Hartebeesthoek (Hh) Station Report - TOG Meeting - June 2005 Session I - February/March 2005: A total of 9 experiments were recorded during this session, of which 7 were user experiments, comprising some 88% of the 88 hours ( 24 hours S/X-band, 10 hours C-band and 54 hours L-band) of telescope time, and some 72% of the 3743 Gbytes of recorded Mark5A data, plus 1 thin tape sent to Socorro. The average filling factor of the disk-packs was much higher at 71% though again we needed 4 disk-packs rather than the nominal 3 to send the NMEs through timeously. ( Note that with the FTP fringe checks the NMEs no longer require urgent shipment - so disk-pack utilisation should improve.) Only half an hour (0.6%) of data was lost during the session due to failure of the antenna servo system (though this fault continued on after all sources had set), but significant RFI was experienced throughout the L-band part of the session. Session II - June 2005: A total of 10 experiments were recorded during this session, of which 6 were user experiments, comprising some 88% of the 78 hours (70 hours L-band and 8 hours C-band) of telescope time, and some 89% of the 5652 Gbytes of recorded Mark5A data. The average filling factor was 86% only since the last pack was not full as all experiments were destined for the JIVE correlator in this session. An hour and a half (2%) of data was lost during the session due to operator error and Mark5A recorder problems (in particular where an automatic bank switch went wrong - though it is not clear if all of this data is lost.) Again significant RFI was experienced thoughout the L-band part of the session. Mark5A Recorder: This recorder continues to perform reasonably reliably though we have had some problems due to faulty disks, and due to mis-timing of a disk-pack switch on during an automatic bank switch. Mark 4 Terminal: We experienced a problem with our Mark 4 decoder where it continuously rebooted, which was traced finally to a failing 5V power supply in the Mark 4 rack. Our IF distributor module has recently started reporting zero for the total power integrator "zero" level, which we have yet to investigate. Frequency Standards: HartRAO continues to operate on our new EFOS-C maser (EFOS-28) which has performed flawlessly since its installation almost two years ago. Our old EFOS-A maser (EFOS-6) is still operating as our backup standard. Telescope Surface: There has been no progress on this issue since the last TOG meeting, though we hope to start holographic mapping of the remaining surface errors shortly. Receivers: No changes to receivers have been made over the period since the last TOG meeting. However components are on order to equip the telescope with a dual polarisation ambient 22GHz receiver (currently being designed), hopefully before the October session, with partial funding in the current financial year to upgrade this to cryogenic amplifiers. Further progress has been made towards computer (and hence FS) control of the secondary reflector position to enable switching between all the available receivers and to allow better optimisation for most feeds (which are mounted off-axis except for 12.2 GHz.) Only hardware testing/software optimisation is still required to make this capability operational. J.F.H. Quick 28 June 2005