Polyhedra with the Zometool
"Thus, the chief reason for studying regular polyhedra is still the same as in
the time of the Pythagoreans, namely, that their symmetrical shapes appeal to one's
artistic sense."
H. S. M. Coxeter, in the preface to "Regular Polytopes".
In Figs. 3.3a, b and c, we have seen three models of polyhedra built with the Zometool.
Such edge models display only the vertex and edge arrangements; unlike paper models they
cannot display face
arrangements. A consequence of this is that the Icosahedron and the Great
dodecahedron, which share the same edge arrangements, are represented by the same edge
model. The same happens for the Stellated dodecahedron and the Great icosahedron. The
ditrigonal polyhedra in Fig. 3.7 and the Compound of five cubes in Fig. 3.8b share the
same edge arrangement and thus the same edge model.
However, this can also be an advantage: because they don't display the faces, they allow
the display of internal structure. For the models that follow that is absolutely
necessary. As an example, the first two models below represent the five Platonic solids.
However, they are not represented in isolation (something that would merely repeat the paper models above), but instead in an arrangement that
illustrates many interesting geometric relations between them, in a very elegant and
economic way. Clearly, such a model cannot be made with paper. The first model in
particular was the first kit of the Zometool I purchased; it was especially useful for me
to familiarise myself with the interesting properties of the system.
The Tetrahedron and Octahedron are built with G struts; the other regular polyhedra are
built with B struts. These colours are the same for their rectifications: for instance,
the Octahedron is built with G struts like the Tetrahedron, the Cuboctahedron is built
with G struts like the Octahedron (not the Cube); the Icosidodecahedron is built with B
struts like the Icosahedron or Dodecahedron. The reason for this can be seen in Fig. 2.4d,
where each Pentagonal face of the Dodecahedron is rectified into a smaller Pentagon.
Most models in this page (but not the following pages on polychora) have G or B struts
with non-native colours. These can be purchased from the Zometool company on demand, but
they are slightly more expensive than struts in native colours. They are used here to help
distinguish the regular polyhedra from each other. The first model was designed by John H.
Conway. The following models were designed by myself, the stellation nets of the
stellation models and the inside-out step-by-step models showing the construction of the
faceting models should make the construction clear.
Fundamental models
We now present a set of models that illustrate some fundamental properties of polyhedra
and of the Zomeool.
The model in Fig. 4.1a includes models of the five Platonic solids. This is a kit sold by
the Zometool company with the name ``Kepler's Obsession''. This
was designed by John H. Conway, who called it
his ``Cosmogram''. It is not Kepler's polyhedral model of the
Solar System published in his Mysterium Cosmographicum, but it bears some resemblance,
hence its name. Fig. 4.1b shows a larger version I have built.
Fig. 4.1a: Myself holding a beautiful geometrical model sold by the Zometool company as
Kepler's Obsession. Photo by Aris Noutsos.
Fig. 4.1b: This is a larger version of the model above, which I have made using some of
the specially coloured struts from the model above and other rare parts of the Zometool*.
The innermost polyhedron, the Icosahedron (represented in the model in Fig. 4.1b by the
red B1 struts) is the dual of the outermost polyhedron, the Dodecahedron (dark blue B2
struts). The second-innermost polyhedron, the Octahedron (light blue HG1 and HG2 struts)
is the dual of the second outermost one, the Cube (yellow B3 struts). The middle
polyhedron, the Tetrahedron (green HG3 struts) is self-dual. The model is put together in
such a way that each vertex of a polyhedron lines up with the face of its dual, and
vice-versa; furthermore, the edges of dual polyhedra are perpendicular to each other. An
interesting implication of this is that the whole model is, in a way, also self-dual!
- The 12 vertices of the Icosahedron touch the 12 edges of the Octahedron.
- The 6 vertices of the Octahedron touch, in their midpoints, the 6 edges of the Tetrahedron.
- The 6 edges of the Tetrahedron are diagonals of the 6 Square faces of the Cube.
- The 12 edges of the Cube are diagonals of the 12 Pentagonal faces of the Dodecahedron.
Thus, when the vertex of an inner polyhedron A touches and edge of inner polyhedron B, the
edge of the dual of B is a diagonal of the face of the dual of A. The construction is
possible because the number of vertices of the Octahedron (6) and Icosahedron (12) are the
same as the number of edges of the Tetrahedron (6) and Octahedron (12) - by duality, the 6
and 12 edges of the Tetrahedron and Cube correspond to the 6 and 12 faces of the Cube and
Challenge to the reader: The numerical coincidence of vertices of the Octahedron
and edges of the Tetrahedron is easily explained: the Octahedron is the rectification of
the Tetrahedron (see previous page).
