A fresh view of the radio sky: science with LOFAR, SKA and its pathfinders

A fresh view of the radio sky:

science with LOFAR, SKA and its pathfinders

Radio astronomy will enter a golden age in the next decade by the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Realising the SKA, a number of new facilities like LOFAR and major upgrades of existing facilities will provide new excitements among radio astronomers and opens up the radio window to the astronomical community in general.
This meeting aims to gather the German astronomical community that is interested in the upcoming radio facilities. The meeting will provide an overview on the current status of the pathfinder instruments, on results that use new or recently upgraded telescopes, or on results that use new challenging techniques, or address science issues that can be explored by the next generation of radio telescopes.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21th of September 2011 in Hörsaal 7 in the "Neue Universität" building (its location can be found via the Venue button).

For any questions please contact:

Hans-Rainer Klöckner (hrk[]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de),
Heino Falcke (H.Falcke[]astro.ru.nl),
Michael Kramer (mkramer[]mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)