Millimeter & Submillimeter Astronomy Group
at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Molecules in Galaxies

Fig. 1: Spectrum of a typical accretion disk maser.
H2O Megamasers in Active Galactic Nuclei and Starbursts
Extragalactic 22GHz H2O masers allow to map accretion disks in AGN, to determine the mass of the supermassive
nuclear object, to obtain direct geometric distances to galaxies (and, thus, to determine the Hubble constant), to study
the interaction between nuclear jets and dense molecular material, and to measure proper motions of maser spots in the
Local Group. During the past three years, seven H2O `megamasers' and three `kilomasers' were discovered with
the Effelsberg 100-m telescope.
Fig. 1 shows the spectrum of a typical accretion disk maser.
Maser emission is observed both near the systemic velocity,
arising from clouds at the near side of the disk, and from
"satellite lines" with velocities several 100 km/s w.r.t. systemic,
arising from gas at the tangent points with rotational velocities
directed towards and away from earth. Although not yet observed
in Mrk1419 (NGC262), the satellite lines should show an accurately
Keplerian rotation curve. The recessional velocities of the near
systemic features are observed to be increasing at a rate of
several km/s per year (Fig. 2). This increase of velocity results
from the centripetal acceleration of clumps of gas in the annulus
as they move across our line of sight to the central core.

Fig. 2: The recessional velocities of near systemic features are observed to be increasing at a rate of
several km/s per year
From the velocity difference between `high velocity' and systemic features
the rotation velocity (Vrot) is determined. The drift (centripetal
acceleration) of the systemic masers in combination with Vrot then gives
the radius R of the torus. R and V_rot yield the mass of the enclosed
supermassive object, which in the case of Mrk1419 should be near
107 solar masses. Only the distance estimate, when linear scales
have to be compared with angular scales, requires interferometry.
Ammonia Observations towards Nearby Galaxies
Ammonia (NH3) is the temperature tracer of extragalactic molecular gas. With a single telescope-receiver
configuration at 18-26 GHz, a large number of NH3 inversion transitions can be measured that cover an enormous
range of molecular excitation and that allow us to calculate relative populations that are mainly determined by collisional
processes and thus, the rotational temperature, from which the kinetic temperature of the gas can be deduced. While until
recently, only IC342 could be studied in detail, the new K-band receiver and AK90 autocorrelator at Effelsberg lead to the
detection of several additional galaxies, among them Maffei 2 and the starburst galaxies NGC253 and M82.

Fig. 3: NH3 spectra up to 848 K above the ground state in IC342.
Fig. 3 shows some of the spectra up to 848 K above the ground state (the (9,9) line towards IC342). Fig. 4 shows plots
of "normalized" column density versus energy above the ground level. The (negative) slope of the lines serves as a measure
of the rotational temperature that provides a lower limit to the kinetic temperature. Obviously, there is a drastic difference between
the temperature in the two starburst galaxies, with large quantities of relatively warm gas in NGC253 and small amounts
of relatively cool gas in M82. This can be interpreted in terms of the evolutionary stage of the respective starburst.
In M82, the ammonia emission arises from a few well shielded dense clumps that were not yet evaporated by the large number of
newly formed massive stars. The starburst environment in NGC253 appears to be younger so that a large number of molecular clouds
with siginificant ammonia emission is still present. The heating to more than 100 K may be provided by shocks, ion-slip or
cosmic rays.

Fig. 4: "Normalized" column density versus energy above the ground level.
Interferometric measurements of these nearby galaxies with angular resolutions of 2-15 arcsec are
presently reduced. Recent ammonia deections at redshifts of 0.7 and 0.9 are also analyzed.
Carbon Monoxide Observations
M82, NGC253, and NGC4945 are worth studying in detail because they are the nearest starburst galaxies and the brightest
IRAS point sources beyond the Magellanic Clouds. In addition to CO multilevel studies of M82 (Mao et al. 2000) and NGC253
(Harrison, Henkel, Russel 1999), the spatial and kinematical correlation between CO J=2-1 and HI was studied with common
spatial and velocity resolution (23 arcsec and 6 km s-1, respectively) in NGC4945 (SEST and ATCA).
Two spiral arms and a nuclear bar could be identified in this edge-on (i=78°) galaxy, thus providing important insights
into the large scale structure of the object. The amount of "dark matter" appears to be comparable to the total disk mass
within a radius of 620 arcsec (Ott et al. 2001).