The Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy Group (Director: Professor K. M. Menten) at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie in Bonn, Germany, invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships. Our research covers many fields of astrophysics involving molecular gas and dust, with a strong focus on star-forming galaxies in the early universe, the physics of star formation and its relevant astrochemistry, and studies of the interstellar gas in nearby galaxies and the Galactic center. Other areas of interest are mass-loss from AGB stars and continuum studies of solar system objects. Since autumn 2005 the novel Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) 12m submillimeter telescope is operational (MPIfR shares 50% of the operation and observing time). The suite of new instruments includes heterodyne receivers with unique sensitivity and performance, e.g. the CHAMP+ dual-color array (2×7 pixels) operating in the 650 and 850 GHz atmospheric windows; and the LABOCA bolometer array working with 295 elements at 850 μm. We are open to applicants with research interests in any of the areas pursued by our group, but would strongly welcome participation in our preparatory studies for the upcoming Herschel space mission in which the group members are deeply involved in several Guaranteed Time Observations programmes. Particular consideration will be given to applicants with a background in extragalactic astronomy exploiting, e.g., the potential of CHAMP+ for studies of nearby galaxies and the Galactic center. In all cases, interaction and/or involvement with the instrument groups at our institute would be welcome and encouraged. While science with APEX should be the focus of research, the group also engages in projects with other instruments, such as the IRAM 30m and PdB Interferometer, or the SMA, and supplementary observations using these or other telescopes would be possible. The start date for the positions is flexible, but we would welcome a start as early as possible. The appointment will initially be for two years, with a possible extension to three years. Applicants should send a CV, bibliography, and a summary of their research interests and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to Prof. Karl M. Menten at the listed address.