However, is there any special reason why the number of vertices of the Icosahedron (12)
has to be the same as the number of edges of the Octahedron? (An answer is provided in
the caption of Fig. 5.7).
We can also see that:
- The 8 faces of the Octahedron are in the same planes as 8 of the 20 faces of the
- The 4 facial planes of the Tetrahedron coincide with 4 of the 8 facial planes of the
- The 4 vertices of this Tetrahedron coincide with 4 of the 8 vertices of the Cube (i.e.,
the Tetrahedron is "inscribed" in the Cube).
- The 8 vertices of the Cube coincide with 8 of the 20 vertices of an outer Dodecahedron
(i.e., the Cube is inscribed in the Dodecahedron).
Thus, the facial plane coincidences of the inner polyhedra - all of them with Triangular
faces - are the duals of the vertex coincidences of the outer polyhedra - all of them with
Triangular vertex figures. These vertex coincidences are explored in Figs. 4.3a, b and c.
Many other things can be seen in the model. For instance, if we extend the edges of the
inner Icosahedron, they meet two vertices of the outer Dodecahedron. The edge arrangement
would then be that of the Great stellated dodecahedron. Also, all the edges of the inner
Octahedron do this as well, but only in one direction! It is not clear to me why this
The models above have no mirror symmetry; only a type of symmetry called
chiral Tetrahedral symmetry. To achieve mirror symmetry, we would need to add a second
Tetrahedron, the dual to the one in the model, making a Stella Octangula configuration
(Fig. 3.8a and 4.5a, b below). Then, we'd have a complete stellation of the Octahedron and
a complete faceting of the Cube in this model. The resulting model would then have an
pyritohedral symmetry.
Now, if we rotate that model four times around an axis going through the centre of two
opposite Pentagonal faces of the Dodecahedron, and superpose these to the original - a
process we will call here "Quintuplication" - we find that the inner Icosahedron stays
unchanged, the Octahedron becomes a Compound of five octahedra (illustrating how it
results from a stellation of the Icosahedron), the Stella Octangula becomes a Compound of
ten tetrahedra (illustrating how the latter compound results from a stellation of the
Icosahedron, being self-dual it is also a faceting of the Dodecahedron), the Cube becomes
a Compound of 5 Cubes (illustrating how it results from the faceting of a Dodecahedron,
this is the dual of the inner Compound of five octahedra) and the outermost Dodecahedron
(the dual of the innermost Icosahedron) stays the same. All of these facetings and
stellations are shown in the models below.
Thus, a 5-fold rotation of an object with pyritohedral symmetry around a carefully chosen
axis transforms it into an object with full Icosahedral symmetry! This is a fact we will
be using often for what follows.
* Some words on this. The model in Fig. 4.1b represents an improvement compared to
the model in Fig. 4.1a because:
a) each polyhedron is now represented by a different colour: in Fig. 4.1a, the
Octahedron and the Tetrahedron are in the same colour, blue-green. That error (later fixed
by the Zometool company) was useful: I used the 12 extremely rare light blue HG2 struts of
the Tetrahedron in 4.1a to build the larger Octahedron in 4.1b.
b) The edges of this Octahedron are no longer dominated by the twists of the HG
The inner Icosahedron in 4.1b is made with the red B1 struts of the outer
Dodecahedron in 4.1a. The outer Dodecahedron in 4.1b is made using commonplace B2 struts.
For the Cube in 4.1b, I've had for a long time the rare yellow B3 equivalents of the
yellow B2 struts in 4.1a. What finally made the model in 4.1b possible was the surprise
inclusion of a set of extremely rare green HG3 struts in a large lot of the Zometool parts
I have purchased in 2019, these are used to make the Tetrahedron.
I like the colour scheme of the model in Fig. 4.1b very much. The colours of the dual
pairs are opposed: If we associate these colours with a sequence in the Rainbow (red,
yellow, green, blue-green, dark blue/violet), then the inner/outer solids have the
extremes of the sequence, the middle solid has the middle colour (green) and the others
have the remaining, not-so-extreme colours. Relative to Fig. 4.1a, the colours of the
inner/outer pair were exchanged, something that increases the contrast between polyhedra
and makes it easier to distinguish them.
