Fig. 1: Neutron star mass measurements presented in the table below, sorted by increasing
mass. The letter C in parentheses indicates a companion to a pulsar that is itself not a pulsar. The
names in blue are the cases where such a companion could be a NS or a massive WD, the names in red
are for confirmed NSs, as the mass values in the main table. The error bars in orange denote
multiple recent measurements of the same NS mass. On the right, we have a histogram of
the NS masses. Figure created by Vivek V. Krishnan. For a version without the histogram, click here
NS | - neutron star. |
PSR | - pulsar, a NS for which we can detect periodic pulsations |
yPSR | - young pulsar (i.e., no sign of recycling) |
MSP | - millisecond pulsar (recycled pulsar with F0 > 60 Hz), |
WD | - white dwarf; He WD - Helium WD |
MS | - main sequence star, |
BH | - black hole, |
GC | - globular cluster, |
GR | - general relativity. |
1. Systems with individual NS mass measurements | ||||||||||
F0 (Hz) |
Pb (days) |
x (s) |
e | MT (M☉) |
Mp (M☉) |
Mc (M☉) |
Mass constraints | Geodetic precession | Notes |
J0218+4232 | 430.461 | 002.02885 | 001.98443 | 0.0000063(2) | 1.49(+23/−20) | 0.179(+18/−16) | r, s | a | MSP - He WD system. | |
J0337+1715 | 365.953 | 001.62940 327.25512 |
001.21753 074.67234 |
0.000699036(+37/−42) 0.0352911721(+20/−28) |
1.4380(+12/−11) | 0.19755(+15/−14) 0.41012(+31/−29) |
i, q | a | First pulsar in a triple star system. Two companions are He WDs, hence the two companion masses. The two sets of Keplerian parameters are for the orbit of the inner system (containing MSP and WD) and the orbit of the outer WD with the inner system. q is measured independently for inner system. This system yields the best test of the Universality of free fall to date (see also the first and second versions of this test). | |
J0348+0432 | 025.561 | 000.10242 | 000.14098 | 0.0000020(10) |
2.01(4) 1.806(36) |
0.172(3) 0.154(3) |
q, mWD, GWa q, GWa |
a | PSR - He WD system. First massive NS in a relativistic orbit. Latest orbital decay measurements disagrees with prediction derived from spectroscopic mass measurements. If the observed orbital variation is only the orbital decay due to GW emission predicted by GR, the components masses are significantly smaller than their spectroscopic estimate. | |
J0437−4715 | 173.688 | 005.74104 | 003.36670 | 0.000019180(3) | 1.418(44) | 0.221(4) | r, s | a | MSP - He WD system. Very high timing precision. Full 3-D position, velocity, orbital orientation and masses are known. | |
J0453+1559 | 021.843 | 004.07247 | 014.46679 | 0.11251847(8) | 2.734(4) | 1.559(5) | 1.174(4) | p, h3 | u | PSR - NS. Asymmetric DNS. Companion star is lightest NS known. |
J0509+3801 | 013.065 | 000.37958 | 002.05046 | 0.586409(3) | 2.81071(14) | 1.399(6) | 1.412(6) | p, γ, GW | u | PSR - NS. Highly eccentric, similar to the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. |
J0514−4002A | 200.378 | 018.78518 | 036.2909 | 0.8879765(3) | 2.47346(28) | 1.39(3) | 1.08(3) | p, γ | u | MSP - massive WD companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 1851. Ongoing encounter with a third object; this might add a small (order 10−3) contribution to the observed periastron advance, so it is possible total mass might be a factor of ~10−3 different. |
J0621+1002 | 034.657 | 008.31868 | 012.03207 | 0.00245744(4) | 2.32(8) | 1.53(+10/−20) | 0.76(+28/−7) | p, s | a | PSR - Massive WD system. |
J0737−3039B |
000.360 |
000.10225 | 001.41503
001.516 |
0.08777702(6) | 2.587052(+9/−7) | 1.338185(+12/−14) 1.248868(+13/−11) |
1.338185(+12/−14) 1.248868(+13/−11) |
R, p, γA, s, rA, GW, GB | no
yes, yes |
