Rainer Beck
Former staff astronomer at MPIfR Bonn (retired since 2016, still somewhat active)
Follower of Cosmic Magnetic Fields
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Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Auf dem Hügel 69
53121 Bonn
Email: rbeck at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
This is not a fancy webpage, just a compilation of useful links to
articles and other websites. Please contact me if you need more
information or have questions.
Dies eine Zusammenstellung von nützlichen Links zu Artikeln und
anderen Webseiten, keine schöne Webseite. Schicken Sie mir eine Email,
wenn Sie mehr Informationen benötigen oder Fragen haben.
"Magnetic fields make life interesting."
Image catalogue for downloads:
Atlas of galaxies
- radio continuum images (in total and linearly polarized intensity)
compiled from data observed with the Effelsberg, VLA, WSRT, ATCA and
LOFAR radio telescopes, by Maja Kierdorf and Rainer Beck
Popular talk held at DLR Köln-Porz on 7 May 2024 (in German): Das galaktische Magnetfeld
Popular articles on magnetic fields in galaxies:
- Galactic magnetic fields (from "Scholarpedia", regularly updated)
- Magnetic dynamo active in the young Universe (from "Nature Astronomy", October 2023)
- Magnetfelder im frühen Universum (from "Sterne und Weltraum", 1/2024, in German)
- Giant magnetic fields across the Andromeda galaxy (from "Effelsberg Newsletter", May 2020)
- Riesige Magnetfelder durchziehen die Andromedagalaxie (from "Sterne und Weltraum", 6/2020, in German)
- Verdrillte Magnetfeld-Schleife in der Galaxie IC 342 (from "Sterne und Weltraum" 12/2015, in German)
- Magnetfelder in Spiralgalaxien (from "Praxis der Naturwissenschaften" 3/2014, in German)
Research news (written by Thomas Bührke, from "Max Planck Research" 4/2014):
- Forces that Rule in Galaxies
- Kräfte, die in Galaxien walten
Reviews on magnetic fields in galaxies:
- Galaxies_Dynamo19.pdf (in "Galaxies", Vol. 8, 2019)
- PSSS18.pdf (from the book "Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems",Vol. 5, ed. G. Gilmore, Springer 2013, updated version from February 2018)
- AARev15.pdf (A&A Reviews 24:4 (2016), open access)
- SKA_galaxies15.pdf (from the Proceedings "Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA" (AASKA14), PoS 2015)
- Lazarian15.pdf (from the book "Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media", eds. A. Lazarian et al., Springer 2015)
- ISSI11.pdf (from the book "Large-scale Magnetic Fields in the Universe", ed. R. Beck et al., Springer 2013)
- Texas10.pdf (from the book "25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics", AIPC 2011)
- Naxos10.pdf (from the book "Advances in Plasma Astrophysics", eds. A. Bonanno et al., Cambridge Univ. Press 2011)
- Crete10.pdf (from the book "Astronomy with Megastructures", eds. I. Hook et al., Crete Univ. Press 2011)
- Saksen10.pdf (from the Proceedings of the ISKAF2010 Science Meeting, PoS 2010)
"Scholarpedia" article on the Square Kilometre Array (regularly updated):
Summaries of the SKA Magnetism Key Science Project:
(by G. Heald et al., in "Galaxies", Vol. 8, 2020)
(from the book "Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media" by A. Lazarian et al., Springer 2015)
(from the book "Magnetic Fields in the Universe: From Laboratory and Stars to Primordial Structures,
eds. M. Soida et al., Jagiellonian University Krakow, 2011)
Pressemitteilungen / Press Releases:
Fields of Interest and Research:
Atlas of radio images: Atlas of galaxies
- compiled from data observed with the Effelsberg, VLA, WSRT, and ATCA radio telescopes
Magnetic fields in galaxies (spiral, barred, irregular, clusters) - see list of my reviews above
Book: Cosmic Magnetic Fields (eds.
