Noto Station Report (2005-2006) As you know, Noto wasn't able to perform last 2 runs in 2005, because of a serious failures occurred at servo system recently (2003) installed at Noto;not only , but also a motor failure has made worse the situation, so that recovery time became longer than estimated. Now we have solved the servo failures and anomalous small amplitude oscillatory trend of antenna, we have installed new motors and encoders, and we are now installing new facilities (hardware and softare) in order to monitoring very frequently the general radiotelescope performances and to prevent, or to solve immediatly other possible system failures. About action items planned in the last TOG: 1) Checked data regularity with CHCHK, with particular attention to RFI signal and pcal. 2) Recommended to experiment operators to provide detailed wx and RFI comments in log files. 3) Frequency agility informations have been communicated to Reynolds 4) Last MK5 and FS release have been installed.