PSR - yPSR. The only double pulsar known. Most highly inclined binary pulsar known. Seven mass constraints, which determine the masses and yield 5 independent GR tests. Most precise measurements of NS masses and most precise measurement of the orbital decay ever. Detection of second-order effects in the rate of advance of periastron (with contribution from Lense-Thirring effect) and Shapiro delay. |
J0740+6620 | 346.532 | 004.76694 | 003.97756 | 0.00000507(4) | 2.08(7) | 0.253(+6/−5) | r, s | a | MSP- Massive WD system, likely most massive NS. | |
J0751+1807 | 287.458 | 000.26314 | 000.39661 | 0.0000005(11) | 1.64(15) | 0.16(1) | s, GWa | a | MSP - He WD system, only case where mass is derived from s and assumption that GWa is as given by GR. | |
J0955−6150 | 500.160 | 024.57840 | 013.28248 | 0.11750575(1) | 1.96(2) | 1.71(3) | 0.254(2) | p, h3, ς | u | Eccentric MSP - He WD system. |
J1012−4235 | 322.462 | 037.97246 | 021.26307 | 0.00034572(1) | 1.44(+13/−12) | 0.270(+16/−15) | h3, ς | a | MSP - He WD system. | |
J1012+5307 | 190.267 | 000.60467 | 000.58182 | 0.0000012(3) | 1.72(16) | 0.165(15) | q, mWD, GWa | a | MSP - He WD system. Useful constraints on dipolar GW emission (a, b). | |
J1125−6014 | 380.173 | 008.75260 | 008.33919 | 0.000000615(11) | 1.68+(+17/−15) | 0.33(2) | r, s | a | MSP - Light CO WD system. | |
J1141−6545 | 002.539 | 000.19765 | 001.85892 | 0.171876(1) | 2.28967(6) | 1.27(1) | 1.02(1) | p, γ, GWa | yes | yPSR, formed after the companion, which is a massive WD. The fast rotation of the WD induces a detectable precession in the orbit, a significant part of which is relativistic (the Lense-Thirring effect). |
J1227−6208 | 028.962 | 006.72102 | 023.20067 | 0.00114918(4) | 1.54(15) | 1.40(7) | p, h3, ς | u | PSR - massive WD system. WD companion could me most massive in this list. | |
J1518+4904 | 024.428 | 008.63400 | 020.03949 | 0.249484383(9) | 2.7186(7) | 1.470(+30/−34) | 1.248(+35/−29) | p, s | u | PSR - NS. |
J1528−3146 | 016.441 | 003.18035 | 011.45230 | 0.0002137(2) | 2.94(+21/−20) | 1.61(+14/−13) | 1.33(+8/−7) | r, s, p | a | PSR - massive WD system. WD companion could me most massive in this list. |
B1534+12 | 026.382 | 000.42074 | 003.72946 | 0.27367740(4) | 2.678463(4) | 1.3330(2) | 1.3455(2) | p, γ, r, s, GW, G | yes | PSR - NS. Orbital decay (GW) has been measured precisely but does not provide a test of GR because of lack of precise knowledge of distance. |
J1543−5149 | 486.154 | 008.06077 | 006.48029 | 0.00002133(3) | 1.349(+43/−61) | 0.2233(+45/−61) | h3, ς | a | MSP - He WD system. | |
J1614−2230 | 317.379 | 008.68662 | 011.29120 | 0.000001333(8) | 1.908(16) 1.94(3) |
0.493(3) 0.495(5) |
r, s r, s | a | MSP- Massive WD system, massive MSP. | |
J1713+0747 | 218.811 | 067.82513 | 032.34242 | 0.0000749402(6) | 1.33(+9/−8) 1.35(7) |
0.289(+13/−11) 0.292(11) |
h3, ς r, s |
a | MSP - He WD system. This system surrently provides the best pulsar limit on the variation of the gravitational constant, on violations of the universality of free fall and on the α3 parameter. | |
J1738+0333 | 170.937 | 000.35479 | 000.34343 | 0.00000034(11) | 1.47(+7/−6) | 0.181(+7/−5) | q, mWD, GWa | a | MSP - He WD system. This system yields useful constraints on dipolar GW emission (a, b) and the best limits on igravitational Local Lorenz Invariance violation parameter α1 | |
J1748−2446ap | 267.044 | 021.38817 | 013.20131 | 0.905186(4) | 1.997(6) | 1.700(+15/−45) | 0.294(+46/−14) | p, γ | u | MSP - He WD. Located in Terzan 5, system is highly eccentric and likely perturbed by close stellar encounters. |
