VLBA images of 3C345 at 5, 8 15, and 22 GHz.
Maps of 3C345 from the multi-frequency VLBA observation made on June 24, 1995. The restoring beam is 1.2x1.2 mas. The contours are (1,1.4,2,2.8,4,...,51.2)x14\,mJy. "D" denotes the VLBI core of the jet, "C7" is the strongest superluminal feature seen in the jet at the epoch of observation.

A computed 11 GHz image of 3C345:
Map of 3C345 at 11GHz obtained by fitting the synchrtron spectrum to the VLBA images shown above. The  restoring beam and contour levels are the same as above. The horizontal line illustrates crosses the region where the spectral profiles have been calculated.