I now show several models from which the metric properties of the regular polyhedra, and
even their vertex coordinates, can be easily inferred (this is left to the interested
reader as an exercise). These don't include the Octahedron, for which these properties can
be inferred from its equatorial Square.
Fig. 4.2: Three orthogonal Golden triangles, in a configuration with pyritohedric symmetry.
The vertices are those of the Icosahedron.
The first is a set of three Golden rectanges (prepresented by the B1 and B2 struts),
together with their diagonals, represented by the red R1 struts, as shown in Fig. 2.2d.
These rectangles are arranged along perpendicular planes in such a way that the overall
arrangement has pyritohedral symmetry. The object has a total of 4 vertices for each of
the three rectangles, thus a total of 12 vertices, and a total of 12 R1 struts. These
connect to the 12 pentagonal holes of the central ball. The rectangles are arranged to
each other as Borromean rings.
It should be clear that the R1 struts are arranged with Icosahedral symmetry, and that the
vertices they connect to are those of the Icosahedron. The B1 struts represent the edge of
an Icosahedron (or its faceting, the Great dodecahedron) of length ℓ = 1.
R0 is the length of the red strut, √ ((5 + √5) / 8). R1
is easy to compute: it is half the larger side of the Golden rectangles, φ/2.
The B2 struts represent the edge of an Stellated dodecahedron (or its faceting, the Great
icosahedron), thus in this case ℓ = φ. Again, R0 is the length of the
red strut, √ ((5 + √5) / 8). R1 is easy to compute: it is half the
smaller side of the Golden rectangles, 1/2.
If we quintuplicate the model in Fig. 4.2 and remove the red struts, we will have an
Icosahedron and a Great Icosahedron, with the same 12 vertices. This is shown in Fig.
The following Figures are inspired by the vertex coincidences of the polyhedra with
Triangular vertex figures in Figs. 4.1a and b, the Tetrahedron, Cube and Dodecahedron
This means that, for all these figures, the distance to the centre is that of a Y strut.
This has to be because the latter defines axes of 3-fold symmetry, which are consistent
with the vertex figures of these polyhedra.
Fig. 4.3a: A Cube built with B2 struts. Its diagonals are represented by Y1 struts.
Fig. 4.3b: The diagonals of the faces of the preceding Cube are, if chosen correctly, the
faces of a Tetrahedron, here represented by G2 struts. The distance of its vertices to the
centre is also the length of a Y2 strut.
Fig. 4.3c: To the model in Fig. 4.3b, we add three Long yellow rectangles, in a
configuration with pyritohedric symmetry. The vertices of these rectangles and the Cube
are those of the Dodecahedron.
In what follows, we will re-define our distances, for ease of calculation. Now our unit of
measurement is the length of a B2 strut. I did this because the figures are clearer at
this large scale.
In Fig. 4.3a, we represent a Cube with its diagonal struts. For a Cube with ℓ = 1, the
diagonal is given by √(12 + 12 + 12) = √3.
Thus, R0 = √3/2, which is the length of a yellow strut (as seen in Figs.
2.2b and 2.2e, in Figs. 4.3a, b and c this is represented by a Y2 strut). The distance of
centres of the faces from the centre of the Cube (R2) are easy to deduce from
the shape: 1 /2 of an edge length.
In Fig. 4.3b, we see again the Tetrahedron incribed in the Cube. We see that the Y strut
is also the distance from the vertex to the centre (R0) of the Tetrahedron,
only that the latter has an edge that is √2 times larger than that of the Cube. We
also see that the centre of the Tetrahedron is passing through the centres of the Cubic
faces, thus R1 = 1/2. We can also see here halves of the Yellow rectangles in
Fig. 2.2b, i.e., right angle triangles with blue, green legs and a yellow hypotenuse.
In Fig. 4.3c we add to the previous model three Long yellow rectangles. As we saw in Fig.
2.2e, a Y strut of length √3/2 is also the distance from the vertex to the centre
(R0) of these rectangles. These three Long yellow rectangles have the same type
of Borromean arrangement and the same pyritohedric symmetry as the three Golden rectangles
in Fig. 4.2. As in Fig. 4.2, the number of vertices of these rectangles is that of the
Icosahedron (12).
