VLBI equipment: No works have been done in the VLBI equipment since the last TOG in the OAN. GPS: We moved the GPS antenna to a new location, the top of the weather station, where there is better view of the whole sky than the older one. The new location required to install an optical fiber between the antenna and the receiver in the 40m dish (500 m away). We returned the GPS antenna to the old location because we could not move the maser to the 40m yet since the works continue there and ocassional electrical power cuts may occur. We expect to move the equipment from the 14m to the 40m next summer. FS: We installed version 9.7.7 on a computer running Debian Sarge which we replaced some months ago. The installation required installing an old version of flex. This FS version shows problems compiling drudg, while version 9.8.1 does not show these problems. 40m radiotelescope: The 40m radiotelescope schedule has been delayed several months. Man Techonologie has discovered that the backstructure of the 40m antenna needs to be reinforced to guarantee the proposed lifetime. This has led to some months delay. We do not expect that the telescope will be available before the end of this year. eVLBI: The IGN, on behalf of the OAN, has signed the Express contract. We intend to start a contract for three years to connect the radiotelescope to GEANT at 2.5 Gb/s. This connection should be started by the end of 2006 and it would be operative in March 2007.