250 MHz AOS (AOSC)
The MPIfR 250 MHz bandwidth AOS was installed in the fall of 1997. It
has a mean resolution of 385 kHz. The same
2048 channel linear CCD is used to detect the spectra which are therefore
oversampled by about a factor 3. Thus, the
CLASS channel width for spectra taken with
this AOS is about a third of the resolution.
The following graph shows the results of the October 06th, 1998
maintenance (click on image to get a larger version). We checked AOSC
again in September 1999. It appears that the
resolution and frequency linearity did not
change compared to the previous measurements. However, the comb generator
has developed a problem. The comb generator is used only for maintenance
measurements and it is not necessary for normal observing. We
will check and repair it and then post updated results here.
AOSC comb results (GIF)

(PostScript version)
Long integration (~4 hours) data on sky using the 230 GHz receiver with the
wobbler are available for AOSB and AOSC. Both AOS's do not show
any significant deviation from the expected 1/sqrt(time) law.
AOSB long integration results (GIF)
(PostScript version)
AOSC long integration results (GIF)
(PostScript version)