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The Role/Format of the TWG

Burgess questioned whether the group should be split into separate technical and operations group. There were advantages in bringing both groups together but now that JIVE was on the horizon it was worth reviewing the situation. Schilizzi expected that an Operations group would emerge from the new support staff. Porcas felt that a users group was required to give input to the directors meeting. Schilizzi suggested that the users group might meet once a year as part of a mini-symposium with perhaps 1/2 a day spent discussing users problems, views etc and the rest of the time discussing new results. The group felt that the format of the TWG/Friends meeting should remain unchanged. Alef felt that a phase change should be applied to the date of the next meeting so that it might take place in the summer rather than the winter. Burgess volunteered to be chairman of the TWG for the next year. The idea of a users meeting was widely supported in view of the lack of user input in the present set up.

ACTION ITEM: Porcas & Schilizzi to organise User Group.
Fri Dec 17 08:20:53 MET 1993