Andrei Lobanov: List of Publications
Papers in preparation
- 2001
- A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Spectral distributions in
compact radio sources II. Parsec-scale jets of 3C120, 3C273 and 3C345.
(in preparation)
- 2001
- J.A. Zensus, A.P. Lobanov, S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, & K.J.
Leppänen, ``VLBI monitoring of the parsec-scale jet in 3C345'' (in preparation)
- 2001
- Z. Paragi, S. Frey, A.P. Lobanov, L.I. Gurvits, & R.C. Vermeulen
"Signature of ultracompact jets", Astronomy & Astrophysics
(in preparation)
Published papers
- 2001
- A.P. Lobanov, L.I. Gurvits, S. Frey, R.T. Schilizzi, K.I. Kellermann,
N. Kawaguchi, & I.I.K. Pauliny-Toth, "VSOP observation of the
quasar PKS 2215+020: a new 'core-jet' laboratory at z=3.55", The
Astrophysical Journal, 547, 714.
- 2000
- A.P. Lobanov, K. Standtke, T.P. Krichbaum, D. Graham, A. Witzel,
et al., "86GHz VLBI survey of compact cores in AGN"
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 364, 391.
- 2000
- A. Brunthaler, H. Falcke, G.C. Bower, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller,
H. Ter\"asranta, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, & A.R. Patnaik,
"III Zw 2, the first superluminal jet in a Seyfert galaxy",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 357, 45.
- 2000
- A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, & A. Witzel,
"Space VLBI of Parsec--Scale Jets: the Impact of VSOP", p.239 in Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space VLBI, H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, and D.W. Murphy (eds.), ISAS: Sagamihara, Japan.
- 2000
- J. Klare, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, E.Ros, & A.P. Lobanov,
"A Sharper View into the Parsec-Scale Jet of 3C345", in p.21 in
Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space VLBI, H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, and D.W. Murphy (eds.), ISAS: Sagamihara, Japan, p.21.
- 2000
- J. Klare, J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, A.P. Lobanov, & E. Ros,
"The quasar 3C 345 at the highest resolution with mm- and space-VLBI",
Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No.205, p.11.
- 2000
- A. Richards, E.E. Lekht, R.J. Cohen, M. Crocker, A.M.S. Richards,
I.I. Berulis, V.A. Samodourov, A.P. Lobanov, & L. Moscadelli,
"Using masers to probe protoplanetary discs", Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No.202, p.82.
- 2000
- E. Ros, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, "VLBA total total
intensity and polarization imaging of 3C345", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 354, 55.
- 2000
- A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, Z. Abraham, E. Carrara, & S.C.
Unwin, "Imaging and monitoring the parsec-scale jet in 3C273 with
the VSOP mission", Advances in Space Research , 26,
- 2000
- L.I. Gurvits, S. Frey, R.T. Schilizzi, K.I. Kellermann, A.P. Lobanov,
N. Kawaguchi, H. Kobayashi, Y. Murata, H. Hirabayshi, & I.I.K. Pauliny-Toth,
"Dual-frequency VSOP observations of extremely high redshift quasars",
Advances in Space Research , 26, 719.
- 1999
- A. Kraus, A. Witzel, T.P. Krichbaum, A.P. Lobanov, B. Peng,
& E. Ros "A change in the variability properties of the intraday
variable quasar 0917+624", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 352, L107.
- 1999
- A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, & J.A. Zensus,
"High-resolution imaging of parsec-scale jets: Impact of the VSOP
observations", New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 741.
- 1999
- A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, M. Risse,
P. Schneider, S.J. Qian, S.J. Wagner, A. Witzel, J.A. Zensus, J. Heidt,
H. Bock, M. Aller, & H. Aller, "Unusual radio variability in the BL
Lac object 0235+164",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 344, 807.
- 1999
- E. Ros, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, "Multiband polarimetric
and total intensity imaging of 3C345", New Astronomy Reviews, 43, 717.