Richard Wielebinski & Rainer Beck), Lecture Notes in Physics 664,
Springer, Berlin 2005
Magnetfelder in Galaxien (in German): Artikel aus dem MPG Jahrbuch 2003: mpg.jahrbuch.2003.pdf
Magnetfelder in Galaxien (in German): Artikel aus "Max Planck Forschung" 4/2001: mpg.magnetfelder.pdf
Popular article on magnetic fields from "New Scientist": new.scientist.magnetic.pdf
Magnetic fields in the Andromeda Galaxy M31: fletcher2004, beck 2020
Magnetic fields in the Whirlpool Galaxy M51: fletcher2011, kierdorf2020
Low-frequency polarization with the LOFAR and the German consortium GLOW
Prospects with LOFAR - see the outreach article in "Spektrum" by Heino Falcke and Rainer Beck (in German): spektrum.de/artikel/957491
LOFAR-Artikel aus dem MPG Jahrbuch 2011: mpg.jahrbuch.2012.pdf
LOFAR-Artikel aus dem MPG Jahrbuch 2006: mpg.jahrbuch.2006.pdf
Future prospects with the SKA - see my outreach article in "Sterne und Weltraum" (in German): ska.suw.pdf
Revealing Cosmic Magnetism with LOFAR and the SKA:
SKA_Magnetism.pdf ,
Lazarian15.pdf ,
Zakopane11.pdf ,
Saksen10.pdf ,
Polarization simulations for the European SKA Design Study (SKADS) project:
Limelette10.pdf , results: dynamo.pdf , skads.pdf
Magnetic fields and star formation: Oxford07.pdf
Dynamo action and observational signatures:
Galaxies_Dynamo19.pdf , dynamo.pdf , Escorial.pdf , Bologna.pdf
Polarization observation techniques: skads.pdf , optimal.pdf , RMSynthesis.pdf
Propagation of cosmic-ray electrons in galaxies: CRE.pdf
Radio halos of edge-on galaxies: krause2020
Radio-(far)infrared correlation in galaxies: niklas1997 , heesen2019
Density waves and spiral structure: fletcher2011
Solar eclipses (see below)
Previous LOFAR Activities:
The LOFAR Key Science Project on Cosmic Magnetism (MKSP):
First LOFAR image of the spiral galaxy M51: M51
"The LOFAR View of Cosmic Magnetism" (Review talk given at the AG conference in September 2012): Hamburg12.pdf
"Towards a New Era of Observing of Cosmic Magnetic Fields" (Review talk given at the ISKAF conference in June 2010): Saksen10.pdf
"Magnetic Visions" (Review talk given at the conference "Magnetic Fields in the Universe II" in Jan. 2008 on Cozumel): Cozumel09.pdf
"Measurements of Cosmic Magnetism with LOFAR and SKA" (summary of a talk given at the URSI meeting in Sept.
2006 in Miltenberg): Ursi07.pdf
Popular articles:
LOFAR-Beitrag für das MPG-Jahrbuch 2012 (in German, abstract in English): Jahrbuch2012.pdf
"LOFAR läuft!" (von Matthias Hoeft und Rainer Beck), in "Sterne und Weltraum" Juni 2010 (in German): lofar.suw.2.pdf
"Per Software zu den Sternen" (von Heino Falcke und Rainer Beck), in "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" Juli 2008 (in German): spektrum08
Spektrum Talk (Interview, in German): spektrum_talk08
LOFAR-Beitrag für das MPG-Jahrbuch 2006 (in German, abstract in English): Jahrbuch2006.pdf
Involvement in LOFAR Meetings:
AG Splinter Workshop "Advances in radio astronomy", Kiel
17+18 Sept. 2015
AG Splinter Workshop "First science with LOFAR and prospects for the SKA", Hamburg
25+27 Sept. 2012
AG Splinter Workshop "A fresh view of the radio sky: science with LOFAR, SKA and its pathfinders", Heidelberg
20-21 Sept. 2011: splinter-heidelberg
AG Splinter Workshop "The radio sky: LOFAR to SKA", Bonn 14-15 Sept. 2010: splinter-bonn
LOFAR Conference "Astrophysics with E-LOFAR", Hamburg 16-19 Sept. 2008
AG Splinter Workshop "LOFAR", Köln 27-29 Sept. 2005: splinter-koeln
LOFAR Documents:
LOFAR Webseite des MPIfR (in German): Lofar
LOFAR Poster (in German): poster.lofar.pdf
LOFAR in Germany (Poster): poster.GLOW.pdf
LOFAR - Die Geburt eines europäischen Radioteleskops (Pressemitteilung vom 12. Juni 2010, deutsch): Europäisches Radioteleskop
LOFAR maps the radio sky at Effelsberg (press release of 17. December 2009): Radio sky at Effelsberg
Der Himmel über der Eifel (Pressemitteilung vom 17. Dezember 2009, deutsch): Der Himmel über der Eifel
LOFAR picks up speed (press release of 11. December 2007): First international LOFAR station at Effelsberg
LOFAR: Startschuss für deutsche Stationen (Artikel in "Sterne und Weltraum", September 2006, deutsch): lofar.pdf
LOFAR in Deutschland (Pressemitteilung vom 7. September 2005, deutsch): LOFAR in Deutschland
German LOFAR White Paper (MPIfR 2005): white.paper.pdf
Riesenradioteleskop entsteht im Herzen Europas (Pressemitteilung vom 1. Dezember 2003, deutsch): LOFAR
Previous SKA Activities:
Involvement in conferences and workshops:
International SKA conference "The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism",
Bologna 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2005.
