Where am I?
Most of the time:
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, in Bonn, Germany.
If not, then:
2024 |
- December 21 - January 2: Holidays in Portugal.
- December 18 - 20: XVII Black Holes Workshop, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- September 16 - 19: GEMMA 2 meeting, Rome, Italy
- July 14 - 19: Attending the UK National Astronomy Meeting in Hull, England.
- June 28 - 30: Holidays in Alsace.
- June 3 -14: Holidays in Southern Germany and Austria.
- May 21 - 23: Colloquium at the Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany.
- April 27 - May 11: Holidays in Portugal.
- February 24-March 1: Holidays in South Africa.
- February 19-23: MeerKAT@5 meeting, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- January 14-17: IMPRS Retreat, Schloß Ringberg, Bavaria, Germany.
2023 |
2022 |
- December 18 - January 1 2023: Holidays in Portugal.
- August 29: 15th BONN Workshop on the FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Neutron stars and their local environments, Bonn, Germany
- July 25 - 29: Towards Real-Time Galactic Dynamics, Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.
- July 6 - 20: Holidays in Portugal.
- June 10 - 20: Holidays in the Venice region, Italy.
- April 8 - 17: Easter holidays in Portugal.
- January 30 - February 6: Moriond Gravitation 2022, (Rencontres de Moriond), La Thuile, Val d'Aosta, Italy.
2021 |
- December 17 - January 3 2022: Holidays in Portugal.
- October 30 - November 7: Holidays in Vienna, Austria.
- August 13 - 30: Holidays in Portugal.
2020 |
2019 |
- Dec. 20 - January 5 2020: Holidays in Portugal.
- Dec. 4 - 7: Prague Multimessenger 2019 Winter Workshop.
- Nov. 4 - 8: Scintillometry 2019, MPIfR, Bonn, Germany.
- October 30, 31: LOFAR PC Cycle 13 meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- Sept. 1 - 8: Collaborative work at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
- June 14 - 17: Attending wedding in Portugal.
- May 30 - June 11: Holidays in California.
- May 12 - 15: Multi-messenger astronomy with SKA precursors and pathfinders: A capacity building workshop, Aveiro, Portugal.
- May 2: Ph.D. Examination, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
- April 24 - 26: LOFAR PC Cycle 12 meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- April 20 - 23: Seminar at NYU Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
- April 1 - 3: MADMAX collaboration meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
- February 1 - 16: Holidays in Taiwan.
- January 15 - 20: ``Tests of Gravity'' meeting, plus weekend, Athens, Greece.
2018 |
- December 21 - January 6 2019: Holidays in Portugal.
- November 5 - 17: Observations with the MeerKAT array, Cape Town, South Africa.
- October 18, 19: LOFAR PC Cycle 11 meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- July 21 - 22: COSPAR 2018 42nd Assembly | 60th Anniversary, Pasadena, California, USA.
- July 18 - 20: Frontiers of the Physics of Massive Stars: From the main sequence to LIGO, Ensenada, Mexico
- July 14 - 17: COSPAR 2018 42nd Assembly | 60th Anniversary, Pasadena, California, USA.
- July 4 - 10: My grandmother's 100th birthday party! (Gondomar, Portugal)
- May 26 - 27: Cherry and Mael's wedding, Chateau de Breteuil, Chevreuse, France.
- May 19 - 20: Ann and Jason's wedding, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- May 14: 12th BONN Workshop on the FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: The structure and composition of neutron stars, Bonn, Germany
- Apr. 28 - May 12: Holidays in Denver and further West, USA.
- April 24, 25: LOFAR PC Cycle 10 meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- April 12, 13: Neutron Stars in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
- March 26, 27: Gravity data meeting, Oxford, UK.
- February 3 - 17: Holidays in Taiwan.
- January 10 - 18: Visit NCRA, Pune, India.
2017 |
- December 22 - January 4 2018: Christmas and New Year Holidays in Portugal.
- Dec. 11 -12: 11th BONN workshop on - FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Neutron stars in Future Research, Bonn, Gewrmany
- October 25, 26: LOFAR PC Cycle 9 meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- October 23: Jury of Guillaume Voisin's Thesis defense, Paris, France.
- October 18/19: MADMAX meeting, Hamburg.
