M.Sc. in Astronomy:Moscow State
University, Moscow, Russia
Advisors: Prof. N.S. Kardashev, Dr. L.I. Gurvits
Thesis: ``Cosmological Tests and Variability of the Radio Structures in
1998-: Max-Planck-Institut
für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany, Staff Astronomer: ground
and space VLBI observations and data analysis; studying the nuclear regions
of AGN; observations and modelling of IDV radio sources.
1996-98: Max-Planck-Institut
für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany, Postdoctoral fellow: observations
and modelling of IDV radio sources; mm-VLBI and VSOP observations and data
analysis; studying the nuclear regions of AGN; spectral imaging of radio
emission from parsec-scale jets.
1993-96: National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, USA; Junior Research Associate: VLBI monitoring of
3C345; long-term kinematic and spectral evolution in parsec-scale jets;
relativistic jet modelling; quality control of the VLBA correlator output.
1991-93: Astro Space Center,
Moscow, Russia; Junior Research Associate: observation support software
for the Space VLBI mission ``Radioastron''; modelling a relativistic expansion
in compact radio sources and its applications to cosmology.
1990-91: Independent Association for Scientific Development, Moscow,
Russia; Consultant (part time): evaluating grant requests for projects
in astrophysics.
1988,89: Special Astrophysical Observatory,
Nizhniy Arkhyz, Russia (summers); Research Assistant: multiobject spectrography;
testing and development of faint object subtraction algorythms; visiting
observers support.
1987-88: Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia; Research
Assistant (part time): experiment support; designing a satellite magnetic
field sensor.
Extensive experience in observations with the VLBA, VLA, Effelsberg:
scheduling, observing, and data reduction. Experience in 3mm-VLBI observations:
CMVA observing sessions support at Effelsberg. Space VLBI: processing of
the VSOP data; designing the mission simulation and scheduling software
for ``Radioastron''; some experience with the space VLBI data acquisition
station in Green Bank. The VLBA: experience in quality control of the correlator
output; developing a method for mapping the synchrotron turnover frequency
distribution in compact jets, using multifrequency VLBA data with non-matched
Extensive experience in studying parsec-scale jets and central regions
of AGN. Analytical and numerical jet models: combining kinematic, spectral,
and variability information within a single framework. Developing a method
for probing the opacity, pressure and density gradients in the nuclear
environment of AGN, using the observed frequency dependence of the position
of the jet base.
8 years of programming in ``C'' under UNIX, VMS, and MS-DOS; limited
exposure to ``C++''; working knowledge of FORTRAN, HTML, CGI, and JAVA.
Experience in developing various scientific application software: spectral
imaging from multifrequency VLBA data; management and analysis of VLBI
monitoring data (jet kinematics, spectrum, luminosity); space VLBI software;
faint object subtraction algorythms. Some experience with high-level GUI
interface, socket and network programming. Extensive experience in AIPS,
Caltech VLBI Package, DIFMAP, PGPLOT, FITSIO. Working with Mathematica,
Mathcad, PV-WAVE, IDL, WIP and other UNIX-based support and visualisation
Personal description
Self-motivated, communicable, enjoy interactions with people, work
equally easily both in a team and on my own, like to tackle challenging
problems and learn new things.
Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent), basic German, Spanish,
and French.