The Proceedings were published as Vol. 327 of the Astronomische Nachrichten (Astronomical Notes):
"The Origin of magnetic fields in galaxies":
AG Splinter Workshop "Advances in radio astronomy", Kiel
17+18 Sept. 2015
AG Splinter Workshop "First science with LOFAR and prospects for the SKA", Hamburg
25+27 Sept. 2012
AG Splinter Workshop "A fresh view of
the radio sky: science with LOFAR, SKA and its pathfinders", Heidelberg
20-21 Sept. 2011: splinter-heidelberg
AG Splinter Workshop "The radio sky: LOFAR to SKA", Bonn 14-15 Sept. 2010: splinter-bonn
Reviews and papers:
Scholarpedia article on the Square Kilometre Array:
Square_Kilometre_Array (regularly updated)
"Structure, dynamical impact and origin of magnetic fields in nearby galaxies in the SKA era": SKA_galaxies (from the new SKA science book of 2015)
"Future observations of cosmic magnetic Fields with LOFAR, SKA and its precursors":
(from the book "Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media" by A. Lazarian et al., Springer 2015)
SKA German White Paper (2013)
"Future observations of cosmic magnetic Fields with the SKA and its precursors" (Review talk given at the
"Magnetic Fields in the Universe III" conference in August 2011 in Zakopane): Zakopane11.pdf
"Towards a new era of observing of cosmic magnetic fields" (Review talk given at the ISKAF conference in June 2010): Saksen10.pdf
"Magnetism in nearby
galaxies, propects with the SKA, and synergies with the E-ELT" (Review
talk given at the conference "Astronomy with Megastructures" in May
2010 on Crete): Crete10.pdf
"Wide field polarimetry and cosmic magnetism" (Review talk given at the SKADS conference in Nov. 2009 in Limelette): Limelette10.pdf
"Magnetic Visions" (Review talk given at the conference "Magnetic Fields in the Universe II" in Jan. 2008 on Cozumel): Cozumel09.pdf
SKA Artikel in "Sterne und Weltraum", Sept. 2006 (in German): ska.suw.pdf
Pressebericht über LOFAR/SKA Vortrag (Nordenham Oct. 2006, in German): Nordenham.beck.jpg
"The Magnetic Universe" - one of the "Key Science" Projects for the SKA; see: magnetism.pdf (from the SKA Science Case Book of 2004)
"The Milky Way and nearby galaxies observable with the SKA" (from the SKA Science Case Book of 2004): magnetism_galaxies.pdf
"Magnetic fields in normal galaxies and prospects for the SKA" (Review
talk given at the conference "Perspectives on Radio Astronomy" in April
1999 in Amsterdam): Amsterdam99.pdf
Go to the group's home page.
Solar eclipse photos:
Total solar eclipse of 2017 August 21 (photo
taken near Ashwood/Oregon with a 300mm lens) :
Total solar eclipse of 2006 March 29 (photos
taken near Side/Turkey with a 400mm lens plus 2x teleconverter) :
Moon shadow at third contact (fisheye lens) towards southwestern horizon (sea) and northwestern horizon (mountains) :
During total eclipse and a few minutes later :
Annular eclipse of 2005 Oct 3 (photos taken at Villafranca/Spain with a 1000mm Maksutov mirror lens and full aperture filter) :
Total solar eclipse of 2001 June 21 (photos taken
near Lusaka/Zambia with a 400mm lens plus 1.4x teleconverter, exposure
times 1/125, 1/4 and 1 sec) :
Relics from the early days of my astronomical work as an amateur observer of the sun:
The second German edition (from 1999) is still available.
Last modified: 21 Jan 2025