It should be clear that the Y2 struts of the object in Fig. 4.3c connect to all 20
triangular holes of the central ball, and thus have Icosahedral symmetry. Thus, the
vertices they connect to are those of the Dodecahedron. From this, we see that the number
of vertices of the Dodecahedron has to be the number of vertices of the Icosahedron + the
number of vertices of the Cube (and thus the number of faces of the Icosahedron is the
same as the number of faces of the Dodecahedron + of the Octahedron).
The B1 struts of the Long yellow rectangles represent the edge of the Dodecahedron, of
length ℓ = 1/φ relative to the edge of the Cube (as was already apparent in Figs.
4.1a, b). R1 is easy to compute: it is half the larger side of the Long yellow
rectangle, φ/2.
The B3 struts of the Long yellow rectangles represent the edge of the Great stellated
dodecahedron, of length φ relative to the edge of the Cube. R1 is easy to
compute: it is half the smaller side of the Long yellow rectangle, 1 /(2 φ).
If we quintuplicate the model in Fig. 4.3c and remove the yellow struts, we will have a
Compound of five Cubes, a Compound of five tetrahedra, a Dodecahedron and a Great
stellated dodecahedron, all with the same 20 vertices. This object is shown in Fig. 4.8.
Finally, the distances of the centres of the faces to the centre of the polyhedron
(R2) are given either by
R2 = √ (R02 − R0, face2)
R2 = √ (R12 − R1, face2),
where R0, face or R1, face are now the polygonal values listed in
Table 1.
We now show two rectangular cuboids that
summarise many of the metric properties of the polygons listed in Table 1, and show how
they reappear in the quasi-regular solids. The first has two Squares (Fig. 2.2a) and four
Yellow rectangles (Fig. 2.2b) as faces, this I call the Yellow prism. The diagonals have
length √(1 + 1 + 2) = 2, thus representable with two struts of length 1.
Fig. 4.4a: A Yellow prism has edges with lengths 1 (represented by the HG2 struts in this
model), 1 and √2 (blue struts). The diagonals have length 2, thus representable with
two struts of length 1. The faces are two pairs of Yellow rectangles and a pair of
As the figure shows, not only is this cuboid Zomable, but so are its unit diagonals. When
all diagonals are built, they meet at the centre, from which we see clearly that the
angles between the diagonals are 60, 90 and 120 degrees, the values of α of the
Hexagon, Square and Triangle and the values of β of the Triangle, Square and Hexagon.
The edges of the cuboid, or the diagonals of its faces, correpond to the sides of these
Polygons. The edges of the cuboid or its diagonals correspond to the chords of these
The faces of the Yellow cuboid represent the vertex figures of two rectified polyhedra as
seen from the central vertex: The larger Yellow rectangles represent the vertex figure of
the Cuboctahedron, the Squares represent the vertex figure of the Octahedron.
The second cuboid has two Golden rectangles (Fig. 2.2d), two φ times smaller Golden
rectangles and two Long yellow rectangles (Fig. 2.2e) as faces. I call this a ``Golden
cuboid", with edges of length 1/φ, 1 and φ. The diagonals have length
√(φ− 2 + 1 + φ2) = 2 (see eq. k), thus
representable by two struts of length 1. The volume is φ × 1 × 1/φ = 1
as well.
Fig. 4.4b: A Golden cuboid has edges with lengths of 1/φ, 1 and φ (here a B2 strut
represents unity, the B1 and B3 struts represent 1/φ and φ). The diagonal is 2,
thus representable with two struts of length 1. The faces are two pairs of Golden
rectangles (one φ times larger than the other) and a pair of Long yellow rectangles.
As the figure shows, not only is this cuboid Zomable, but so are its unit diagonals.
Furthermore, the angles between diagonals seen from the centre are 36, 60, 72, 108, 120
and 144 degrees, the values of α for the Decagon, Hexagon, Pentagon, Decagram,
Triangle and Pentagram. These angles also correspond to the values of β for the
Pentagram, Triangle, Decagram, Pentagon, Hexagon and Decagon. The edges of this cuboid and
the diagonals correspond to the sides and radials of the even-sided Zomable Polygons, the
diagonals of the rectangular faces (Figs. 2.2d, e) correspond to the sides of odd-sided
Zomable Polygons. The edges are the chords of the values of β for the odd-sided
Polygons, the diagonals of the rectangular faces correspond to the chords of β for
the even-sided polygons.
