Introduction to black holes

The articles below give an introduction to the physics behind black holes and the different working groups of this COST Action. The concept of black holes allows them to appear with various masses from supermassive (M ~ 106 - 109 Msol) to quantum scales (M ~ 10-19 Msol). The existence of stellar and supermassive black holes is supported by very convincing evidence whereas quantum black holes remain to be discovered (e.g. by the LHC).

A dust-bound supermassive black hole. Credit: ESA/NASA, the AVO project and Paolo Padovan

A short introduction to black holes   Nicola Marchili
The COST action Black holes in a violent universe   Nicola Marchili
The science of the WG 1   Nicola Marchili
The science of the WG 2   Nicola Marchili
The science of the WG 3   Nicola Marchili
The science of the WG 4   Nicola Marchili