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Minutes of last meeting

The agenda and minutes of the last meeting were accepted. Under matters arising Graham reported that test observations with the 4MHz filters had met with some degree of success. However, since the majority of these observations had concentrated on weak stellar sources there was low signal-to-noise on some stations. Indeed none of the program sources were detected except the program calibrators. This amounted to around 15 minutes worth of useful data. Schilizzi asked if the experiment needed to be repeated. Graham replied that the 15 minute section of data had been enough to prove that the system will work. Mantovani reported that each EVN station now had a full set of 4MHz filters.

The subject of the correct procedure for proposing joint EVN/MERLIN proposals was discussed. Spencer reminded the group that this must go through the EVNPC. A copy of the proposal should be sent to Jodrell as a courtesy. It was also suggested that this ought to be highlighted in the EVN Newsletter.
Fri Dec 17 08:20:53 MET 1993