Finally, the rectangular faces of the Golden cuboid represent the Rectangular vertex
figures of three rectified polyhedra as seen from the central vertex: The larger Golden
rectangles represent the vertex figure of the Icosidodecahedron, the Long yellow
rectangles the vertex figure of the Dodecadodecahedron, and the smaller Golden rectangles
the vertex figure of the Great icosidodecahedron.
These figures will reappear below in the models of the facetings of the quasi-regular
Stellating and faceting the Platonic solids
In what follows, we depict how many of the polyhedra depicted by the paper models above -
especially the star polyhedra - relate to the convex polyhedra by stellation and faceting.
For this, we will use stellation diagrams; also
represented using the Zometool. In the stellations, the real vertices are indicated by the
white balls; false vertices (where edges intersect, but don't end) appear in other
colours. For the facetings, the only real vertices (of the outer polyhedron, which is the
convex hull of all objects further in) will be depicted in black, false vertices appear in
other colours. The facial plane coincidences in the models showing stellations correspond
to the vertex coincidences in the models showing facetings. Most models with icosahedral
symmetry use size 3 struts.
Incidentally (as this was not my initial intention), these models will prove to be quite
useful for understanding the polychora and polychoron compounds that will be discussed in
the subsequent pages!
Fig. 4.5a: This is the stellation diagram of the Octahedron. The inner Triangle is the
face of the Octahedron. The outer dual Triangle, with an edge that is twice as long as
that of the inner Triangle, is the face of its only stellation, the Compound of two
tetrahedra (Fig. 3.8a). This type of stellation is called a "greatening".
Fig. 4.5b: Expanding all faces of the Octahedron as in the previous Figure, we obtain on
the left a model of the Octahedron (light blue) and the Compound of two tetrahedra
(green). On the right is the dual of the previous model, showing the Cube (in yellow) and
further in, with the same vertex arrangement, the Compound of two tetrahedra (green); this
also appears here because it is self-dual.
The models in Fig. 4.5b follow the colour scheme of Fig. 4.1b, and represent the three
medial polyhedra in that model. We cannot invert the relations because there are no
stellations of the Cube, therefore no facetings of the Octahedron.
The more complex models below continue the same theme of stellations and facetings. One
common characteristic is that the inner and outer polyhedra are isomorphic to each other.
We start with the stellations of the Dodecahedron and the facetings of the Icosahedron.
Here we can represent all stellations and facetings with relatively simple models!
Fig. 4.6a: This is the stellation diagram of the Dodecahedron; its face is the inner
Pentagon. The inner Pentagram, with edge length 2φ +1 = φ3 times
that of the inner Pentagon, is the face of the Stellated dodecahedron. The outer Pentagon
- a φ + 1 = φ2 larger dual of the inner Pentagon - is the face of the
Great dodecahedron, and the outer Pentagram - a φ2 larger dual of the inner
Pentagram - is the face of the Great stellated dodecahedron.
Fig. 4.6b: Extending the 12 faces of the Dodecahedron as in Fig. 4.6a, we obtain the four
stellations of the Dodecahedron (see Fig. 3.5a, blue rectangle in Diagram Ib).
Fig. 4.6c: In this model, the dual of the model in Fig. 4.6b, we represent the four
facetings of the Icosahedron (see Fig. 3.5a and green rectangle in Diagram Ib), which is
polyhedron in yellow B2 struts. Also represented, with the same edge arrangement but
pentagonal faces, is the Great dodecahedron. Further in, in blue, is the Stellated
dodecahedron. Finally, the innermost polyhedron, with the same edge and vertex arrangement
of the Stellated dodecahedron but with triangular faces is the Great icosahedron.
In Fig. 4.6c, the sides of the Pentagrammic faces of the Stellated dodecahedron (in blue)
are the diagonals of the Pentagonal faces of the Great dodecahedra (in yellow), being
therefore φ times longer.
All the vertices are connected to the vertex figures of the four polyhedra by their edges,
those vertex figures are highlighted by the edges of the full set of polyhedra: for the
Icosahedron, it is the yellow Pentagon around each vertex, for the Great Dodecahedron it
is the blue Pentagram under each vertex, for the Stellated dodecahedron, it is the yellow
Pentagon around the opposite vertex, and for the Great icosahedron it is the blue
Pentagram under the opposite vertex. These vertex figures/faces are the duals of the
faces/vertex figures in Fig. 4.6b.
One interesting characteristic of the model in Fig. 4.6c is that it has the same edges as
the model in Fig. 4.6b, except for the absence of the outer layer.
