Research Staff - VLBI Group

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  Prof. Dr. Anton Zensus, Director
Extragalactic Radio Sources, Quasars, Active Galactic Nuclei
Dr. rer. nat. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster (1984); Research Fellow, California Institute of Technology (1985-1988); Research Fellow (1988-1991) and Basic Research Staff, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (1991-1997). Alexander-von-Humboldt Research Prize (Bonn, 1994/95); Max Planck Research Prize (2003); Honorary Professor Universität Köln (2005). Scientific Member of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Director since 1997.
Email: azensus www: home page - ftp - intra

Secretary: Ms. Beate Naunheim (email: bnaunheim)
  Staff Astronomers:

Dr. Walter Alef
Radio Stars, Nearby Compact Galaxies.
Dr. rer. nat. Universität Bonn (1986). MPIfR research staff since 1987.
Email: walef www: home page - ftp - intra

Dr. Priv. Doz. Silke Britzen
Dr. rer. nat. Universität Bonn. Research fellow NFRA, Dwingeloo, Netherlands; research fellow Landessternwarte Heidelberg; research staff since November 2003; German Habilitation (Univ. Heidelberg), February 2004.
Email: p660sil
Dr. Lars Fuhrmann
Compact AGN, Broad-Band Emission, long-term Variability, IDV, Scattering Screens.
Diplom Physik Universität Bonn (1999). Dr. rer. nat. Universität Bonn (2004). Graduate student at MPIfR (1999-2003). Postdoctoral Fellow at Perugia Observatory and INFN, Italy (2004-2006). MPIfR research fellow since 2006.
Email: fuhrmann
Dr. David Graham
Ph.D. University of Manchester. MPIfR research staff since 1971.
Email: dgraham
Dr. Thomas P. Krichbaum
Compact Radio Sources, Active Nuclei of Galaxies, Variability, Polarization, millimeter-VLBI.
Dr. rer. nat. Universität Bonn. MPIfR research fellow (1990-1997), research staff since 1997.
Email: tkrichbaum www: home page - ftp - intra
Dr. Andrei P. Lobanov
Compact Radio Sources.
Ph.D. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (1996). MPIfR research fellow (1996-1998), research staff since 1998.
Email: alobanov www: home page - ftp - intra
Dr. Richard W. Porcas
Gravitational Lenses.
Ph.D. University of Manchester. Research fellow National Radio Astronomy Observatory; MPIfR research fellow (1977-78), research staff since 1979.
Email: rporcas www: intra
Dr. Eduardo Ros
Compact Radio Sources and Astrometry.
Doctor en CC. Físicas, Universitat de València, Spain (1997). MPIfR research fellow (1998-1999); research staff since 1999. Coordinator of the International Max Planck Research School for Radio and Infrared Astronomy at the University of Bonn since October 2004.
Email: ros www: home page - ftp
Dr. Alan Roy
Active Galactic Nuclei; Seyfert Galaxies.
Ph.D. Sydney University, Australia; research fellow Raman Research Institute, India (1995); research fellow National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA (1995-1998); MPIfR research fellow (1999-2001); MPIfR research staff since January 2002.
Email: aroy www: home page - ftp
Dr. Arno Witzel
Intraday Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei.
Dr. rer. nat. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster. MPIfR research staff since 1972.
Email: awitzel www: home page
Research Fellows:
Dr. Emmanouil Angelakis
Cosmic Microwave Background and Foreground Radio Sources.
Degree in Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece (2002). Graduate student at MPIfR since July 2003. PhD University of Bonn February (2007).
Email: angelaki www: home page

Dr. Yuri Kovalev
Active Galactic Nuclei.
M.Sci. in Astronomy, Lomonosov Moscow State University (1997); Ph.D. in Astrophysics and Radio Astronomy, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (2000); Research staff, Astro Space Center of Lebedev (2000-2002); NRAO Jansky research fellow (2003-2006); Humboldt research fellow in MPIfR since 2006.
Email: ykovalev

