The Four Color Bolometer
This MPIfR bolometer has 4 channels (1300, 870, 450, and 350 microns).
The bolometer can only observe one channel at a time, but
changes between the 4 colors takes less than 10 minutes.
The bolometer will be the bolometer of choice for continuum
observations. The SMTO staff will characterize the 4 channels
on the sky at the beginning of the 1997/1998 season.
Observations of standards last spring found the
1300 micron NEFD(Jy/Hz^(1/2)) = 0.6-0.8 Jy/sec^(1/2).
This number is preliminary.
(See the
SMTO Electronic Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 2 for details).
It was successfully used to study Hale Bopp as well as determining
flux densities of several YSO's (Guertler, Jena).