We now continue with the stellations of the Icosahedron. We represent only a few of the 22
cases in each class, mostly objects that we have represented as paper models.
Fig. 4.7a: An incomplete stellation diagram of the Icosahedron, representing four of the
figures that can be built with a small model in the Zometool. The inner blue Triangle is
the face of the Icosahedron, the outer φ4 larger dual Triangle is a face of
the Great icosahedron (see Fig. 3.5a). The green Triangle is a face of the Compound of
five tetrahedra (see Fig. 3.8a). An intermediate figure, the propeller tripod (on the
lower left of Fig. 2.3e) is the face of the aforementioned Excavated dodecahedron. A
few other stellations were presented already in Fig 3.7, but those are not Zomable.
Fig. 4.7b: Extending the 20 faces of the Icosahedron as shown above, we have the four
stellations of the Icosahedron mentioned above.
We continue with the facetings of the Dodecahedron. The model below is not strictly a dual
of the previous one because it also includes the ditrigonal polyhedra and the Compound of
five cubes. It does include the edges of the self-dual Excavated dodecahedron, but these
appear in different colours, depending on whether they coincide with edges of the
Dodecahedron (white) or the Great stellated dodecahedron (yellow).
Note how the edges of the Compound of five cubes (Fig. 3.8b) and the ditrigonal polyhedra
(Fig. 3.7, here in blue) are the diagonals of Pentagonal faces of the outer Dodecahedron
that circumscribe them (in white), being therefore φ times longer. Similarly, the
sides of the Pentagrammic faces of the Great stellated dodecahedron (Fig. 3.5a, here in
yellow) are the diagonals of the Pentagonal faces of the ditrigonal polyhedra that
circumscribe them, being therefore φ times longer again. The planes of these
Pentagon-Pentagram pairs are parallel to each other, these sets of faces have otherwise
identical orientations. The edges of the Compound of five tetrahedra (Fig. 3.8a, here in
green) are the diagonals of the faces of the Compound of five cubes.
Fig. 4.8: This model represents facetings of the Dodecahedron, this is the outer
polyhedron represented by the white B3 struts, the convex hull that circumscribes all
other polyhedra further in that were represented by paper models.
Around each vertex, the blue Triangles (faces of the Small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron)
trace the vertex figures of the Dodecahedron and, near the opposite vertex, of the Great
stellated dodecahedron, being connected to them by the edges of these Polyhedra. You can
also see how the vertex figures of the ditrigonal polyhedra (the ditrigonal hexagons in
Fig. 2.3e) are traced below each vertex by the edges of the Dodecahedron, Great stellated
dodecahedron and the ditrigonal polyhedra.
We now show the construction process, starting from the polyhedron further in, then adding
successive layers.
Fig. 4.8a: At the centre of the previous model, in yellow B1 and B2 struts, is the Great
stellated dodecahedron.
Fig. 4.8b: The green struts represent the Compound of five tetrahedra. The Compound of ten
tetrahedra (also in Fig. 3.8a) is also a faceting of the Dodecahedron, but it is not
Zomable, as it would require two green struts to connect to the same holes.
Fig. 4.8c: The blue B1/B2 struts represent the ditrigonal polyhedra and the Compound of
five cubes, all of which share the same edge arrangement.
If we made the model in Fig. 4.8 a strict dual of the model in Fig. 4.7b (i.e., not
including the blue struts), then the model would share the same edges of the model in Fig.
4.7b, apart from the outer layer. This is analogous to the relation between the models in
Fig. 4.6b and 4.6c.
Stellating and faceting the quasi-regular solids
Until now, all edges of the regular and partially regular polyhedra and their compounds
can be represented with G and B struts, the reason for this is explained by Figs. 4.1a and
b, 4.2 and 4.3a, b and c. The Y and R struts have only been used for the radials of the
models in the latter figures. The quasi-regular polyhedra shown below can also be
represented with G and B struts, the reason is that thay have two types of faces, one of
which is a rectification to the faces of a regular polyhedron, and thus also Zomable with
the same colours (see e.g., Fig. 2.4d).
