ERIS 2007
European Radio Interferometry School
10 - 15 September 2007, Bonn, Germany
Hosted by the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Supported by RadioNet and MPIfR
The purpose of the school is to present the basic principles of radio interferometry techniques and data analysis, covering general aspects common to all observations but also specialised topics including high and low-frequency, polarimetry, spectroscopy and high resolution (VLBI) observations. Use of interferometer arrays such as MERLIN, WSRT, VLA and the European VLBI Network (EVN) will be covered, as well as introductions to arrays such as ALMA, LOFAR and the SKA which are under development.
The school is addressed both to potential new users of radio interferometry, and to astronomers and students already in the field who wish to broaden their knowledge and skills. Participation will be limited to about 70 - 80 people.
The school will be held at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bonn, a residential Conference Centre which provides on-site accommodation and meals. (see: http://www.gsi-bonn.de/en/tagungszentrum/index.htm)
Participants are expected to stay for the full length of the school (Monday 10th Sep. morning - Saturday 15th Sep. midday).
There will be no registration fee. Partial or full financial support may be granted on request for a limited number of special cases.
The school will consist of technical and scientific lectures, computer demonstrations, question-and-answer sessions and possibly break-out
sessions for smaller groups (depending on the range of the participants). Special emphasis will be placed on combining lectures and analysis demonstrations in an integrated way.
A preliminary list of topics includes:
- Introduction to radio astronomy and interferometry
- Introduction to the NRAO AIPS package
- Interferometer reduction techniques and imaging
- Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
- Spectral line imaging
- Polarization imaging
- High and low frequency data
- Astrometry
- Use of arrays such as MERLIN, VLA, EVN, ......
- Planning an experiment/observation
- Future instruments and developments
Scientific Organising Committee
Richard Porcas (MPIfR, Bonn) Chair
Tiziana Venturi (IRA, Bologna)
Hayley Bignall (JIVE, Dwingeloo)
Richard Strom (ASTRON, Dwingeloo)
Simon Garrington (Jodrell Bank)
Andrej Lobanov (MPIfR, Bonn)
Frédéric Gueth (IRAM, Grenoble)
Eduardo Ros (MPIfR, Bonn)
Local Organising Committee
Eduardo Ros (MPIfR, Bonn) Chair
Richard Porcas (MPIfR, Bonn)