To: gtaylor, pudompra,, Subject: 65ms Shri, Stuart: Greg Taylor and his summer student Pat Udomprasert have made L band (1425 MHz) and X band (4860 MHz) maps of the field of our 65ms IL candidate B2015+1940. Inside the Arecibo beam there is only one real source, 1.4 mJy at 20cm that disappears at X band. This source could be our guy. From the non-detection at X band it looks like the spectral index is alpha>1.67 The J2000 coordinates are 20:17:26.166 19:46:14.55 error 8.011 1.40 mJy at 20cm, There is another source within the beam, but it's only 0.45 mJy at 20cm. Just outside the Arecibo beam there are two sources which could work out as well. They are both good detections at 20cm, (11 and 15 mJy) but disappear at X band. It might seem that 11 and 15 mJy is too much at 20cm as it would imply large fluxes at 436 MHz, but they both are about 81 away from the beam center which could really damper their observed flux. Their J2000 positions are 20:17:47.419 19:51:57.01 error 0.81, 15.4 mJy at 20cm. 20:16:42.173 19:43:10.2 error 1.01, 11.1 mJy at 20cm When do you think we could confirm this candidate at Arecibo? Are you going to write a proposal? Am I? Let's decide that soon so we get a few hours of observing soon. When we confirm this guy the three possible positions will come in very handy for the timing solution. Let's remember to thank Greg and Pat in the paper. Oh, and I will send a copy of the plots to you guys by slow mail. -jose,