However, this is not the case for the rhombic solids. In Fig. 3.3b and 3.3c, we depicted
compounds of dual Platonic solids; their edges intersecting at 90 degrees at their
midpoints, represented by black balls. In Fig. 4.9, we show pairs of these intersecting
edges. Since the rhombic polyhedra are the convex hulls of the compounds of dual Platonic
solids, their faces are in the same plane as these two intersecting edges, and must be the
smallest polygons to fully circumscribe them. These faces are, respectively, Yellow and
Golden rhombuses, with the same edge colours (Y and R) and in this case dimensions as
those rhombuses in Figs. 2.5a and 2.5b. Compare these figures with the Yellow and Golden
rectangles in Figs. 2.2b and 2.2d: doing this, one understands why these struts represent
at the same time the radials of the Cube and Icosahedron (Figs. 4.2 and 4.3a) and the
rhombic polyhedra.
Fig. 4.9, Top: the intersecting edges of the Cube (B1) and Octahedron (G1) in Fig. 3.3b
can be inscribed in a Yellow rhombus (see Fig. 2.5a). Bottom: the intersecting edges of
the Dodecahedron (B1) and Icosahedron (B2) in Fig. 3.3c can be inscribed in a Golden
rhombus (see Fig. 2.5b).
We now show models of these rhombic polyhedra (with Y and R struts) and their stellations,
and also duals models of these, showing facetings of their duals, the Cuboctahedron and
Icosidodecahedron. Before each pair of models, we show, as above, stellation diagrams for
the isohedral polyhedra to be stellated (the rhombic solids). We start with a stellation
of the Rhombic dodecahedron and a facetings of its dual, the Cuboctahedron.
Fig. 4.10a: This is the stellation diagram of the Rhombic dodecahedron. There are four
stellations, with vertices indicated by the connector colours: the rhombic dodecahedron
(black balls), first stellation (blue balls), second stellation (yellow balls) and third
stellation (green balls).
Fig. 4.10b: Further in is the Rhombic dodecahedron, outside is its first stellation. The
latter object is known as "Escher's
solid". This particular shape can fill space.
It is composed of three Square bipyramids, with Square bases in blue
and yellow struts representing all other edges. I call it the Yellow bipyramid.
Fig. 4.10c: The dual of the model in Fig. 4.10b, the Cuboctahedron and, further in, its
first faceting, by three three Yellow prisms (Fig. 4.4a).
Note all edges the last figure belong to a set of three Yellow prisms (Fig. 4.4a). These
are the duals of the three yellow bipyramids in Fig. 4.10b. Their longer edges are the
diagonals of the Square faces of the Cuboctahedron. The 3 × 8 = 24 vertices coincide
by twos with the 12 vertices of the outer Cuboctahedron. In the models above, we could
have shown additional stellations of the Rhombic dodecahedron, but their dual facetings of
the Cuboctahedron are not Zomable. The diagonals of these three Yellow prisms (shown in
Fig. 4.4a) are the Zomable radials of all equatorial Hexagons in this model (see Fig.
2.3c), but they not represented here.
An interesting thing about the dual objects in Figs. 4.10b and c is that they have an
identical vertex arrangement. This means, by duality, that they have an identical
arrangement of facial planes!
Below, we show a model of the four isotoxal stellations of the rhombic triacontahedron.
They can be found very easily since they are represented by different colours. For more on
them and instructions on how to build them, and many more stellations of the Rhombic
triacontahedron, look here.
Fig. 4.11a: Within the inner region of the stellation diagram of the Rhombic
triacontahedron (shown in full detail here) we can find the faces of its four isotoxal
stellations, for which we have built paper models above. The inner Golden rhombus (in red,
see also Fig. 2.4b) is one of the 30 faces of the Rhombic triacontahedron itself (Fig.
3.4). The Long yellow rhombus (Fig. 2.4c) is one of the 30 faces of the Medial rhombic
triacontahedron (see Fig. 3.6a). The blue Square is one of the 30 faces of the Compound of
5 cubes (Fig. 3.8b). The outer Golden rhombus, which is 2φ + 1 = φ3
times larger than the inner red Rhombus, is one of the 30 faces of the Great rhombic
triacontahedron (Fig. 3.6a).
Fig. 4.11b: Extending the 30 faces of the Rhombic triacontahedron as in Fig. 4.11a, we
obtain this model.
We now show the dual model, with the four isotoxal facetings of the Icosidodecahedron. In
this model we can see that the sides of the Pentagrammic faces of the Dodecadodecahedron
(Fig. 3.6a, here in blue) are the diagonals of Pentagonal faces of the outer
Icosidodecahedron that circumscribe them (Fig. 3.4, here in yellow), being therefore φ
times longer. Similarly, the sides of the Pentagrammic faces of the Great
icosidodecahedron (Fig. 3.6a, here in white) are the diagonals of the Pentagonal faces of
the Dodecadodecahedron that circumscribe them, being therefore φ times longer again.