J1756−2251 | 035.135 | 000.31963 | 002.75646 | 0.1805694(2) | 2.56999(6) | 1.341(7) | 1.230(7) | p, γ, s, GW | no | PSR - NS. Low-mass NS companion. No geodetic precession for pulsar, indicating alignment of its spin axis with orbital angular momentum. |
J1757−1854 | 046.518 | 000.18354 | 002.23781 | 0.6058174(3) | 2.732876(8) | 1.3412(4) | 1.3917(4) | p, γ, h3, ς GW | yes | PSR - NS. Most accelerated binary, largest relative velocity, five measured PK parameters. Second-formed NS significantly more massive than first-formed NS. |
J1802−2124 | 079.066 | 000.69889 | 003.71885 | 0.00000248(5) | 1.24(11) | 0.78(4) | r, s | a | MSP - massive WD system. | |
J1807−2500B | 238.881 | 009.95667 | 028.92039 | 0.747033198(40) | 2.57190(73) | 1.3655(21) | 1.2064(20) | p, ς, h3 | u | MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 6544. Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J1829+2456 | 024.384 | 001.17603 | 007.23684 | 0.1391435(3) | 2.60551(38) | 1.306(7) | 1.299(7) | p, s | u | PSR - NS. |
B1855+09 | 186.494 | 012.32717 | 009.23078 | 0.00002170(3) | 1.37(+13/−10) 1.59(+21/−18) |
0.244(+14/−12) 0.268(+22/−19) |
r, s, h3, ς |
a | MSP - He WD system. First measurement of Shapiro delay in a binary pulsar. | |
J1903+0327 | 465.135 | 095.17412 | 105.59346 | 0.436678409(3) | 2.697(29)* | 1.667(21)* | 1.029(8)* | p, h3, ς, q | u | First MSP outside GCs with eccentric orbit. MS companion. System likely originated as a triple. *Masses indicated to 99.7% C.L. as uncertainties are not Gaussian. |
J1906+0746 | 006.941 | 000.16599 | 001.41995 | 0.0852996(6) | 2.6134(3) | 1.291(11) | 1.322(11) | p, γ, GW, G | yes | yPSR - massive compact companion. The pulsar (only 110 kyr old) is the second-formed compact object in the system. Companion could be a recycled NS as in most other PSR - NS systems, but it could also be a massive WD, as in the cases of J1141−6545 and B2303+46. |
J1909−3744 | 339.316 | 001.53345 | 001.89799 | 0.000000115(7) | 1.48(3) 1.492(14) 1.45(3) |
0.208(2) 0.209(1) 0.205(3) |
r, s
r, s r, s |
a | MSP - He WD system. First MSP with a precise mass. Very high timing precision and high inclination. Useful constraints on dipolar GW emission (a, b). | |
J1910−5958A | 306.167 | 000.83711 | 001.20605 | 0.00000082(3) | 1.55(7) | 0.202(6) | r, s, q, mWD | a | MSP - He WD system in GC NGC 6572. | |
J1913+1102 | 036.650 | 000.20625 | 001.75462 | 0.089531(2) | 2.8887(6) | 1.62(3) | 1.27(3) | p, γ, GW | u | PSR - NS. Most massive among these systems, pulsar is most massive NS in a PSR - NS system. First known member of new population of merging, asymmetric DNSs. |
B1913+16 | 016.940 | 000.32299 | 002.34178 | 0.6171340(4) | 2.828378(7) | 1.438(1) | 1.390(1) | p, γ, GW, h3, ς | yes | PSR - NS. The Hulse-Taylor binary. First binary pulsar discovered. First NS mass measurements. Orbital decay was the first GR test in a binary pulsar, and first radiative test anywhere. This showed that gravitational waves exist. |
J1918−0642 | 130.790 | 010.91318 | 008.35047 | 0.000020340(18) | 1.29(+10/−9) | 0.231(10) | r, s | a | MSP - He WD system. | |
J1933−6211 | 282.212 | 012.81941 | 012.28157 | 0.00000126(2) | 1.4(+3/−2) | 0.43(5) | r, s | a | MSP - CO WD system. | |
J1943+2210 | 077.699 | 000.37205 | 002.57980 | 0.0000016(4) | 1.84(+11/−9) | 1.03(+4/−3) | r, s | u | PSR - Massive WD system. Massive pulsar, compact orbit. | |
J1946+3417 | 315.445 | 027.01995 | 013.86907 | 0.134495389(17) | 2.094(22) | 1.828(22) | 0.2556(19) | p, h3, ς | u | Eccentric MSP - He WD system. Massive MSP. |
J1949+3106 | 076.114 | 001.94954 | 007.28865 | 0.000043122(35) | 1.34(+17/−15) | 0.81(+6/−5) | h3, ς, p | a | MSP - massive WD system. | |
J1950+2414 | 232.300 | 022.19137 | 014.21994 | 0.07981173(4) | 1.779(25) | 1.496(23) | 0.2975(+46/−38) | p, h3 | u | Eccentric MSP - He WD system. |