- September 14-15: IMPRS summer school, Heidelberg, Germany.
- August 27 - September 2: 3rd Azores School on Observational Cosmology, Angra do Heroísmo, Terçeira, Azores, Portugal.
- August 17 - 19: eXtreme Matter meets eXtreme Gravity, Bozeman, Montana, USA.
- August 12 - 16: Holidays in New York City, USA.
- July 27 - August 3: Holidays in Portugal.
- May 30 - June 2: Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop 2017, Annecy, France.
- April 25, 26: LOFAR PC Cycle 8 meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- April 12 - 19: Holidays in Portugal.
- March 22 - 24: Colloquium at CERN, collaborative work.
- February 25 - March 11: Holidays in Taiwan.
- January 15 - 21: Neutron star mergers: From gravitational waves to nucleosynthesis, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria.
2016 |
- Dec. 23 - January 4 2017: Holidays in Portugal.
- December 5 - 9: Gravity and Experiment workshop, Paris, France.
- November 14: Tenth BONN workshop on - FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Supernovae and Formation of Neutron Stars, Bonn, Germany.
- November 7, 8: LOFAR PC Cycle 7 meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- October 31 - November 4: ``Compact stars and Gravitational Waves'', Kyoto, Japan.
- October 26 - 29: WE Heraeus Seminar: ``Neutron Stars: A cosmic laboratory for matter under extreme conditions'', Bad Honnef, Germany.
- October 12: Colloquium at the Albert Einstein Institute, in Potsdam, Germany.
- October 1 - 3: Long weekend in Amsterdam.
- September 19 - 22: Scintillometry workshop, Bonn, Germany.
- September 12 - 15: Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meeting (ERE2016): 100 years of the Schwarzschild solution, Lisbon, Portugal.
- September 5 - 9: New CompStar School 2016: "Neutron Stars: Gravitational Physics, Theory and Observations, Coimbra, Portugal
- July 30 - August 7: Holidays in Portugal.
- June 20: Ninth BONN workshop on FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Neutron Stars at all Wavelengths, Bonn, Germany.
- May 23-26: ``The first observation of a binary black hole merger: Status and future prospects'', Hannover, Germany.
- May 7 - 16: Holidays in Portugal, includding my wedding ceremony.
- March 19 - April 5: Engagement ceremony in Taiwan, Honeymoon in Japan.
- January 17 - 23: QCD matter: dense and hot, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria.
2015 |
- December 31 - January 6 2016: New Year Holidays in Portugal.
- December 8-9: SFB Begutachtung, Tübingen, Germany.
- November 30 - December 1: Rehearsing presentations for SFB, Tübingen, Germany.
- November 26: Sander ter Veen's Thesis defense at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
- November 18 - 22: Trip to Portugal.
- October 5 - November 6: Stay at Orléans, France.
- November 4: Workshop on pulsars at the Observatory of Paris at Meudon.
- October 29: Talk at the Observatory of Paris at Meudon.
- September 21 - 23: Visit to Taipei, Taiwan.
- September 7 - 18: THE MANY FACES OF NEUTRON STARS, Garching, Germany.
- September 3: Heraeus Summer School 2015, Jena, Germany.
- July 23 - August 5: Summer Holidays in Portugal.
- July 12 - 18: Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, Italy.
- June 30 - July 2: The Neutron Star Radius, And All That Jazz, Montreal, Canada.
- May 27 - 30: 591. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental Constants, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- May 18: Seventh BONN workshop on FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Fast Radio Bursts and Neutron Star Transients, Bonn, Germany.
- May 14 - 17: Holidays in Paris.
- May 11 - 13: Workshop on pulsars and their environments, Orléans, France.
- May 2 -3: Holidays in Dresden, Germany.
- April 21: Visit to ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
- March 27 - April 7: Easter Holidays in Portugal.
- March 21 - 25: Gravitation: 100 years after GR (Rencontres de Moriond), La Thuile, Val d'Aosta, Italy.
- February 15 - 25: Chinese New Year in Taiwan!
- January 20 - 23: Visiting the University of Texas in Brownsville, Texas, USA.
- January 12 - 19: Working a the Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, USA.
2014 |
- December 20 - January 4 2015: Christmas Holidays in Portugal.
