ESG report for the CBD, 2006 May Performance and Reliability of the EVN ====================================== Session 2/2006 -------------- There were four band sessions, each with either a pre-session ftp test, or an NME including an ftp test. The ftp fringe test data were processed in a fully automated way, with minimal support scientist interaction except in compiling the written reports sent to the stations (first reports were less than 2 hours after the start of the experiment). The importance of fringe tests was shown when a problem with Onsala VC03 was identified during F06M2. Standard station tests indicated the VC to be working properly and the problem was only identified after the VC was removed from the rack and analysed in the lab. Urumqi withdrew from the UHF observations in session 2 due to commitments with the Chinese space program. Unfortunately the withdrawal came too late to alert PIs before the schedule deadline. UHF experiments in general were badly hit by RFI. However, some parts of the UHF spectrum are clean enough to allow useful data to be obtained. Several reports were made of brief data losses due to problems with either Mk5s or FS control computers which required rebooting. There were also occasional losses due to bad disk packs (noticed more frequently during Gbps recording). Overall scale of these losses was small. The pipeline has been replaced with a new, easier-to-use version written in ParselTongue. Station and correlator feedback for individual stations: Cm - Data throttling reported in EP056B, and no replacement disks were available. Ef - UHF experiments severely affected by RFI. 21 cm experiments also affected by RFI. GM062B (21cm) affected by loss of one formatter track (formatter was quickly replaced). Wb - Some RFI observed at UHF. GD021A was partially observed with the wrong setup (several subbands were lost for about 4 hours) due to an error in editing the procedure file. Jb - Reported need to restart the FS several times with a resulting small loss of data. On - UHF experiments severely affected by RFI. 21 cm experiments also affected by RFI. Developed a problem with VC03 that was identified during F06M2 ftp fringe test. This took some time to fix as the problem could not be identified at the station until the BBC was removed to the lab (normal tests in the rack indicated no problem). Mc - ES056B lost about 2 hours due to a communication failure between the ACU and the station computer which caused the FS to freeze. Nt - OK Tr - UHF experiments severely affected by RFI. During 5 cm session the power supply to the receiver failed several times. Ur - Did not participate in UHF experiments. Sh - OK Hh - OK Ar - OK Cormac Reynolds for the Science Operations and Support Group (JIVE)