The planes of these Pentagon-Pentagram pairs are parallel to each other but these sets of
faces have dual orientations. Also, the planes of the Triangular faces of the
Icosidodecahedron are parallel to those of the Triangular faces of the Great
icosidodecahedron, but these Triangles are also in dual orientations.
Fig. 4.12: This model, the dual of the model in Fig. 4.11b, shows the four isotoxal
facetings of the Icosidodecahedron, which is the outer shape in yellow B3 struts, the
convex hull that circumscibes all polyhedra further in.
Note that apart from the edges of the Compound of five octahedra (in green), all edges
this figure belong to fifteen Golden cuboids (see Fig. 4.4b) aligned with the 15 axes of
2-fold symmetry of the model: the 1 / φ edges are those of the Icosidodecahedron, the
"unit" edges, which correspond to the length of the radials of the Golden cuboid, are
those of the Dodecadodecahedron - which is radially equilateral - and the φ edges are
those of the Great icosidodecahedron. The vertices of these 15 Golden cuboids are
superposed by fours on each of the 30 vertices of the Icosidodecahedron. There are three
faces of each of these golden cuboids under each real vertex of the compound, they
correspond to the three rectangular vertex figures of the three facetings of the
Icosidodecahedron, appearing at increasing depths under each vertex and connected to it by
the edges of the respective polyhedra. These vertex figures are the duals of the rhombic
faces of the polyhedra in Fig. 4.11b.
The radials of these 15 Golden cuboids, which are shown in Fig. 4.4b, are the Zomable blue
radials of all equatorial Decagons, Hexagons and Decagrams in this model (see Figs. 2.3c,
d and 2.8b), but they not represented here.
We now show the construction process, starting from the polyhedron further in, then adding
successive layers.
Fig. 4.12a: At the centre of the model is the Great icosidodecahedron, in white B1 and B2
Important: If you build the model in Fig. 4.12a, you'll notice an interesting fact:
At the centre of the model, you will see an Icosidodecahedron with "false" white vertices
located directly under the outer real black vertices, with an arrangement that is φ
times smaller. This fact is not obvious from the paper model in Fig. 3.6a.
The reason for this is that the edges of the Great icosidodecahedron are obtained by
extending the edges of an Icosidodecahedron: the Pentagons of the Icosidodecahedron were
stellated into isomorphic Pentagrams with a φ3 times larger side (see Fig.
2.6a) and its equatorial Decagons into isomorphic equatorial Decagrams, also with a
φ3 times larger side (see Fig. 2.8b). As we've seen in the study of the sizes of Polygons, the
vertices of a Decagram are located right above the vertices of the Decagon they stellate
(Fig. 2.8b), with an arrangement that is φ times larger (Fig. 2.8c).
The fact that these are equatorial polygons of the inner Icosidodecahedron and Great
icosidodecahedron imply that the vertices of the latter are also located right above those
of the former, also with an arrangement φ times larger, as we see in the model. This
fact will have important implications for understanding some of the regular star
Fig. 2.8c can thus be seen as a cut of Fig. 4.12 along its equatorial Decagons. These
correspond to the outer Decagon in Fig. 2.8c. The equatorial Decagram of the inscribed
Great icosidodecahedron (Fig. 4.12a) is the inscribed Decagram in Fig. 2.8c.
Fig. 4.12b: Just outside the Great icosidodecahedron is the Compound of five octahedra, in
green G2 and G3 struts. Note the 3-intersections of some of the G3 struts in the 3-fold
symmetry axes, where they have to bend a bit.
Fig. 4.12c: Just above the Compound of five octahedra is the Dodecadodecahedron in blue B1
and B2 struts.
One could also make models with the stellations of the Coboctahedron and Icosahedron and
the facetings of the Rhombic dodecahedron and triacontahedron, but none of those
stellations is isotoxal.
One last word about the models in this page. They are the closest in the whole site to
artistic objects: one can choose which combinations of polyhedra to show, and their sizes
and orientations relative to each other, furthermore we have some freedom in the choice of
colours. The models in Figs. 4.1a and b are in my opinion elegant works of art. Regarding
the other models, although they merely display stellations and facetings, they can also be
very pleasing. I am particularly happy with those in Figs. 4.7b and 4.11b. The model in
Fig. 4.8c is also quite striking!
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