Astrophysical Polarimetry
Recently I have developed a great interest in astrophysical polarimetry which takes a considerable fraction of my time. It concerns :
A. High-cadence optical linear polarization monitoring of blazars: The main drive for that is to study the plasma physics through linear polarization monitoring of blazars during HE flares. All details can be found at:
B. High-cadence linear and circular radio polarization monitoring of blazars: The main drive for that is to study the plasma physics through linear polarization monitoring of blazars during HE. This is a powerful method that can disclose the microphysics of the emitting plasma. Read more at:
Radio properties of radio loud gamma loud Narrow Line Seyrfert 1 galaxies
This is a recently discovered gamma-ray emitting class of AGNs possibly associated with small BH masses and high accretion rates. Read more at:
Observational Cosmology
My main scientific interest is Observational Cosmology. In particular, during the 3-year course of my PhD thesis I have been occupied with the study of the point foreground sources for the Cosmic Background Imager experiment through the multi-frequency analysis. Click here to go to the project page.
The F-GAMMA - project
The F-GAMMA - project is self-explanatory, Fermi-GST AGN Multi-wavelength Monitoring Analysis project that attempts the study of a sub-sample of interesting Blazars which will be targeted by the future GLAST observatory. The main scientific goal for that is that such approach allows constraining the emission models etc.
CSS, GPS and HFP sources
HFP (High Frequency Peaking sources) ,GPS (GHz Peaked Spectrum sources) and CSS (Compact Steep Spectrum sources) under certain conditions are believed to be the manifestation of the same species (a compact symmetric object) at different stages of evolution with HFP-GPS-CSS being in order of increasing age. If that is the case the HFP comprise the very compact sources at the very early stages of their radio activity (a few tens of years). Thus they provide an excellent probe of those rapid evolutionary stages.
Radio Pulsar Astronomy
After 40 years of the pulsar discovery not everything is known about those exotic objects. A lot is to be studied on that field. I have worked on the dependence of the integrated profiles shape on the observing frequency. This cave cast light on the structure of the emitting region.