J2023+2853 | 088.270 | 000.71823 | 004.00222 | 0.0000131(6) | 1.28(+6/−6) | 0.85(2) | r, s | u | PSR - Massive WD system. | |
J2043+1711 | 420.189 | 001.48229 | 001.62396 | 0.00000489(13) | 1.38(+12/−13) | 0.173(10) | r,s | a | MSP - He WD system. | |
J2045+3633 | 031.564 | 032.29784 | 046.94080 | 0.017212447(6) | 2.127(31) | 1.251(21) | 0.873(+16/−14) | p, h3, ς | a | MSP - massive WD system. |
J2053+4650 | 079.652 | 002.45250 | 008.80430 | 0.0000089(1) | 1.40(+21/−18) | 0.86(+7/−6) | h3, ς | a | MSP - massive WD system. | |
B2127+11C | 032.755 | 000.33528 | 002.51845 | 0.681395(2) | 2.71279(13) | 1.358(10) | 1.354(10) | p, γ, GW | yes | PSR - massive compact companion. Formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 7078 (M15), companion could be a massive WD, but generally assumed to be a NS given the large mass. Acceleration of system in the cluster precludes further improvements in precision of radiative test of GR. |
J2222−0137 | 030.471 | 002.44576 | 010.84802 | 0.00038092(1) | 3.150(14) | 1.831(10) | 1.3194(40) | r, s, p, GWa | a | PSR - massive WD system. Useful constraints on dipolar GW emission (a, b). |
J2234+0611 | 279.597 | 032.00140 | 013.93737 | 0.129274035(8) | 1.6518(+33/−35) | 1.353(+14/−17) | 0.298(+15/−12) | h3, p | u | Eccentric MSP - He WD system. Full 3-D position, velocity, orbital orientation and masses are known. |
B2303+46 | 000.937 | 012.33954 | 032.6787 | 0.658369(9) | 2.64(5) | 1.34(10) | 1.30(10) | p, mWD | u | yPSR. Formed after the companion, which is a massive WD. |
2. Systems with binary mass measurements only | ||||||||||
PULSAR | F0 (Hz) |
Pb (days) |
x (s) |
e | MT (M☉) |
Mp (M☉) |
Mc (M☉) |
Mass constraints | Geodetic precession | Notes |
J0024−7204H | 311.493 | 002.35770 | 002.15281 | 0.0705585(7) | 1.665(7) | < 1.49 | > 0.175 | f, p | u | MSP with likely He WD companion. Located in GC NGC 104 (47 Tuc). |
J0514−4002E | 178.701 | 007.44790 | 027.8192 | 0.70793232(85) | 3.8870(45) | < 1.79 | > 2.09 | f, p | u | MSP - massive compact companion. Most massive system in this list. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 1851. Companion is either a very massive NS or a light BH. Limits on the individual masses derived from non-detection of the Shapiro delay. |
J0528+3529 | 012.782 | 011.72618 | 031.43468 | 0.2901088(10) | 2.90(12) | < 1.8 | > 1.2 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
J1018−1523 | 012.026 | 008.98393 | 026.15662 | 0.227749(2) | 2.3(3) | < 1.2 | > 1.1 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
J1208−5936 | 034.826 | 000.63157 | 004.2570(4) | 0.347988(1) | 2.586(5) | < 1.48 | > 1.10 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
J1325−6253 | 034.520 | 001.81559 | 007.57391 | 0.0640091(7) | 2.57(6) | < 1.59 | > 0.98 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
J1411+2551 | 016.012 | 002.61586 | 009.20514 | 0.1699308(4) | 2.538(22) | < 1.62 | > 0.92 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
B1516+02B | 125.835 | 006.85845 | 003.04826 | 0.137839(2) | 2.157(28) | < 2.05 | > 0.14 | f, p | u | MSP - WD system, located in GC NGC 5904 (M5). |
J1617−2258A | 231.572 | 000.78915 | 000.46421 | 0.53744(3) | 1.67(6) | < 1.60(6) | > 0.083 | f, p | u | MSP - WD system, located in GC NGC 6093 (M80). |
J1618−3921 | 083.422 | 022.74560 | 010.27828 | 0.02741231(1) | 1.42(+20/−19) | < 1.39 | > 0.17 | f, p | u | Eccentric MSP - He WD system. Very likely a member of a triple system. |
J1748−2446I | 104.491 | 001.328 | 001.818 | 0.428 | 2.17(2) | < 1.96 | > 0.24 | f, p | u | MSP - WD system, located in GC Terzan 5. |
