Jasper National Park

Maligne Lake Area

Taking the Maligne Lake boat tour, the weather got worse and worse. This is one of the several glaciers that supplies the lake with water. None of this prepared us to what we'd soon see...

In the middle of darkness, snow and cold, we find an oasis of color so beautiful and unexpected that it defies any description! Pictures can not make it justice. The name of this place is Spirit Island. It is not really an island, it is more like a peninsula. I guess "Spirit Peninsula" would not sound as charming...

I tried to capture as much of it as I could. It is pretty difficult. You look, and look again, and the beauty seems always new and fresh. There is always something new to see.

I wish I could stay in this magical place a bit longer! It was wonderful being here, if only for a few minutes!

OK, one last shot from a slightly different perspective. I'll leave now...

Coming back from Maligne Lake, a serene view of Medicine lake. The weather is getting progressively worse.

Another view of Medicine Lake, looking the opposite way.

Much closer to Jasper, we find the Maligne Canyon, a hidden but very beautiful treasure.


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