Onsala Station report: * EVN-session 3, 2008: The session was affected by bad weather (wind and rain). We missed most of the 6cm session. In addition, we also had problems with the 25m polar motor brake during the 6cm session. Strong RFI during the 18 cm session. Lost noise diode and phase-cal during EK028C (power supply). Otherwise no other major technical problems. * EVN-session 1, 2009: Missed a few hours due to wind. Problems with two disk packs which hanged the Mark 5 (EP065). Otherwise no other major technical problems. * Mark 5: We have reached the goal of 150 TB. * e-VLBI: We routinely use our 10 Gbps light path for e-VLBI. * OSO have participated in the IYA-activities organized by the EVN and JIVE.