VSOP observations of extremely distant
[a project in collaboration with L.Gurvits, R.T. Schilizzi
(JIVE), S.Frey (FOMI SGO), K.I.Kellermann (NRAO), N.Kawaguchi(NAO), &
2215+020 (z=3.58, S1.4GHz=0.8Jy) is included
in the sample of high-redshift quasars to be observed with VSOP.
No prior VLBI observations of this object are known to us. A VSOP
observation at 1.6GHz was made on September 14 1997. 15 ground telescopes
and 2 satellite data acquisition stations participated in the observations.
The data were correlated at the NRAO correlator in Socorro. Subsequent
fringe fitting was done in AIPS; imaging and self-calibration were performed
using DIFMAP. Shown below are an image obtained using only the baselines
provided by the ground telescopes, and a full-resolution VSOP image of
the source.The linear scale in the images is 6.8 pc/mas, for H0=50
km/(s Mpc) and q0=0.5.
Both images are made from uniformly weigthed visibility data.
Ground VLBI image of 2215+020 at 1.6
plot, visibility
plot, uv-plot).
Image characteristics: Thermal noise: 0.08 mJy.
Self-calibration noise: 0.16 mJy.
Total CLEAN flux: 451.3mJy. Map minimum: -1.8
VSOP image of 2215+020 at 1.6GHz
plot, visibility
plot, uv-plot).
(Images made from naturally weighted visibility data: GIF,
Image characteristics: Thermal
noise: 0.07 mJy. Self-calibration noise: 0.36 mJy.
Total CLEAN flux: 465.8 mJy.
Map minimum: -1.9 mJy