Dr. Dharam Vir Lal
Active Galactic Nuclei; Radio interferometry
Ph.D. Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institute of Astrophysics,
India (2002); research fellow National Centre for Radio Astrophysics,
India (2002-2005); Academia Sinica postdoctoral fellow, Taiwan
(2005-2006); MPIfR-SKADS research fellow, since November 2006.
Email: dharam

Dr. John McKean
Gravitational lenses; AGN and star-formation activity; Cosmic evolution of radio-loud AGN.
M.Sci. Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow 1999; Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester 2003; postdoctoral scholar, University of California at Davis (2003-2005); MPIfR research fellow since September 2005.
Email: mckean

Dr. Rupal Mittal
M.Sc. Physics (Astrophysics and GTR & Cosmology) University of Delhi, New Delhi, India (2002). IMPRS graduate student since February 2003. PhD 2006.
Email: rmittal
Dr. Manuel Perucho
Numerical Simulations and Stability Theory of Relativistic Jets.
M. Sci. Physics, University of Valencia; Ph.D. Thesis, University of Valencia (2005). MPIfR research fellow since August 2005.
Email: perucho www: home page - ftp
Dr. Tuomas Savolainen
Relativistic jets in AGN, multifrequency VLBI and mm-VLBI.
M. Sci. Astronomy, University of Turku 2001; Ph.D. Thesis Astronomy, University of Turku (2006). MPIfR research fellow since January 2007.
Email: tsavolainen
Ph.D. Students:
Mrs. Simone Bernhart
Dipl. Physik Universität Bonn (2003). Undergraduate student at MPIfR (2002-2003). Graduate student at MPIfR since September 2003.
Email: simone www: home page

Mrs. Elena Cenacchi
Polarimetry and Astronomical Technology.
Bsc in Aerospace Engineering, Bologna University (2000). Bsc + Msc in Astronomy, Bologna University (2004). Research fellow, Medicina Radiotelescopes (2004-2006). IMPRS student since June 2006.
Email: Cenacchi

Ms. Violetta Impellizzeri
Dipl. Physik Universität Bonn, 2003. Undergraduate student at MPIfR (2002-2003). Graduate student at MPIfR since September 2003.
Email: violette

Ms. Nadezhda A. Kudryavtseva
Compact radio sources.
Physics Degree University of St. Petersburg 2002. Research Associate Astronomical Institute of the University of St. Petersburg since 2002. Graduate student at MPIfR since September 2005.
Email: nkudryav www:

Mr. Kosmas Lazaridis
Timing of millisecond pulsars.
Degree in Physics, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece (2006). Graduate IMPRS student since September 2006.
Email: klazarid www:

Mr. Sang-Sung Lee
Msc Astronomy, Seoul National University (2003). Graduate student at MPIfR since December 2003.
Email: sslee

Mr. Ru Sen Lu
High frequency Observations of Compact Radio Sources and mm-VLBI.
Bachelor degree in Physics at Hebei Normal University, China (2001).
Physics Teacher in Hebei Huanghua High School (2001-2003). PhD Student
at Shanghai Observatory (2003-June 2007). IMPRS fellow at MPIfR
since June 2007.
Email: rslu

Mr. Nicola Marchili
Variability of AGN.
M.Sc. Physics University of Perugia, IMPRS graduate student since August 2005.
Email: marchili

Ms. Veronika Meyer
Binary Black Holes.
Undergraduate Student, University Cologne. MPIfR Diploma Student since March 2006.
Email: vmeyer

Ms. Anupreeta More
M.Sc. Physics University of Mumbai, India (2004). MPIfR graduate student since March 2005.
Email: anumore

Assistant Undergraduate Students:
Mr. Christian Fromm
M.Sc. Engineering University of Aix-la-Chapelle, 2004; Physics Undergraduate Student, University of Bonn since 2005; MPIfR assistant student July 2005.
Email: cfromm
Mr. Gunther Witzel
(email: gwitzel www:home page)

Former Members

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