J1748−2446J | 012.447 | 001.102 | 002.454 | 0.350 | 2.20(4) | < 1.96 | > 0.38 | f, p | u | PSR - WD system, located in GC Terzan 5. |
J1748−2446am | 340.853 | 000.80011 | 000.93782 | 0.204736(9) | 1.85(2) | < 1.7 | > 0.15 | f, p | u | MSP - WD system, located in GC Terzan 5. |
J1748−2446ao | 439.681 | 057.55568 | 062.31393 | 0.32488898(8) | 3.166(24) | < 2.23 | > 0.93 | f, p | u | MSP with massive companion. System formed through exchange encounter in Terzan 5. Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J1748−2446au | 219.866 | 005.97946 | 006.54572 | 0.025695(1) | 1.82(7) | < 1.53 | > 0.30 | f, p | u | MSP - WD system, located in GC Terzan 5. |
J1748−2021B | 059.665 | 020.55001 | 004.46699 | 0.5701606(15) | 2.92(15) | < 3.24 | > 0.11 | f, p | u | PSR - WD system, located in GC NGC 6440. Possibly massive pulsar. |
J1750−37A | 008.961 | 017.33428 | 024.39312 | 0.712431(2) | 1.97(15) | < 1.65 | > 0.53 | f, p | u | PSR - WD system, located in GC NGC 6441. |
J1759+5036 | 005.681 | 002.04298 | 006.82461 | 0.30827(12) | 2.679(12) | < 1.84 | > 0.83 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
B1802−07 | 043.288 | 002.61676 | 003.92059 | 0.21206(2) | 1.62(7) | < 1.33 | > 0.29 | f, p | u | PSR - WD system, located in GC NGC 6539. |
J1811−1736 | 009.599 | 018.77917 | 034.7827 | 0.828011(9) | 2.57(10) | < 1.74 | > 0.93 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
J1823−3021G | 164.169 | 001.54014 | 003.00331 | 0.380466(6) | 2.65(7) | < 2.4 | > 0.44 | f,p | u | MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 6624. Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J1824−2452C | 240.484 | 008.07781 | 007.35739 | 0.8470437(8) | 1.616(4) | < 1.367 | > 0.245 | f, p | u | MSP - WD, located in NGC 6626 (M28). System is highly eccentric and likely perturbed by close stellar encounters. |
J1846−0513 | 042.791 | 000.61302 | 004.75647 | 0.2085888(9) | 2.6287(35) | < 1.35 | > 1.28 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
J1901+0658 | 013.202 | 014.45477 | 032.40204 | 0.3662392(5) | 2.79(7) | < 1.68 | > 1.11 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. |
J1930−1852 | 005.390 | 045.06000 | 086.89027 | 0.39886334(15) | 2.54(3) | < 1.25 | > 1.30 | f, p | u | PSR - NS. Largest orbital period for this type of system. |
J1946+2052 | 058.962 | 000.07849 | 001.15432 | 0.063848(9) | 2.50(4) | < 1.31 | > 1.18 | f, p | yes | PSR - NS. Shortest orbital period for this type of system. |
J2140−2311B | 076.983 | 006.21565 | 019.5222(7) | 0.87938(2) | 2.53(8) | < 1.43 | > 1.11 | f,p | u | MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 7099 (M30). Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J2150+3427 | 001.528 | 010.59213 | 025.48802 | 0.601494(2) | 2.59(13) | < 1.67 | > 0.98 | f, p | u | Pulsar with massive companion in eccentric orbit. Pulsar is very slow, and was likely (mildly) recycled. If it is the second-formed object in the system, then the companion (the primary) could be a massive WD. |
3. Confirmed and possible pulsar - neutron star systems (Important: most systems were already listed above) |
PULSAR | F0 (Hz) |
Pb (days) |
x (s) |
e | MT (M☉) |
Mp (M☉) |
Mc (M☉) |
Mass constraints | Geodetic precession | Notes |
J0453+1559 | 021.843 | 004.07247 | 014.46679 | 0.11251847(8) | 2.734(4) | 1.559(5) | 1.174(4) | p, h3 | u | Confirmed. Asymmetric DNS. Companion star is lightest NS known. |
J0509+3801 | 013.065 | 000.37958 | 02.05046(3) | 0.586409(3) | 2.81071(14) | 1.399(6) | 1.412(6) | p, γ, GW | u | Confirmed. Highly eccentric, similar to the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. |