- 1999
- A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, D.A. Graham, A. Witzel, & J.A. Zensus, "86 GHz VLBI Survey of Compact Radio Sources", 2nd millimeter-VLBI science workshop, A. Greve &
T.P. Krichbaum (eds.) St. Martin d'Heres, France : IRAM, p.1
- 1999
- A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, P. Schneider,
S.J. Wagner, J. Heidt, H. Bock, A. Witzel, M. Aller, H. Aller, "Unusual
radio variability in the BL Lac object 0235+164", ASP Conference Series,
v.159, 67. "BL Lac Phenomenon", eds. L. Takalo & H.
Lehto (ASP: San Francisco)
- 1999
- A.P. Lobanov, A. Kraus, & J.A. Zensus, "Radiospectra
and kinematics of blazars",
ASP Conference Series, v.159, 53.
"BL Lac Phenomenon", eds. L. Takalo & H. Lehto (ASP: San Francisco)
- 1999
- A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, "Spectral evolution of
the parsec-scale jet in the quasar 3C345", The Astrophysical Journal,
521, 509
- 1999
- H. Falcke, G.C. Bower, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A.R. Patnaik,
M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, H.R. Teräsranta, M.C.H. Wright, & G. Sandell,
"A major radio outburst in III Zw 2 with an extremely inverted millimeter-peaked
spectrum", The
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 514, 17.
- 1999
- A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel,
S.J. Wagner, H. Aller, M. Aller, et al., ``Unusual radio variability in
the BL Lac object 0235+164'', Astronomy
& Astrophysics, 344, 807.
- 1998
- E. Ros, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, "VLBA monitoring
of the QSO 3C345", Astrophysics and Space Science, 263, 59.
- 1998
- A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, A. Kraus, K. Otterbein,
J.A. Zensus, S. Britzen, C. Hummel, & K. Johnston, "VSOP imaging
of S5~0836+710: a close-up on plasma instabilities in the jet", Astronomy
& Astrophysics, 340, L60.
- 1998
- A.P. Lobanov "Spectral distributions in compact radio sources
I. Imaging with VLBI data", Astronomy
& Astrophysics Suppl. Ser., 132, 2, 261.
- 1998
- A.P. Lobanov, "Radiospectra and kinematics of blazars",
Observatory Reports, 180, 29.
- 1998
- A. Kraus, A. Quirrenbach, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, P. Schneider,
S.J. Wagner, J. Heidt, H. Bock, A. Witzel, M. Aller, H. Aller, "Unusual
radio variability in the BL Lac object 0235+164", Tuorla
Observatory Reports, 180, 26.
- 1998
- A. Quirrenbach, A. Kraus, A.P. Lobanov, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel,
P. Schneider, S.J. Wagner, J. Heidt, H. Bock, M. Aller, H. Aller, "Rapid
variability in the BL Lacertae object AO 0235+164", BAAS,
30, 2, 862.
- 1998
- A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, ``Synchrotron spectra of compact
VLBI-jets'', in Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact
Sources, ASP
Conference Series, v.144, IAU Colloquium 164, eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B.
Taylor, & J.M. Wrobel, p.53.
- 1998
- K. Otterbein, T.P. Krichbaum, A. Kraus, A.P. Lobanov, A. Witzel,
S.J. Wagner, & J.A. Zensus, ``Broad band activity and ejection of a
VLBI component in the jet of the S5-quasar 0836+710'', Astronomy
& Astrophysics, 334, 489.
- 1998
- A.P. Lobanov ``Ultracompact jets in AGN'', Astronomy
& Astrophysics, 330, 79.
- 1997
- T.P. Krichbaum, A. Witzel, D. Graham, & A.P. Lobanov, ``MM-VLBI
Monitoring of Broad-band Active Blazars'', in Proceedings of the Millimeter-VLBI
Science Workshop held at MIT, Cambridge, MA, 22-23 November 1996, ed.
B.Fillips et al. (Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA).
- 1997
- S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, G.M. Madejski,
M.F. Aller, & H.D. Aller, ``Variability in the Inverse-Compton X-ray
Flux from the jet in Quasar 3C,345'', The
Astrophysical Journal, 480, 596.
- 1997
- A.P. Lobanov, E. Carrara, & J.A. Zensus, ``Spectral Imaging:
Shock Fronts and Plasma Instabilities'', Vistas
in Astronomy, 41, 253.
