A fresh view of the radio sky: science with LOFAR, SKA and its pathfinders

Programme & presentations

Tuesday 20th September

14:00 Hans-Rainer Klöckner Welcome & etc.
14:10 Michael Kramer The SKA: past, present, future a German perspective

Interstellar and intergalactic medium

14:30 Dominik Schleicher Magnetic field amplification with the small-scale dynamo: Implications for the SKA
14:45 Torsten Ensslin Magnetic field structures and statistics: unraveling the inner workings of magnetic dynamos
15:00 Roland M. Crocker What we could learn about the Galactic nucleus with the SKA

Galaxies and large scale structure

15:15 Guinevere Kauffmann Observational Studies of Gas in Galaxies
15:30 COFFEE
16:00 Martin Zwaan All you would like to do with the SKA on neutral hydrogen
16:15 Jens Jasche Bayesian Large Scale Structure Inference
16:30 Matthias Hoeft The cosmic radio web: Prospects for LOFAR and SKA
16:45 Martin Krause SKA and the plasma-universe

High performance computing

17:00 Thomas Fieseler HPC Challenges, expectations and solutions
17:15 DISCUSSION Structure and evolution of the German SKA community

Wednesday 21st September

Fundamental Physics

14:00 Heino Falcke LOFAR & Radio detection of Cosmic Rays
14:15 Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich Pulsars as a probe for the nuclear and quark matter equation of state
14:30 Alberto Sesana Gravitational waves from Massive Black Hole Binaries as signals for pulsar timing
14:45 Jens Niemeyer Measuring non-Gaussianity and neutrino masses with the SKA
15:00 Markus Hohle Is RX J0720 a free precessing or glitching neutron star?
15:15 Charlotte Sobey First pulsars in polarisation with LOFAR
15:30 COFFEE

Pathfinding and multi wavelength

16:00 David I. Jones LOFAR, the SKA and the future of multi-wavelength astronomy at very high energies
16:20 Naomi McClure-Griffiths The Australian SKA Pathfinder and Galactic Science
16:40 Martin Zwann The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array -1
16:50 Stefanie Muehle The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array -2
17:00 Peter Kamphuis Gaseous halos of spiral galaxies
17:15 Dieter Breitschwerdt Large scale interstellar medium simulations and their implications for the radio sky
17:30 Gottfried Mann Radio Emission from the SUN observed by LOFAR and SKA
17:45 Peter Zinn Bringing order to chaos: Advanced data-mining techniques to handle large data sets