- December 1 - 5: Workshop on Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Jena, Germany.
- October 31: Colloquium at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
- October 27: Sixth BONN workshop on FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Origin and Evolution of Neutron Star B-fields, Bonn, Germany.
- October 23: Colloquium at Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg, Germany.
- September 9 - 16: Holidays in Switzerland.
- July 19 - 29: Summer Holidays in Portugal.
- June 16 - 20: ``Extreme Astrophysics in an Ever-Changing Universe: Time-Domain astronomy in the 21st Century", Ierapetra, Crete, Greece.
- April 28 - May 1: Meeting on scintillometry at Algonquin Observatory, Ontario, Canada.
- April 25: Colloquium at the University of Toronto, Canada
- April 16 - 22: Easter Holidays in Portugal.*
- March 31 - April 4: 558. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: The Strong Gravity Regime of Black Holes and Neutron Stars, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- March 24 - 28: The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death, Florence, Italy.
- March 19 - 23: Holidays in Tuscany, Italy.
- March 5: Fifth BONN workshop on FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Final Fate of Massive Stars, Bonn, Germany.
- February 12 - 13: German SKA Science Meeting, Bielefeld, Germany.
- January 11 - 18: Holidays in Arizona, USA
- January 4 - 10: Testing General Relativity with Astrophysical Observations, Oxford, Mississippi, USA.
2013 |
- December 21 - January 3 2014: Christmas and New Year vacations in Portugal.
- December 16: Fourth BONN workshop on FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Neutron Stars in Globular Clusters and Triples, Bonn, Germany.
- October 30 - November 8: working a the Arecibo Observatory, in Puerto Rico.
- October 27 - 29: Symposium ``50 Years of Scientific Achievement and Future Directions at Arecibo Observatory" at the Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, USA.
- October 15 - 17: From Quantum to Cosmos 6, Nice, France.
- September 30 - October 4: Neutron-rich matter and neutron stars, Trento, Italy.
- September 23: Colloquium at the University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.
- September 19 - 22: Short vacation in Portugal.
- September 16 - 18: "Modified Gravity Theories: Beyond Einstein's Legacy", Lisbon, Portugal.
- September 4 - 9: Short vacation in Bavaria, Germany.
- July 26 - 30: Short vacation in Portugal.
- July 7 - 13: 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation / 10th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Warsaw, Poland.
- May 17 - June 2: Visits to the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, Wyoming, USA.
- April 15: Third BONN workshop on FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF NEUTRON STARS: Gravitational Waves and Gravity Tests, Bonn, Germany.
- March 27 - April 8: Easter vacation in mainland Portugal, plus trip to Madeira.
- March 14 - 17: Attending Evan Keane's wedding, Manchester, UK.
- January 19 - 24: Physical Applications of Millisecond Pulsars, Aspen, Colorado, USA.
- January 14 - 18: X-ray Binaries 13, Bormio, Italy.
2012 |
- December 21 - January 6 2013: Christmas and New Year vacation in Portugal.
- October 9 - 12: from quantum to cosmos 5 meeting, Cologne, Germany.
- September 10 - 14: Compact Binaries in Globular Clusters meeting, Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.
- September 6: Human Capital Development: Researcher Mobility and Training Programmes workshop, South African Mission to the EU, Brussels, Belgium.
- August 18 - 25: IAU XXVII General Assembly, Beijing, China
- July 26 - August 2: Vacations in Portugal
- July 1 - 7: 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden
- June 19: Colloquium at Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
- May 25 - June 10: Vacations in California, USA.
- March 30 - April 9: Vacation in Bonn, Mosel Valley and Belgium with my parents!
- March 27 - 29: UK-Germany National Astronomy Meeting NAM2012, Manchester, England.
- March 15 - 29: 47 Tucanae data reduction, Manchester, England
- March 8 - 14: Vacations in London, England
2011 |
- December 21 - January 4 2012: Christmas and New Year vacation in Portugal
- October 28 - November 2: Vacations in Portugal.
- October 4 - 14: Vacations in Turkey
- September 14 - 17: EPTA Meeting, Schloß Ringberg, Bavaria, Germany
- July 19 - August 7: Vacations in Russia - Moscow and the Kamchatka Peninsula!!
