., Menten K.M., Reid M.J., van Langevelde H.J., Xu Y., 2010, A&A 511, A2
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- "The Bar and Spiral Structure Legacy (BeSSeL) Survey: Mapping the Milky Way with VLBI Astrometry" ("highlight talk")
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- "The VLBA Calibrator Search for the BeSSeL Survey"
Immer K., Brunthaler A., Reid M.J., Bartkiewicz A., Choi Y.K., Menten K.M., Moscadelli L., Wu Y.W., Xu Y., Zhang B., Zheng X.W., 2011, ApJS 194, 25
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions: VIII. G12.89+0.49, G15.03-0.68 (M17) and G27.36-0.16"
Xu Y., Moscadelli L., Reid M.J., Menten K.M., Zhang B., Zheng X.W., Brunthaler A., 2011, ApJ 733, 25
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- "Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star-Forming Regions. IX. The Outer Arm in the First Quadrant"
Sanna A., Reid M. J., Dame T.M., Menten K.M., Brunthaler A., Moscadelli L., Zheng, X.W., Xu, Y. 2012, ApJ 745, 82
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- "Clustered star formation and outlows in AFGL 2591"
Sanna A., Reid M.J., Carrasco-Gonzalez C., Menten K.M., Brunthaler A., Moscadelli L., Rygl K.J.L 2012, ApJ 745 191
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- "Parallaxes and proper motions of interstellar masers toward the Cygnus X star-forming complex I. Membership of the Cygnus X region"
Rygl K.L.J, Brunthaler A., Sanna A., Menten K.M., Reid M.J., van Langevelde H-J., Honma M., Torstensson K.J.E, and Fujisawa K., 2012, A&A 539, A79
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- "The Distance and Size of the Red Hypergiant NML Cyg from VLBA and VLA Astrometry"
Zhang B., Reid M.J., Menten K.M., Zheng X.W., Brunthaler A. 2012, A&A 544, A42
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- "Trigonometric parallaxes of massive star forming regions: G012.88+0.48 and W33"
Immer K., Reid M.J., Menten K.M., Brunthaler A., Dame T.M., 2013, A&A 553, A117
[Abstract, astro-ph/1304.2041]
- "On the Nature of the Local Spiral Arm of the Milky Way"
Xu Y., Li J.J., Reid M.J., Menten K.M., Zheng X.W., Brunthaler A., Moscadelli L., Dame T.M., Zhang B., 2013, ApJ 769, 15
[Abstract, astro-ph/1304.0526]