J0514−4002E | 178.701 | 007.44790 | 027.8192 | 0.70793232(85) | 3.8870(45) | < 1.79 | > 2.09 | f, p | u | Candidate. MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 1851. Companion is either a very massive NS or a light BH. |
J0528+3529 | 012.782 | 011.72618 | 031.43468 | 0.2901088(10) | 2.90(12) | < 1.8 | > 1.2 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J0737−3039B |
000.360 |
000.10225 | 001.41503
001.516 |
0.08777702(6) | 2.587052(+9/−7) | 1.338185(+12/−14) 1.248868(+13/−11) |
1.338185(+12/−14) 1.248868(+13/−11) |
R, p, s, γA, rA, GW, GB | no
yes, yes |
Confirmed. The only double pulsar known. Companion is a young, non-recycled pulsar. |
J1018−1523 | 012.026 | 008.98393 | 026.15662 | 0.227749(2) | 2.3(3) | < 1.2 | > 1.1 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1155−6529 | 012.68 | 003.67 | 015.34 | 0.26 | - | [1.4] | > 1.27 | f | u | Confirmed. |
J1208−5936 | 034.826 | 000.63157 | 004.2570(4) | 0.347988(1) | 2.586(5) | < 1.48 | > 1.10 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1325−6253 | 034.520 | 001.81559 | 007.57391 | 0.0640091(7) | 2.57(6) | < 1.59 | > 0.98 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1411+2551 | 016.012 | 002.61586 | 009.20514 | 0.1699308(4) | 2.538(22) | < 1.62 | > 0.92 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1518+4904 | 024.428 | 008.63400 | 020.03949 | 0.249484383(9) | 2.7186(7) | 1.470(+30/−34) | 1.248(+35/−29) | p, s | u | Confirmed. |
B1534+12 | 026.382 | 000.42074 | 003.72946 | 0.27367740(4) | 2.678463(4) | 1.3330(2) | 1.3455(2) | p, γ, r, s, GW, G | yes | Confirmed. Orbital decay (GW) has been measured precisely but does not provide a test of GR because of lack of precise knowledge of distance. |
J1748−2446ao | 439.681 | 057.55568 | 062.31393 | 0.32488898(8) | 3.166(24) | < 2.23 | > 0.93 | f, p | u | Candidate. MSP with massive companion. System formed through exchange encounter in Terzan 5. Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J1748−2021B | 059.665 | 020.55001 | 004.46699 | 0.5701606(15) | 2.92(15) | < 3.24 | > 0.11 | f, p | u | Candidate. Total mass consistent with PSR - NS system. If companion is a NS, then the system formed through exchange encounter. This would imply a very low orbital inclination. Located in GC NGC 6440. |
J1753−2240 | 010.511 | 013.63757 | 018.11537 | 0.303582 | - | [1.4] | > 0.49 | f | - | Confirmed. Pulsar is recycled. |
J1755−2550 | 003.173 | 009.69633 | 012.28441 | 0.08935(2) | - | [1.3] | > 0.39 | f | - | Candidate. yPSR - massive compact companion. The pulsar (only 2.1 Myr old) is the second-formed compact object in the system. Companion could be a recycled NS as in most other PSR - NS systems, but it could also be a massive WD, as in the cases of J1141−6545 and B2303+46. |
J1756−2251 | 035.135 | 000.31963 | 002.75646 | 0.1805694(2) | 2.56999(6) | 1.341(7) | 1.230(7) | p, γ, s, GW | no | Confirmed. Low-mass NS companion. No geodetic precession for pulsar, indicating alignment of its spin axis with orbital angular momentum. |
J1757−1854 | 046.518 | 000.18354 | 002.23781 | 0.6058171(3) | 2.732882(12) | 1.3406(5) | 1.3922(5) | p, γ, h3, ς GW | yes | Confirmed. Most accelerated binary, largest relative velocity, five measured PK parameters. Second-formed NS significantly more massive than first-formed NS. |
J1759+5036 | 005.681 | 002.04298 | 006.82461 | 0.30827(12) | 2.679(12) | < 1.84 | > 0.83 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1807−2500B | 238.881 | 009.95667 | 028.92039 | 0.747033198(40) | 2.57190(73) | 1.3655(21) | 1.2064(20) | p, ς, h3 | u | Candidate. MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 6544. Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J1811−1736 | 009.599 | 018.77917 | 034.7827 | 0.828011(9) | 2.57(10) | < 1.74 | > 0.93 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1823−3021G | 164.169 | 001.54014 | 003.00331 | 0.380466(6) | 2.65(7) | < 2.4 | > 0.44 | f,p | u | Candidate. MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 6624. Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J1829+2456 | 024.384 | 001.17603 | 007.23684 | 0.1391435(3) | 2.60551(38) | 1.306(7) | 1.299(7) | p, s | u | Confirmed. |
