Andrei Lobanov: List of Publications

Papers in preparation

A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Spectral distributions in compact radio sources II. Parsec-scale jets of 3C120, 3C273 and 3C345. (in preparation)
J.A. Zensus, A.P. Lobanov, S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, & K.J. Leppänen, ``VLBI monitoring of the parsec-scale jet in 3C345'' (in preparation)
Z. Paragi, S. Frey, A.P. Lobanov, L.I. Gurvits, & R.C. Vermeulen "Signature of ultracompact jets", Astronomy & Astrophysics (in preparation)

Published papers

A.P. Lobanov, L.I. Gurvits, S. Frey, R.T. Schilizzi, K.I. Kellermann, N. Kawaguchi, & I.I.K. Pauliny-Toth, "VSOP observation of the quasar PKS 2215+020: a new 'core-jet' laboratory at z=3.55", The Astrophysical Journal, 547, 714.
A.P. Lobanov, K. Standtke, T.P. Krichbaum, D. Graham, A. Witzel, et al., "86GHz VLBI survey of compact cores in AGN" Astronomy & Astrophysics, 364, 391.
A. Brunthaler, H. Falcke, G.C. Bower, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, H. Ter\"asranta, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, & A.R. Patnaik, "III Zw 2, the first superluminal jet in a Seyfert galaxy", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 357, 45.
A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, & A. Witzel, "Space VLBI of Parsec--Scale Jets: the Impact of VSOP", p.239 in Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space VLBI, H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, and D.W. Murphy (eds.), ISAS: Sagamihara, Japan.
J. Klare, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, E.Ros, & A.P. Lobanov, "A Sharper View into the Parsec-Scale Jet of 3C345", in p.21 in Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space VLBI, H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, and D.W. Murphy (eds.), ISAS: Sagamihara, Japan, p.21.
J. Klare, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, A.P. Lobanov, & E. Ros, "The quasar 3C 345 at the highest resolution with mm- and space-VLBI", Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No.205, p.11.
A. Richards, E.E. Lekht, R.J. Cohen, M. Crocker, A.M.S. Richards, I.I. Berulis, V.A. Samodourov, A.P. Lobanov, & L. Moscadelli, "Using masers to probe protoplanetary discs", Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No.202, p.82.
E. Ros, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, "VLBA total total intensity and polarization imaging of 3C345", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 354, 55.
A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, Z. Abraham, E. Carrara, & S.C. Unwin, "Imaging and monitoring the parsec-scale jet in 3C273 with the VSOP mission", Advances in Space Research , 26, 669.
L.I. Gurvits, S. Frey, R.T. Schilizzi, K.I. Kellermann, A.P. Lobanov, N. Kawaguchi, H. Kobayashi, Y. Murata, H. Hirabayshi, & I.I.K. Pauliny-Toth, "Dual-frequency VSOP observations of extremely high redshift quasars", Advances in Space Research , 26, 719.
A. Kraus, A. Witzel, T.P. Krichbaum, A.P. Lobanov, B. Peng, & E. Ros "A change in the variability properties of the intraday variable quasar 0917+624", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 352, L107.
A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, & J.A. Zensus, "High-resolution imaging of parsec-scale jets: Impact of the VSOP observations", New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 741.
A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, M. Risse, P. Schneider, S.J. Qian, S.J. Wagner, A. Witzel, J.A. Zensus, J. Heidt, H. Bock, M. Aller, & H. Aller, "Unusual radio variability in the BL Lac object 0235+164", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 344, 807.
E. Ros, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, "Multiband polarimetric and total intensity imaging of 3C345", New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 717.
A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, D.A. Graham, A. Witzel, & J.A. Zensus, "86 GHz VLBI Survey of Compact Radio Sources", 2nd millimeter-VLBI science workshop, A. Greve & T.P. Krichbaum (eds.) St. Martin d'Heres, France : IRAM, p.1
A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, P. Schneider, S.J. Wagner, J. Heidt, H. Bock, A. Witzel, M. Aller, H. Aller, "Unusual radio variability in the BL Lac object 0235+164", ASP Conference Series, v.159, 67. "BL Lac Phenomenon", eds. L. Takalo & H. Lehto (ASP: San Francisco)
A.P. Lobanov, A. Kraus, & J.A. Zensus, "Radiospectra and kinematics of blazars", ASP Conference Series, v.159, 53. "BL Lac Phenomenon", eds. L. Takalo & H. Lehto (ASP: San Francisco)
A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, "Spectral evolution of the parsec-scale jet in the quasar 3C345", The Astrophysical Journal, 521, 509
H. Falcke, G.C. Bower, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A.R. Patnaik, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, H.R. Teräsranta, M.C.H. Wright, & G. Sandell, "A major radio outburst in III Zw 2 with an extremely inverted millimeter-peaked spectrum", The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 514, 17.
A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, S.J. Wagner, H. Aller, M. Aller, et al., ``Unusual radio variability in the BL Lac object 0235+164'', Astronomy & Astrophysics, 344, 807.
E. Ros, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, "VLBA monitoring of the QSO 3C345", Astrophysics and Space Science, 263, 59.