- July 8 - 11: Vacations in Portugal.
- June 10 - 14: Vacations in Portugal.
- June 6 - 9: GREAT-ESF Workshop: QSO Astrophysics, Fundamental physics, and Astrometric Cosmology in the Gaia era, Porto, Portugal.
News from last day: ERC Grant application successful!
- June 1 - 5: Vacations in Portugal.
- May 4 - 5: ERC Grant Interview, Brussels, Belgium.
- April 17 - 26: Easter vacation in Portugal.
- March 23 - 27: Vacation in San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.
- March 18 - 22: Fab 5 Pulsar Conference Meeting, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, USA.
2010 |
- December 17 - January 2 2011: Christmas and New Year vacation in Portugal
- December 15 - 16: Talk at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt, Germany.
- November 17 - 24: Vacations in the USA.
- November 14 - 16: Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, Germany.
- October 24 - November 1: Traveling around Germany with my Parents
- October 10 - 15:
PULSAR CONFERENCE 2010, Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy.
- September 14 - 17: AG2010, Bonn, Germany.
- September 7 - 12: The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
- August 5 - 31: Norway and Svalbard*.
- July 25 - August 2: Portugal.
- July 18 - 21: 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany.
- May 21: "Pulsars as tools for studying fundamental physics". Talk at the university of Aveiro, Portugal.
- May 19 - 26: Portugal.
- May 18: "Pulsars as tools for studying fundamental physics". Talk at ASTRON, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands.
- April 17 - 20: Attempting to return to Bonn (and finally succeeding)!
- April 12 - 16: Workshop on the High Energy Emission form Pulsars and their Systems, Sant Cugat, Catalonia, Spain
- April 8 - 11: Exploring Catalunya, Spain.*
- April 1 - 5: Portugal.
2009 |
- December 20 - January 4 : Christmas and New Year vacation in Portugal (but most of the time working on a couple of papers!).
- December 10, 11: Arecibo Surveys Meeting, Arecibo, PR, USA.
- October 23 - November 1 : Portugal (but most of the time working on a couple of papers!).
- September 21-22 : FP7 seminar in Dortmund, Germany.
- July 24-26 : Weekend with family in Portugal.
- July 12-18 : 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Paris, France (invited talk).
- July 1: Start working at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, in Bonn, Germany.
- May 30 - June 10: Alaska Cruise, followed by hiking in the Olympic National Park.*
- May 5 - 9: Visiting Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
- March 30 - April 4: Gamma Ray Bursts and Neutron Stars: Recent Developments and Future Directions, Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt (invited talk).
- March 27: Back to West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA.
- January 22-24: Hirschegg 2009: Nuclear Matter at High Density, Hirschegg, Austria (invited talk).
- January 19-20: Gravitational Wave and Data Analysis Workshop 13, San Juan, PR, USA.
- January 18: LSC-Virgo Neutron Star Meeting, San Juan, PR, USA.
- January 11: Back to the Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, PR, USA.
2008 |
- December 22 - January 7 2009: Christmas and New Year vacation in Portugal.
- December 8 - 12: 24th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Vancouver BC, Canada (invited talk)
- November 25 - 29: Traveling in South Dakota and Wyoming.
- October 3 - 11: Vacationing in New Mexico
- August 12: Started working at West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Staying here until December.
- August 1 - 2: International Pulsar Timing Array Meeting, Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, PR.
- June 26 - July 8: NRAO Headquarters, Charlottesville, VA
- April 30 - May 14: Portugal
- April 9 - 12: Washington DC
- March 18 - 24: Hiking in Utah!
- March 8 - 11: Colloquium at the University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, Canada
- January 7-11: 211th AAS Meeting, Austin, TX
2007 |
- December 20 - January 3 2008: Christmas and New Year vacation in Portugal.
- December 17 - 20: Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, England.
- December 14 - 16: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- November 14 - 21: Visiting the Gunflint Chert region of Ontario.
