The interplay between active nuclei and their galactic hosts is amongst
the most important areas of astrophysical research, connecting the
nuclear activity, galactic evolution and physics of large scale
structures in the Universe. This research theme relies upon synergy of
knowledge and information obtained in several different fields of
astrophysics including high-resolution radio, optical, and X-ray
observations, optical, NIR, and X-ray spectroscopy, and large
broad-band surveys of galaxies. The workshop is going to bring together
leading scientists working in these fields and provide a forum for
interaction, exchange of ideas, and forming new cross-field
collaborations in the area of AGN and host galaxy research. The
workshop will be focused on four major themes:
- Supermassive black holes and the nuclear environment
in galaxies. The focus here would be on providing a synthetic
picture of AGN by addressing the issues of "demographics" of
supermassive black holes (SMBH), fuelling and merging of SMBH, and
evolution of binary SMBH and its effect on the nuclear activity in
- Star and gas in the central regions of galaxies.
This part will address the problems of dynamics and evolution of
stellar population and difuse gas in the central regions on scales
fromsub-parsec (broad-line region) to about a kiloparsec (obscuring
torus, central stellar bulge, narrow-line region).
- The nuclear outflows and their effect on the galacitc
environment. This part of the meeting will explore the role played
by relativistic and sub-relativistic outflows, focusing in particular
on their contribution to the AGN feedback and the connection between
jets/outflows and other constituents of the central regions in AGN
(accretion disk, hot corona, broad-line and narrow-line regions).
- Cosmological co-evolution of AGN and their hosts.
This part will bring the evolution of AGN in the larger prospective,
adressing the issues of cosmological evolution of SMBH and its effect
on the nuclear activity and the host galaxy evolution.
Key speakers will be invited to give introductory reviews in each of
these areas, followed by contributed talks and poster presentations.
The workshop attendance will be limited to about 60 participants.
Partial finacial support from the RadioNet funding will be available
for the invited speakers, young scientists and students.
Contributions are invited for the following sessions:
- 1. A synthetis picture of AGN
- 2. Extreme vicinity of SMBH
- 3. Accretion disks and coronae in AGN
- 4. Disk-outflow connection and molecular tori
- 5. Stars and gas in the nuclear regions
- 6. Relativistic jets in the nuclear regions
- 7. Sub-relativistic outflows and extended regions
- 8. SMBH and their galactic hosts
- 10. Binary SMBH and the nuclear regions
- 10. AGN feedback
- 11. Co-evolution of SMBH and AGN
Organizing Committee
Markos Georganopoulos, Andrew King, Andrei Lobanov (chair), Andrea
Merloni, David Merritt, Marta Volonteri, Hagai Netzer, Steve Rawlings
Organizing Committee
Emmanouil Angelakis (chair), Kosmas Lazaridis, Andrei Lobanov, Manuel
Perucho Pla
speakers (* - to be confirmed)
Philip Best*, Max Camenzind, Thierry Courvoisier, Moshe Elitzur, Andrew
King, Julian Krolik*, Alan Marscher*, David Merritt, Ross McLure, Hagai
Netzer, Clive Tadhunter, Marta Volonteri*
05.01.2008: First announcement
15.02.2008: Second announcement
15.04.2008: Abstract deadline
15.04.2008: Registration deadline
04.06.2008: Beginning of the workshop