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Space VLBI

Two Space VLBI missions were planned for 1996. While there was little doubt that these missions would usher in an exciting new era for VLBI they would also bring their own practical problems. M.A. Garrett was concerned that the impact of Space VLBI operations on the EVN stations had not yet been fully appreciated. Space VLBI projects would require a very different observing approach than that followed at the moment. The concept of block sessions would no longer apply: observations would be made continually through the year. While the overall VLBI observing time might remain fixed (% annually) distributing the observing time across several days per month would lead to large overheads in set-up time etc. There would certainly be man-power problems at Jodrell bank, where student volunteers were depended upon to change tapes. M.A. Garrett was raising the flag now! T. Foley also felt that logistically such observations would be extremely difficult. There seemed to be no consultation with the TWG as to what we might expect.

M.A. Garrett noted that the recent strawman schedules (presented at the Onsala meeting - was the TWG represented/invited ?) were provisional and not sufficiently detailed to assess their impact on day to day operations. J.D. Bregman noted that observing schedules at the WSRT had been rationalised into large chunks of observing time for particular projects. Similar schemes were in operation at other EVN sites. Clearly Space VLBI would disrupt such a system. There was a general feeling of concern that communications between those planning/endorsing the missions and those who would have to observe on the ground were minimal. A. Kus felt that there was likely to be little return for the small antennas who were requirted to observe but who were not involved in the ``Key Projects''. Certainly more resources would be required if the smaller stations were to play there part.

ACTION ITEM: P. Burgess to write to Roy Booth outlining the TWG's concern regarding these problems. Garrett and Sanghera to obtain an example of a typical month in the life of a large GBT supporting Space VLBI.