A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, A. Kraus, K. Otterbein, J.A. Zensus, S. Britzen, C. Hummel, & K. Johnston, "VSOP imaging of S5~0836+710: a close-up on plasma instabilities in the jet", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 340, L60.
A.P. Lobanov "Spectral distributions in compact radio sources I. Imaging with VLBI data", Astronomy & Astrophysics Suppl. Ser., 132, 2, 261.
A.P. Lobanov, "Radiospectra and kinematics of blazars", Tuorla Observatory Reports, 180, 29.
A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, P. Schneider, S.J. Wagner, J. Heidt, H. Bock, A. Witzel, M. Aller, H. Aller, "Unusual radio variability in the BL Lac object 0235+164", Tuorla Observatory Reports, 180, 26.
A. Quirrenbach, A. Kraus, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, P. Schneider, S.J. Wagner, J. Heidt, H. Bock, M. Aller, H. Aller, "Rapid variability in the BL Lacertae object AO 0235+164", BAAS, 30, 2, 862.
A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, ``Synchrotron spectra of compact VLBI-jets'', in Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources, ASP Conference Series, v.144, IAU Colloquium 164, eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B. Taylor, & J.M. Wrobel, p.53.
K. Otterbein, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Kraus, A.P. Lobanov, A. Witzel, S.J. Wagner, & J.A. Zensus, ``Broad band activity and ejection of a VLBI component in the jet of the S5-quasar 0836+710'', Astronomy & Astrophysics, 334, 489.
A.P. Lobanov ``Ultracompact jets in AGN'', Astronomy & Astrophysics, 330, 79.
T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, D. Graham, & A.P. Lobanov, ``MM-VLBI Monitoring of Broad-band Active Blazars'', in Proceedings of the Millimeter-VLBI Science Workshop held at MIT, Cambridge, MA, 22-23 November 1996, ed. B.Fillips et al. (Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA).
S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, G.M. Madejski, M.F. Aller, & H.D. Aller, ``Variability in the Inverse-Compton X-ray Flux from the jet in Quasar 3C,345'', The Astrophysical Journal, 480, 596.
A.P. Lobanov, E. Carrara, & J.A. Zensus, ``Spectral Imaging: Shock Fronts and Plasma Instabilities'', Vistas in Astronomy, 41, 253.
J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, & A.P. Lobanov, "Jets in High-Luminosity Compact Radio Sources", Reviews of Modern Astronomy, 9, 241.
A.P. Lobanov, ``Physics of the Parsec-Scale Structures in the Quasar 3C345'', Ph.D. Thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico. [local ftp archive]
S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, ``Variability in the X-ray Flux of Quasar 3C345: Inverse-Compton Emission from the Parsec-Scale Jet?'', ASP Conference Series, v.,110, Blazar Continuum Variability, eds. H.R. Miller, J.R. Webb, & J.C. Noble (ASP: San Francisco), p.317.
A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Physics of the parsec-scale structures in 3C345'', ASP Conference Series, vol.,100, ``Energy Transport in Radio Galaxies and Quasars'', eds. P.E. Hardee, A.H. Bridle, & J.A. Zensus (ASP: San Francisco), p.109.
A.P. Lobanov, ``Physics of the parsec-scale regions in the quasar 3C345'', BAAS, 27, 4, 1444.
S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, J.A. Zensus & A.P. Lobanov, ``Variability of Inverse-Compton X-ray emission from 3C345'', BAAS, 27, 4, 1409.
J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum & A.P. Lobanov, ``Morphology of High-Luminosity Compact Radio Sources'', Proceedingss of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 92, 5, 11348. [abstract]
L.I. Gurvits, R.T. Schilizzi, P.D. Bartel, N.S. Kardashev, K.I. Kellermann, A.P. Lobanov, I.I.K. Paulini-Toth, & M.V. Popov, ``Milliarcsecond structure of extremely distant quasars. II. Quasars 0336-017, 0636+680, 1442+101, and 2048+312'', Astronomy & Astrophysics, 291, 737
A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Multifrequency VLBI monitoring and Jet Physics'', in Proceedings of the EVN/JIVE Symposium, eds. A.J. Kus, R.T. Schilizzi, K.M. Borkowski, & L.I. Gurvits (TRAO: Torun, Poland), p.93.
A.P. Lobanov & J.A.Zensus, "Evolution of Component Emission in The Jet of 3C345", in "Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources", (NRAO: Green Bank, USA), p.157.
A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Spectral Evolution of The Compact VLBI Jet of 3C345'' BAAS, 26, 4, 1364
A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, & K.J. Leppänen, "Spectral Index Mapping of The Quasar 3C345", BAAS, 25, 4, 1382
L.I. Gurvits, A.P. Lobanov, R.T. Schilizzi, K.I. Kellermann, P.D. Bartel, I.I.K. Paulini-Toth, N.S. Kardashev, & M.V. Popov, "Milliarcsecond structure of high-redshift quasars 0336-017, 0636+680, 1442+101, and 2048+312 at 6cm", BAAS, 25, 4, 1410
L.I. Gurvits, N.S. Kardashev, & A.P. Lobanov, "Radio Structure of Variable AGN and Cosmological Tests," in "Variability of Blazars", eds. E. Valtaoja & M. Valtonen (CUP: Cambridge), p.259.
L.I. Gurvits, N.S. Kardashev, & A.P. Lobanov, "Cosmological Applications of AGN Monitoring," in "Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy", Ylym Publishers, 1991, Ashkhabad, Turkmenia, CIS (in Russian)
A.P. Lobanov, "Radio Structure of AGN and Cosmological Tests," in "Young European Radio Astronomers Conference Contributions Book", Gothenborg, Sweden.

Andrew Lobanov

Last changes: 04/26/2001 15:01:26