- 1996
- J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum, & A.P. Lobanov, "Jets in High-Luminosity Compact Radio Sources", Reviews of Modern Astronomy, 9, 241.
- 1996
- A.P. Lobanov, ``Physics of the Parsec-Scale Structures in the
Quasar 3C345'', Ph.D. Thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology, Socorro, New Mexico. [local
ftp archive]
- 1996
- S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, J.A. Zensus, & A.P. Lobanov, ``Variability
in the X-ray Flux of Quasar 3C345: Inverse-Compton Emission from the Parsec-Scale
Jet?'', ASP Conference Series, v.,110, Blazar Continuum Variability, eds.
H.R. Miller, J.R. Webb, & J.C. Noble (ASP: San Francisco), p.317.
- 1996
- A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Physics of the parsec-scale
structures in 3C345'', ASP Conference
Series, vol.,100, ``Energy Transport in Radio Galaxies and Quasars'',
eds. P.E. Hardee, A.H. Bridle, & J.A. Zensus (ASP: San Francisco),
- 1995
- A.P. Lobanov, ``Physics of the parsec-scale regions in the quasar
3C345'', BAAS,
27, 4, 1444.
- 1995
- S.C. Unwin, A.E. Wehrle, J.A. Zensus & A.P. Lobanov, ``Variability
of Inverse-Compton X-ray emission from 3C345'', BAAS,
27, 4, 1409.
- 1995
- J.A. Zensus, T.P. Krichbaum & A.P. Lobanov, ``Morphology
of High-Luminosity Compact Radio Sources'', Proceedingss of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 92, 5, 11348. [abstract]
- 1994
- L.I. Gurvits, R.T. Schilizzi, P.D. Bartel, N.S. Kardashev, K.I. Kellermann,
A.P. Lobanov, I.I.K. Paulini-Toth, & M.V. Popov, ``Milliarcsecond
structure of extremely distant quasars. II. Quasars 0336-017, 0636+680,
1442+101, and 2048+312'', Astronomy
& Astrophysics, 291, 737
- 1994
- A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Multifrequency VLBI monitoring
and Jet Physics'', in Proceedings of the EVN/JIVE Symposium, eds.
A.J. Kus, R.T. Schilizzi, K.M. Borkowski, & L.I. Gurvits (TRAO: Torun,
Poland), p.93.
- 1994
- A.P. Lobanov & J.A.Zensus, "Evolution of Component
Emission in The Jet of 3C345", in "Compact Extragalactic Radio
Sources", (NRAO: Green Bank, USA), p.157.
- 1994
- A.P. Lobanov & J.A. Zensus, ``Spectral Evolution of The
Compact VLBI Jet of 3C345'' BAAS,
26, 4, 1364
- 1993
- A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, & K.J. Leppänen, "Spectral
Index Mapping of The Quasar 3C345", BAAS,
25, 4, 1382
- 1993
- L.I. Gurvits, A.P. Lobanov, R.T. Schilizzi, K.I. Kellermann,
P.D. Bartel, I.I.K. Paulini-Toth, N.S. Kardashev, & M.V. Popov, "Milliarcsecond
structure of high-redshift quasars 0336-017, 0636+680, 1442+101, and 2048+312
at 6cm", BAAS,
25, 4, 1410
- 1992
- L.I. Gurvits, N.S. Kardashev, & A.P. Lobanov, "Radio
Structure of Variable AGN and Cosmological Tests," in "Variability
of Blazars", eds. E. Valtaoja & M. Valtonen (CUP: Cambridge),
- 1991
- L.I. Gurvits, N.S. Kardashev, & A.P. Lobanov, "Cosmological
Applications of AGN Monitoring," in "Galactic and Extragalactic
Astronomy", Ylym Publishers, 1991, Ashkhabad, Turkmenia, CIS (in
- 1991
- A.P. Lobanov, "Radio Structure of AGN and Cosmological
Tests," in "Young European Radio Astronomers Conference Contributions
Book", Gothenborg, Sweden.
Andrew Lobanov
Last changes: 04/26/2001 15:01:26