J1835−3259A | 257.147 | 009.2460 | 019.6(3) | 0.968(5) | - | [1.4] | > 0.76 | f | u | Candidate. MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 6652. Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J1844−0128 | 034.312 | 010.60032 | 020.96779 | 0.234949(5) | - | [1.4] | > 0.74 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1846−0513 | 042.791 | 000.61302 | 004.75646 | 0.2085888(9) | 2.6287(35) | < 1.35 | > 1.28 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1901+0658 | 013.202 | 014.45477 | 032.40204 | 0.3662392(5) | 2.79(7) | < 1.68 | > 1.11 | f, p | u | Confirmed. |
J1906+0746 | 006.941 | 000.16599 | 001.41995 | 0.0852996(6) | 2.6134(3) | 1.291(11) | 1.322(11) | p, γ, GW, G | yes | Candidate. yPSR - massive compact companion. The pulsar (only 110 kyr old) is the second-formed compact object in the system. Companion could be a recycled NS as in most other PSR - NS systems, but it could also be a massive WD, as in the cases of J1141−6545 and B2303+46. |
J1913+1102 | 036.650 | 000.20625 | 001.75462 | 0.089531(2) | 2.8887(6) | 1.62(3) | 1.27(3) | p, γ, GW | u | Confirmed. Most massive among these systems, pulsar is most massive NS in a PSR - NS system. First known member of new population of merging, asymmetric DNSs. |
B1913+16 | 016.940 | 000.32299 | 002.34178 | 0.6171340(4) | 2.828378(7) | 1.438(1) | 1.390(1) | p, γ, GW, h3, ς | yes | Confirmed. The Hulse-Taylor binary. First binary pulsar discovered. First NS mass measurements. Orbital decay was the first GR test in a binary pulsar, and first radiative test anywhere. This showed that gravitational waves exist. |
J1930−1852 | 005.390 | 045.06000 | 086.89027 | 0.39886334(15) | 2.54(3) | < 1.25 | > 1.30 | f, p | u | Confirmed. Largest orbital period for this type of system. |
J1946+2052 | 058.962 | 000.07849 | 001.15432 | 0.063848(9) | 2.50(4) | < 1.31 | > 1.18 | f, p | yes | Confirmed. Shortest orbital period for this type of system. |
B2127+11C | 032.755 | 000.33528 | 002.51845 | 0.681395(2) | 2.71279(13) | 1.358(10) | 1.354(10) | p, γ, GW | yes | Candidate. PSR - massive compact companion. Formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 7078 (M15), companion could be a massive WD, but generally assumed to be a NS given the large mass. Acceleration of system in the cluster precludes further improvements in precision of radiative test of GR. |
J2140−2311B | 076.983 | 006.21565 | 019.5222(7) | 0.87938(2) | 2.53(8) | < 1.43 | > 1.11 | f,p | u | Candidate. MSP - massive compact companion. System formed through exchange encounter in GC NGC 7099 (M30). Companion is either a massive WD or NS, so this could be a MSP - NS system. |
J2150+3427 | 001.528 | 010.59213 | 025.48802 | 0.601494(2) | 2.59(13) | < 1.67 | > 0.98 | f, p | u | Candidate. Pulsar is very slow, and was likely (mildly) recycled. If it is the second-formed object in the system, then the companion (the primary) could be a massive WD. |
The mass constraints and the requirements for their measurement are: | |
f: | The mass function. If only this is listed, then we indicate the minimum companion mass obtained assuming the value of the pulsar mass that appears in square brackets. If this is listed together with the rate of advance of periastron, then we can obtain a maximum estimate for the pulsar mass and a minimum estimate for the companion mass. |