- October 17 - 21: West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
- September 21 - 22: First NANOGrav meeting, NRAO headquarters, Charlottesville, VA
- September 16 - 20: Vacationing in Virginia
- September 14 - 15: Chicago 3 Meeting, Washington DC
- September 12 - 13: Frontiers of Astronomy with the World's Largest Radio Telescope meeting, Washington DC
- August 30 - September 11: Portugal
- August 12 - 17: 40 Years of Pulsars, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
- August 4 - 11: Processing data at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
- June 9-12: Portugal
- June 8: University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
- April 23 - 24: Dominion Radio Astronomy Observatory, Penticton BC, Canada
- March 23 - April 16: Portugal
- March 7 - 23: Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, England
- February 17 - 24: Cruise in the Caribbean: Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Antigua, St. Lucia and Barbados (Ship: Serenade of the Seas, company: Royal Caribbean).
- January 5-10: 209th AAS Meeting, Seattle, WA
2006 |
- December 23 - January 2 2007: Christmas and New Year vacation in Portugal *
- September 7 - 20: Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, Australia
- August 31 - September 6: Swinburne University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- August 25 - 30: Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, Australia
- July 22 - August 7: Portugal*
- June 4 - 8: 208th AAS Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada
- May 20 - June 3: Hiking in the Canadian Rockies, AB, Canada *
- January 7 - 12: 207th AAS Meeting, Washington DC
2005 |
- December 19 - January 6 2006: Portugal (I hope I'll be in regular e-mail contact)
- November 24 - 26: Culebra Island, Puerto Rico*
- September 28 - October 6: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- September 17 - 27: Portugal *
- August 13 - 21: NRAO, Green Bank, WV
- July 6 -12: Nowhere - I'll just disappear in thin air for a few days*
- May 26: Colloqium at Northwestern University, Chicago, Il.
- May 22 - 25: Sightseeing in British Columbia, Canada*.
- May 19 - 21: 11th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada (invited talk)
- March 30 - April 17: Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, Maharashtra, India
- March 18 - 25: Hiking in Arizona *, followed by talk at Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
- January 22 - February 15: Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, Australia
- January 21 - 22: ATNF, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
- January 14 - 19: Vacation in California*
- January 8 - 13: 205th AAS meeting, San Diego, CA
2004 |
- December 21 - January 5 2005: Christmas and New Year vacation in Lisbon, Portugal *
- December 1 - 20: Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, England
- November 16 - 22: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- November 4 - 16: NRAO, Green Bank, WV
- August 12 - 22: Lake Superior, MN*
- June 26 - July 15: Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, Australia
- May 9 - 25: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- April 23 - May 4: Lisbon, Portugal *
- January 11 - 19: Binary Pulsars Conference, Aspen, CO
2003 |
- December - January 5 2004: Christmas and New Year vacation in Lisbon, Portugal *(c)
- November 2 - 22: Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, Australia
- September 10 - 24: Iceland and Greenland *
- August 24 - September 9: Lisbon, Portugal *
- August 17 - 24: Caltech, Pasadena and Berkeley University, Berkeley CA
- August 9 - 17: School on Single-Dish Radio Astronomy: Techniques and Applications, Green Bank, WV
- August 1 - 4: Mona Island, Puerto Rico*
- June 10 - 20: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- April 7 - 18: Lisbon, Portugal *
- February 7 - 25: Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, Maharashtra, India
2002 |
- November 29 - December 6: Lisbon, Portugal *
- November 5 - 28: Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, England
- September 7 - 23: Lisbon, Portugal *
- September 5 - 7: Fourth International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics, Faro, Portugal
- August 30 - September 5: Lisbon, Portugal *
- August 26 - 29: Radio Pulsars Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece
- June 1 - 9: 200th AAS meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- April 17 - 30: Lisbon, Portugal *
- March 7 - 25: Parkes Observatory, New South Wales, Australia. Finished the
Parkes Multibeam Survey!
- March 4 - 7: ATNF, Sydney, and IREX Award Pulsar Meeting 2002, Orange, New South Wales, Australia
- February 28 - March 3: Caltech, Pasadena CA
- January 5 - 11: 199th AAS Meeting, Washington DC
2001 |
- December 19 - January 2 2002: Christmas and New Year vacation in Lisbon, Portugal *
- September 30 - October 7: University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- September 15 - 30: Lisbon, Portugal *
- September 1 - 16: Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, England
- August 3 - 6: Tortola Island, British Virgin Islands *
- July 13 - 16: St. John Island, US Virgin Islands *
- May 1: I start working at the Arecibo Observatory!