i: | Mass estimate based on measurement of deviations from Keplerian orbits caused by many-body interactions via pulsar timing. This requires a number of massive components in the system larger than 2. |
R: | Mass ratio derived from pulsar timing. This requires a double pulsar system, only one case known (the J0737−3039 system). |
q: | Mass ratio derived from pulsar timing and optical spectroscopy. This requires a companion WD bright enough for spectroscopic radial velocity measurements. |
mWD: | White dwarf mass (optical). This requires a companion WD bright enough for detailed spectroscopic modeling. |
p: | Rate of advance of periastron (timing). This requires significant orbital eccentricity. |
γ: | Einstein delay (timing). This requires a combination of significant orbital eccentricity and compactness. |
s: | Shape parameter of Shapiro delay (timing). All Shapiro delay parameters require the system to have a high orbital inclination and good timing precision. |
r: | Range parameter of Shapiro delay (timing). |
ς: | Orthometric ratio of Shapiro delay (timing) - From the Freire & Wex (2010) reparameterization of the Shapiro delay. |
h3: | Orthometric amplitude of Shapiro delay (timing) - From the Freire & Wex (2010) reparameterization of the Shapiro delay. |
GW: | Orbital decay (timing), caused by energy loss due to gravitational waves. Detecting this requires a compact orbit. |
GWa: | Same as GW, but for an asymmetric system, like a pulsar-WD system. This introduces stronger constraints on alternative theories of gravity. |
G: | Rate of geodetic precession. |
A subscript refers to the pulsar for which we measure the parameter (this is only an issue for the J0737−3039 system). | |
For the column on the detection of geodetic precession, the meaning of the entries is: | |
a: | The spin of this pulsar is expected to be aligned with the orbital angular momentum of the system. This means that geodetic precession should not cause detectable changes in the pulse profile. |
u: | The spin of this pulsar is not expected to be aligned with the orbital angular momentum of the system, but geodetic precession is too slow to cause detectable changes in the pulse profile. |
In the following cases, the pulsar spin is not expected to be necessarily aligned with the orbital angular momentum of the system and geodetic precession should be fast enough to produce detectable changes in the pulse profile: | |
yes: | Such changes are indeed observable, confirming the spin-orbit misalignment. |
no: | No changes in the pulse profile are detected. This suggests the pulsar spin is aligned with the orbit after all. |
Fig. 2: Precise neutron star mass measurements are useful for a variety of
purposes. One of them is to constrain the macroscopic behaviour (in particular the
relation between density and pressure, known as the equation of state, or EOS) of the
cold, super-dense matter at the center of a neutron star. For each EOS (named in the
figure) the relation between mass and radius for all neutron stars is indicated by its
related curve. The horizontal lines are 68.3% confidence limits for the two most massive
pulsars tabulated below. If a particular EOS predicts a maximum mass smaller than the
largest measured NS mass then it is excluded.
The green bar corresponds to the 90% confidence limit range of radii for 1.4 solar mass
neutron stars, this results from the multi-messenger analysis of Dietrich et al. (2020).
Figure created by Norbert Wex. EOSs tabulated in Lattimer & Prakash (2001)
and provided by the authors.